discussion
of
the
promise
and
peril
of
video
game
character
voice
acting,
focusing
primarily
on
the
connections
of
Black
male
anger
and
Black
fatherhood
in
God
of
War
through
the
voice
work
of
Carson
and
Christopher
Judge,
contextualized
against
the
audio
Brownface
of
two
voice
women
characters
in
Uncharted:
Legacy
of
Thieves.
About
the
Speaker:
Dr.
Brock
is
an
associate
professor
at
Georgia
Tech
that
has
expertise
on
racial
representation
in
video
games.
His
research
focuses
on
the
representations
of
black
women
and
weblogs,
whiteness,
blackness,
and
digital
techno
culture.
He
is
also
well-known
for
his
recent
work
on
Black
Twitter
and
has
challenged
social
science
and
communication
research
to
confront
the
ways
in
which
the
field
has
preserved
a
colour-blind
perspective.
His
book
"Distributed
Blackness:
African
American
Cybercultures”
highlights
issues
of
race
and
ethnicity
from
contemporary
digital
culture,
and
discusses
how
blackness
gets
worked
out
in
various
technological
domains.
By
creating
important
discourse
on
black
relationships
alongside
technology,
Dr.
Brock
brings
about
a
sense
of
community
in
being
black
online
in
today’s
age
of
social
media
and
technology.