Employee Wellness Resources

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Thank you for taking the time to invest in yourself. You deserve a healthy, fulfilling, and rewarding life. We are glad you are taking the time to review our resources and explore more ways to stay healthy at work and home.

In our busy, fast paced roles it can be challenging to carve-out time to protect or enhance our health and wellbeing. Dr. Ned, a medical doctor from Vancouver who specializes in stress, once said, “If you don’t take the time to be well, sooner or later you will take the time to be sick. Usually, being sick takes more time and is significantly more unpleasant.” While it can be challenging to make time to care for ourselves, almost every aspect of our lives improves when we do.

Based the feedback from our 2021 and 2022 Employee Wellness Survey, we have created and gathered a vast array of resources in as many delivery methods, on as many topics, as we could. We are constantly adding and revising content based on employee feedback and new research, so please check back often.

Here is an overview of what you will find in each of the areas below:

  • Wellness education: Workshops, research, helpful websites, apps, pre-recorded sessions, and miscellaneous information that is helpful but didn’t fit under the other labels.
  • Supports & services: A LARGE list of places where you can find help (crisis and non-crisis)
  • Assistance program: A quick link to the Employee & Family Assistance Program
  • Mental health self-screening: Information and links to a number of self-screening tests

Under construction: We are currently working on a wellness strategies section that will contain quick tips on a variety of topics. We also update and add content on an ongoing basis. So, please check back regularly.

Can't find what you are looking for? Please contact the Community Wellness Team. If you notice any broken links, typos, or have suggestions, please let us know through our website feedback form.