Introducing the 2024 engineering valedictorians

Thursday, June 6, 2024

Karim Al-Atrash (BASc ’24, computer engineering), Matthew Kee (BASc ’24, systems design engineering), Shahed Saleh (BASc ’24, mechatronics engineering) and Dominic Nguyen (BASc ’24, architectural engineering) have been chosen to represent the graduating Class of 2024 as valedictorians.

The graduates will speak at the four Waterloo Engineering convocation ceremonies.

As an Engineering student, Al-Atrash developed critical features for the Tesla Cybertruck release and supported the patent process for a firmware security feature that he made during his two co-op work terms at Tesla. After graduation, Al-Atrash will be moving to California to work as a firmware engineer with the goal of improving security for mass market electronics.

After graduation Kee will be returning to Outschool, a San Fransisco-based educational platform where he completed his final co-op term, working full-time as a software engineer. His role will involve developing and maintaining core features and foundational systems such as the enrolment flow and translation services.   

During her time at Waterloo, Saleh was the mechatronics class representative for five consecutive years as an advocate for students. She completed several undergraduate research positions at Waterloo’s Social and Intelligent Robotics Research Lab (SIRRL), RoboHub and the Multi-Sale Additive Manufacturing Lab. 

One of Nguyen fondest memories (and a proud achievement) involved a group research project about the application of flexible glass in building facades, which Nguyen completed during his semester exchange in Denmark. Their research was published at the 2023 SIGraDi Congress, which he considered a major honour. 

Go to Celebrating Waterloo’s Class of 2024 valedictorians for the full story.