There are almost 1,000 companies (startups, spin-offs, mature companies, etc.) that have Waterloo Engineering students, faculty, staff or alumni as founders. We are proud of our Waterloo Engineers and how they are shaping the future of engineering and technology.
If we missed your company, please fill out this form.
Expand Collapse
2G Robotics
724 Solutions
- A Thinking Ape Technologies
- Abatis Systems
- Acerta
- Acumetrics Business Intelligence Inc.
- ACTO Technologies
- Adaria
- AdFlavour
- AdHawk Microsystems
- Advanced Electrophoresis Solutions Inc.
- Advanced Scientific Computing
- Advantage Engineering
- AdvisorStream
- AEMK Systems Inc.
- Aeryon Labs Inc.
- Afroish
- Aggregate Knowlege
- Agile By Design
- AHBM Systems Inc.
- AHU Innovations Ltd.
- Airo Health
- Air Microfluidics Systems (AMS) Inc.
- Akina
- A-Line Orthopaedics
- alchemii
- Alchemy
- Alert Labs
- Algo Anywhere
- Algo
- AlgoBio
- Alirus
- Aloxsys
- Alphaxon
- Amina Health
- Amitel
- Ampeers Energy
- Analysis Works
- Angle Media Group
- Angstrom Power Inc.
- Anikolab
- Antelope
- Anue Systems
- AOMS Technologies
- Apartmint
- Apex Business Solutions
- Applied Brain Research Inc.
- ApplyBoard
- Arbutus Technologies Inc.
- Architech Microsystems
- Arius Software
- atterra
- ARTsensing Inc
- Arvossa
- Arylla
- Aspen Solar Management Inc.
- Astute Networks
- Aterica
- Aterlo Networks
- Athos
- AtlasTrax
- Aurora International Telecommunications
- Automated Test & Automation Inc.
- Autonomic
- Audesse
- Auvik
- Auxomate
- AV10 Inc.
- Avantel Consulting Inc
- Avidbots
- Avvasi
- B2Gold Corp.
- Babylon VR
- Ball Labs
- Balute
- Bankers Petroleum Ltd.
- Bartesian
- Bay Area Mobile
- Baylis Medical Company Inc.
- BeBlended
- Beeper
- Benbria
- Bering Media
- BG Games
- BicDroid
- Binary Tattoo
- Biobot Analytics
- BioEndeavor
- BioFont Inc
- Bipsim Inc
- BlackBerry (Research in Motion)
- Bladetech Hockey Inc.
- Blameless
- Blend Labs
- Blitzen (Marmot Labs)
- Bluefin Labs
- Blue Lion Labs
- Boltmade
- Braun Consulting Engineers Ltd
- Bridgescale Partners
- Brink Bionics
- Brykman Developments Inc.
- BufferBox
- Building Rapport
- BuildScience
- Byte Craft Ltd
- Byzantium Tech Ltd.
- C3 Group
- CAMplete Solutions Inc.
- Canadian Posture and Seating Centre
- Canadian V-Chip Design, Inc.
- CANGO Consulting Inc.
- Canix
- CannaConnect
- Canoppe Health
- Canvas Labs
- Cardinal Financial Advisors
- Careerify
- Carity
- Carona Designs Inc.
- Cast ConneX Corporation
- CataLight
- Cayo Systems Inc.
- Cbeyond, Inc.
- CellScale
- CertClean
- Certicom
- (Planboard)
- Channel Portal
- Chapman Software Design Incorporated
- Char Technologies
- ChargeSpot
- Chatroll
- Cherrypicks
- Chewsy
- Cinchy
- Circumference Technology Services Inc.
- Cistel Technology Inc
- Citylitics
- Clarmedia
- Clearco
- Clearbridge Mobile
- Clear Blue Technologies
- Clearpath Robotics Inc.
- CliftonGroup International
- Clir Renewables
- CMS Montera
- Cobionix
- Cocoon
- Code Connect
- Cognitech
- Cognitive Spark Games
- Cognitive Systems
- Coins-e
- CoinTracker
- Co.Lab
- Columbia Pacific Capital Partners
- Comcor
- Compaas
- Comptrol Computer Control Incorporated
- Conavi Medical Inc.
