Do I Belong Here? Overcoming Imposter Syndrome

Do I Belong Here? Overcoming Imposter Syndrome

The word fake stuck to the side of a pipe
Do you ever wonder if you have what it takes to succeed, or question if you really belong here? Do you feel you feel you are not smart enough, or deserving enough, for your chosen career? Are you worried that people will think you don’t know what you are doing? Do you downplay your hard-earned successes, feeling they are not legitimate or not deserved? Imposter syndrome is widespread in high performance fields and careers, especially amongst equity deserving groups. It is estimated that 70% of people will experience at least one episode of Imposter Syndrome at some point in their lives. Join us as we take a look at imposter syndrome, its impacts, and ways to feel more like you “got this”.  

  • Date: Mon, July 10th
  • Time: 3:00 - 4:00 pm
  • Location: E7-7323 (Faculty Hall)
  • Other: Snacks provided, feel free to bring your refillable water bottle, coffee/tea/etc.

For more information, please contact the Community Wellness Team