Student startup develops smart workout gear

Wednesday, June 21, 2023

Waterloo Engineering grads Anna Liebenberg and Shreshth Mehra (both BASc ’22, mechanical engineering) have developed wearable workout gear for real-time training feedback.

The technology, called Trainpro, provides feedback on optimal training form – much like a coach would – enabling people to get the most from their workouts. 

The early ideas stage of TrainPro focused on swim coaching but once they tapped into the Velocity community and entrepreneurship network on campus, Liebenberg and Mehra developed the technology to serve the larger fitness market and won the Velocity $5K in the fall of 2022.

“There’s a lot of tech being developed for triathlons, but nothing really for swimming ... to give you feedback on the quality of your movement,” Mehra said. “That's where it started from, and very soon, we realized that this technology is something which can be adapted to a lot of different things.”

Now that they have graduated, Liebenberg and Mehra are working full-time on TrainPro at Velocity in downtown Kitchener.

“Velocity provided us a lot of support on campus, so we knew that working [at Velocity] post-graduation would be great as well,” Liebenberg said. “It's good to get a place and just start working as soon as we graduate, and we've already made a lot of different connections in the [Kitchener-Waterloo] area so it's nice to be able to build on that.”

Go to Swimming in the pool of entrepreneurship for the full story.