- Concord
- Conekta
- Connect Tech Incorporated
- Conscia Corporation
- Contemporary Technologies and Solutions
- ContentDJ
- Coop Interview
- Corman Technologies Incorporated
- Cortex Design Inc.
- Counter Intuitive
- Couple (Maide Inc.)
- Coursolve
- Creekside Communications
- CreditFresh
- CREZ Basketball Systems
- CrimeCrack
- Crouton Labs (Exquisine)
- Crowdriff
- Crystal Decisions
- CTO Sydus Pte Ltd.
- Culture Creates
- Curiato
- Curry Hydrocarbons
- CVF Technologies Corporation
- cVision Medical Solutions
- Cyberaxiom
- Cybrid
- CyNexo
- D.B.M. Systems Inc.
- D.G Henderson & Associates Ltd.
- Dakemi Communications
- Dantec Systems Corporation
- DarwinAI
- Data Deposit Box
- DataESP Inc.
- DataTellIt Inc.
- Datifex
- DDE Media Company
- Deafine
- Decision Hub
- Decomp
- Deeth Williams Wall LLP
- Dekalam Hire Learning Inc. (PolicePrep)
- Demine Robotics
- DemoGorilla
- Densify
- Design 1st
- Desire2Learn
- Deskribed
- Digital Extremes
- diPoll
- Doppel
- DossierView
- Double Take
- draftingSPACE
- Dreamcube
- Drop
- Dunsire Developments Inc.
- Dynajoin Corporation
- Dynastream
- Earthscape Creative Landscapes
- Eat2Feed
- Eatlime Inc.
- Eco Place Organics
- Ecologix
- EcoRio
- Edgebotix
- EightTwenty Group
- Elucid Labs
- Embark
- Emergency Response Africa
- Emre
- Emforium Group
- EMJ Data Systems Ltd
- Emergency Response Africa
- Energate
- Energent Inc.
- Enervac Corporation
- Engineering CPR
- Engineers Without Borders
- Entact Robotics Inc.
- Enviro-Stewards
- Envision IT
- Enzuzo
- Epik Networks
- Eserro Inc.
- ESGTree
- Ethoca
- Eurodata
- eValueInsight
- Eve Tab
- Evika
- Ex Vivo Technologies
- Exact Media Networks Inc.
- ExecVis Spotlight
- Extranet User Manager
- Extreme Venture Labs
- Extreme Venture Partners
- EyeCheck
- Fakespace Labs, Inc.
- Farsightech Inc
- Fastback Networks
- Fastbite
- Feroot
- Finesse
- Fireside Conference
- Firmwater Inc.
- Five Pumpkins LLC
- Fixmo Inc.
- Flarion Technologies
- FleetCarma (CrossChasm)
- Fleming Systems corporation
- Flinja
- Flipp (Wishabi Inc.)
- Flow++
- Flowcare Engineering Inc.
- Fluent Engineering Inc.
- FluidAI
- Fly Easy Software
- Fotofox
- Four Fox Sake
- FourAll Ice Cream
- Fresco Microchip
- Friendlier
- Fullerton, Sherwood Engineering ltd
- Fuzo Ltd.
- Gallop Labs
- Garage Capital
- Genesis Advisers LLC
- GeoSolv
- GestSure
- Get It Pty Ltd.
- GHD (Conestoga-Rovers & Associates Limited)
- Glacierclean Technologies
- Glow Inc.
- Glowe Consulting Services
- GoFastCab
- GoingAnyway
- Good Company Productions
- GoodLocal
- GooseChase
- Gotya
- Grascan Construction Ltd.
- Grayscale Coatings
- Green Brick Labs
- GreenLine Partners
- Greenworx
- Gren Weis Architect & Associates
- Grobo
- Ground News
- Group Effect
- Growple
- Growth Designers
- Growth Mosaic
- Grüne Welle
- Guide Analytics
- H2nan0
- Hackademy Canada
- Handshake VR
- Harvan Engineering Ltd.
