Top graduate students honoured at reception

Thursday, November 17, 2022

Waterloo Engineering recognized 132 recipients of the Engineering Excellence Fellowship at a special reception this month.

Dr. Mary Wells, dean of engineering, and Dr. Siva Sivoththaman, associate dean of graduate studies and postdoctoral affairs, attended the event in E7 to celebrate the Faculty’s highest achieving graduate students.

Wells offered her sincere congratulations to all fellowship recipients in her opening remarks. “You are some of the brightest young minds in engineering and I am delighted to celebrate you. We thank you for choosing Waterloo Engineering to complete your graduate studies, and for your work in pushing forward groundbreaking research with exceptional skill.”

The support provided by these fellowships ensures recipients have the financial resources to complete their research. Doctoral students are awarded a maximum of $120,000 and master’s students receive up to $50,000 for the duration of their studies.

New fellows are selected each year from Waterloo Engineering’s pool of Canadian graduate student applicants. Many of these fellows go on to be awarded additional prestigious student prizes, including Vanier Canada graduate scholarships and Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) of Canada awards.