Student organizes Mecha Mayhem robotics event

Thursday, January 12, 2023

Jonathan Zhou, mechatronics engineering student at Waterloo University, is a key organizer of an upcoming international robotics contest called Mecha Mayhem

More than 120 middle and high school teams will attend the Mecha Mayhem tournament from around the world to compete. Other participants include Canadian tech and robotics companies looking for new talent. 

Mecha Mayhem is the latest work for Zhou and his non-profit, Western Mechatronics, which he started to help get young people involved in robotics competitions and robotics education.

Jonathan Zhou

Jonathan Zhou, Waterloo Engineering student and active proponent of robotics education. 

“My entire team has been hard at work on this for the better part of a year,” Zhou said. “It’s been a lot of work, but I’m incredibly proud of what we’ve done and can’t wait to see the event happen.”

Mecha Mayhem will be held at Calgary’s BMO Centre on Feb. 3 - 5.

Go to Waterloo mechatronics engineering student organizes Mecha Mayhem event for the full story.