- Hastings, Boulding and Correia
- Health Aisle
- HealthSpoke
- Heartwood
- Hedgehog Umbrella
- herPossibility
- HGC Engineering
- HiMama
- Hitch
- Hockey Robotics
- Horizon Engineering Solutions
- Hover Labs
- HoverChat
- Human in Motion Robotics
- Hydrated World
- Hydroform Expertise Group
- Hyivy Health
- Hyperbeam Inc.
- HyperJar
- hyperPad
- i2iQ Inc.
- iDreambooks
- iExperienceit
- Ignis
- Imaggle
- Imara Research
- Imbue
- Immediate Mobile
- Imply
- Impossible Media
- Incapsulate
- IndiGo
- Indigo Technologies Ltd.
- Influenza Media
- Innopage
- Innovate Advisory Inc.
- InScene Systems
- InspecTerra
- Inspire
- Instacart
- Instaread
- instream
- Integrated Circuit Scanning Probe Instruments
- IntelliCulture
- Intelligent Mechatronic Systems
- Intellijoint Surgical (Avenir Medical Inc.)
- Intelwaves Technologies
- Interactive SoftwareInc
- InterGlobal Solutions
- InterGlobe
- Invuze
- Ionic Engineering Limited
- Iryl Inks
- Isee3D Inc.
- ITRES Research Ltd
- JADE Endeavours Inc.
- Janna Systems
- Jarly
- JoLi Cosmetics
- Junglee Games
- Juntogroup Professional Consultants
- Jrop
- Junyu (Shenzhen) Technology Co., Ltd
- KA Imaging
- Kemura
- Kerixa
- Keyhole
- KFL Investment Management Inc.
- Kibitech
- Kidzie
- Kiina Group
- Kiite
- Kik Interactive
- Kinitics Automation
- Kitematic
- KiwiWearables
- Knapkins
- Knowledgehook
- Knudsen Engineering Ltd
- Kofman Engineering Ltd.
- Kojo
- Korcode
- Kopa
- Kornersafe
- Kue
- Kue Software Inc.
- KYM4
- L. Forrest Mechanical Inc
- labforge
- LabsCubed
- Lakes Environmental Consultants Inc.
- Lani
- Laplace Insights
- Layer 6
- LeafLot Inc.
- Learn From Apps
- Learn hub
- LearnLaunch
- Lectorius
- Legal Reach
- Lime Events
- Lichi
- Little You
- LoginID
- Loop Lab
- LoopX
- Loose Button Inc.
- LorCan Technologies
- Lowe, Gravelle & Associates
- LSquared
- Luge Capital
- Lumos
- Lumotune
- Lyft
- M&M Food Market (M&M Meat Shops Limited)
- Maerd
- MagClip
- Magellan Angel Partners
- Maieutic
- Majik Systems
- Manakn
- MappedIn
- Marketing on Demand
- Mattermost
- McKnight's Flowershoppe Inc.
- MDT Engineering
- Medella Health
- Media5ive
- Medium One
- MEDL Technology Corp
- Membio
- MENA Geothermal
- Messagepoint
- Mesh Equity
- Meshlytics
- MetaConcepts
- MetaLux
- Metrics
- MetricWire
- Milq
- Mind Reef
- MindR
- MinuteBox
- Miovision Technologies Inc.
- Mobile Monkey
- Moment.Us
- MoneyKey
- Monogram
- Monstercat Media Group
- More Labs
- Morning Owl
- Motion Gestures
- Movellus
- Move Strong
- MU Patents (Engfield Patents and Trademarks)
- Multiculture Bevco Inc. (Zirkova Vodka)
- Mustang Capital Partners
- mWater
- MWisdom
- MXI Technologies Limited
- My Top Fans
- MyLocal
- Mythoja Consulting Inc.
- N&R Computer Consulting
- Namaste Nepalese Scarves
- Nanodrivers
- NanoQuan Inc.
- Navcast Inc.
- Navigate
- Netskope
- Nexcem
- NexJ Systems Inc.
- Next Page
- Nfinite Nanotech
- Nicoya Lifesciences
- Ninja Delivery
- nModus
- Node
- Nook
- North
- Notewagon
- Novela Inc.
