First management engineering class to convocate June 16

Thursday, June 14, 2012

The inaugural class of 40 Waterloo management engineering undergraduate students will graduate during spring convocation on June 16. The innovative program was launched in 2007 to provide undergraduate students with an engineering education required to understand, design, implement, and manage complex management systems upon which organizations depend.
Other highlights of engineering’s two convocation ceremonies include the awarding of honorary doctor of engineering degrees to two champions of Waterloo Engineering: William Tatham and Ray Tanguay.

Tatham, a Waterloo systems design engineering alumnus, is an accomplished entrepreneur who made a significant contribution towards the building of the William M. Tatham Centre for Co-operative Education, which was named in his honour. Tanguay was the first Canadian to become a managing officer of Toyota Motor Corporation. He is currently chairman of Toyota Motor Manufacturing Canada and chief risk management officer for North America. As well as receiving an honorary degree, Tanguay will address the audience.