Hack the North hackathon is back live and in-person

Thursday, September 15, 2022

Hack the North, Canada’s largest hackathon and one of the largest collegiate hackathons in the world, is back live and in-person at the University of Waterloo this weekend.

Friday through Sunday, over 1,000 students from around the world will converge on campus for 36 intense hours of building innovative software applications and hardware projects.

This year’s live event is particularly exciting after two years of virtual versions due to COVID-19 restrictions. Attendees will get to rub shoulders with fellow students from over 100 schools including the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, UC Berkeley, the University of Toronto and the University of British Columbia, as well as schools in Australia, Brazil, Singapore, the United Kingdom, Poland, Algeria and Argentina.

“There have been a lot of people and moving parts to coordinate,” said Jessica Zhang, co-director of the student-led event. “Organizing an in-person event does mean some late nights of hard work, but every second has been worth it and we can’t wait to see everyone.”

Go to Welcome back, hackers for the full story.