- NowTen
- nTerop Corporation
- Nulogy Corporation
- Numida
- Nuvation Engineering
- Nuvyyo Inc.
- OctigaBay Systems
- Oculis Labs
- Offertunity
- Ohzone
- Oikoi
- Omisa Inc. (Segasist Technologies)
- OnCampus Mapping
- OneSet
- OneSpout
- OnLatte
- Only Growth
- Oopsmark
- Open Options Corporation
- Open Portal
- Open Screenplay
- OpsLevel
- Optiac Solutions Inc.
- Optimyzed Brain
- Orbiseed
- OrganoWorld
- Origin
- OverStats
- Overture Donor Forum
- PaceFactory
- PagerDuty
- PalGrid
- Pam's Den Inc.
- Papaya Books
- Paragon Engineering Ltd
- Parasol
- Partnerpedia Solutions Inc.
- Pastel Dress Party
- Pathlynks
- Pathway Intelligence
- Pattern Discovery Technologies Inc.
- Pavement Management Systems
- PBJ Studios
- PCB Automation (Geoware)
- Pebble
- Pebly Inc.
- Peeristics
- Peeta Consultants
- Pegasus Aeronautics
- Peoplecount
- Perch
- Perfect Bonus
- Perfect Recall
- Perpetua Labs
- Pervasive Dynamics Inc.
- PetDesk
- PetroPredict
- PharmAchieve
- Phaze
- Physical Therapy One
- Picarro
- PiinPoint
- PinPress
- Pitstop
- Pixineers Inc.
- PixlBux
- PixStream
- Placenote
- PlanLeaf
- Playfit Health Inc
- PNO Management Consultants
- PodiumIO
- PointerWare Innovations Ltd.
- Polar Mobile Group Inc.
- Poliplus Software
- PolyGaze
- Ponder
- PopHire
- PostBeyond
- PostRank
- Pout
- Practicure
- Precidia Technologies Inc.
- Precipo
- Presto
- Presella
- Priiva Consulting Corporation
- Priority One Data
- Prizm Golf
- Prodigy
- ProductWiki
- Project Graphics
- Propel Holdings
- Pronti AI
- Pulse Industrial
- PureNat
- PurPicks
- Purple Forge
- PUSH Design Solutions Inc
- Pymetrics
- Pyxis Adler Technology Solutions Inc.
- QuantWave Technologies
- Qidni Labs
- Qtech Hybrid Systems
- Quadzilla Racing
- QuartiC Innovation
- Quiet Clicks
- R&D Partners
- Rad3 Communications
- RainboSolar
- Raindrop Gardening
- Raise the Brain
- Ranovus
- Rapid Mind (Intel)
- RAW Design
- rbonut
- Real-Time Engineering Simulation
- Realmealz
- Reccit
- Rekammend
- Reden Labs
- Redknee Solutions
- Reebee
- reelyActive
- Reflexion Medical
- Renewability
- Revel (The Madison Group)
- Revsolutions Inc.
- RewardCat
- Rich Internet Group
- Richard Dray Engineering
- RideCo
- Riki's Rescue Canine Consulting
- Rise Holding Group
- Riskfuel
- Ritual
- Robinson Consultants Inc.
- Rocket Launch Marketing
- Rocky Creek Winery
- Ross Video
- rr Chocolats
- Rush Hydraulic Pneumatic
- Rushing Tide Media
- Sage Care
- Salient Energy
- SALT Technology
- Samos Insurance
- Sandvine Inc.
- Sappor Creatives
- Savvica
- SayGo Solutions
- SBX Robotics
- SchemaZone
- Schmooz Media
- Schoolax
- Sciemetric Instruments Inc.
- SciGit
- Scope Photonics
- Scott Construction Limited
- SDG Design
- SeaWell Networks Inc.
- Second Funnel
- Second Wave Games
- Sector 5 Digital
- Seedium
- Seeq Corporation
- SehatYab
- Sendex Environmental Corp.
- Senseinnovation Inc.
- Sentinelle Medical Inc.
- Sentry Scientific Inc.
- Seth Brouwers Consulting
- Sequoia Oil & Gas Trust
- Serapis Labs
- Serdek Automated Systems
- Sesame
- SharePoint Delivery
- Ship Time Inc.
- Shoebox
- Shogi Group
- Shore Consulting Group
- ShufflePix
- Shutterous
- Siborg Systems Inc
- Silobee
- Simply Good Technologies
- Singspiel Inc
- Sinuwave Technologies
- Sirific Wireless Corporation
- SITE8 Technologies Inc.
- SiWorks
- Skimble
- Skyline Sector 5
- Slade Engineering Systems Ltd
- SlipStream
- Small Ideas
- Smarter Alloys
- SmartGames Ltd.
- Snapdx
- Snowball
- Social Capital
- SocialDeck
- SocialNav Inc.
- Solares Architecture
- SolarTab
- Solink
- Sortable
- SoThree
- SpaceRyde
- SparkGig
- SparkMatrix Technologies Inc.
- Spatial Vision Group
- Spectronic Plating Corporation
- Spectrum 28
- SpinPunch Inc.
- SportsChimp
- Spotivate
- Springbot
- Squarify
- SSIMWave Inc.
- Stabilo Medical
- Stadium Live Studios
- Stealth
- Stephenson & Company Capital Management
- StockMarketStudent
- Storm8
- Strata
- Strategy 2 Execution
- Streak
- Strike Face Technologies
- Stromcore
- Structur3D Printing
- Substack
- Suncayr
- Sweat Free Apparel
- SweatHeart Co.
- Sweep3D
- Sybarus Technologies
- Synaptive Medical
- SZE Straka Engineers
- Taab
- Tactile Sight Inc
- Tailscale
- Taiwan Connection
- TalentLab
- Tallyfi
- Taly Mind Set
- Tangam Systems
- TapToSmile Inc.
- TapTrack
- TaraSpan Group
- Targetivity
- Taskubator
- TCA Technologies Inc.
- TDS Dixon Inc
- TeaBOT
- Tech Capital Partners
- Teklogix
- Telly
- Ten Thousand Coffees
- Tersano Inc.
- TeTechS Inc
- TextNow
- The Acorn Assignment
- The Black Box Institute
- The Blueprint Growth Institute
- The Brand Voice Mag
- The Core Tech Hub
- The Hop90
- The New Energy Group
- The Rope Store
- The Shared Web
- The Shop Society
- They Innovate Inc.
- Ticker
- TimeStep Corp
- TJS Technical Services
- TMIG | The Municipal Infrastructure Group Ltd.
- Toast Strategies
- TOPdot
- Top Foil P.L.C.
- Top Hat
- Total Rail Analysis Corporation
- Tradle
- Trail, Inc.
- TransGaming Technologies Inc.
- TravelGator
- TrendRadius
- Trexo Robotics
- TribeHR
- Trigger Resources Limited
- Trimmed Creative
- triOS Corporation
- Triple H Construction
- Tripzaar
- Trisura
- TritonWear
- Trivaris Ltd.
- TRK Engineering Ltd.
- Trusted Positioning
- Tulip Retail
- Tungle Corporation
- Tutor Bright
- TwitSprout
- TwitVid
- Two Mangoes
- Tyltgo
- Tyromer Inc.
- VCi Green Funds
- Vegabond Cookies
- Vena Medical
- Vestec
- VideoLocus
- Vidyard
- Vienna Studios
- Virtual Button Technologies
- Virtual Materials Group, Inc.
- Viryltech
- Visibli
- Vision Spatial Technologies
- VistaShift
- VivaSpire
- Vizible Corporation
- Voicestrategist
- Volker-Craig Technologies ltd
- Voltera Inc.
- Voofa
- VueReal
- WaveBase
- Waterline Group
- Waterloo Biofilter Systems Inc
- Waterloo Engineering Software
- Waterloo Groundwater Control Technologies
- Waterloo Region Polling
- Watlan
- Watfly
- WatrHub
- Wattpad
- Weave Digital
- West Side Labs
- WFHomie
- Wiebe Engineering Group Inc
- Willibald
- Willis Energy Services
- Willstream
- WiseUncle Inc.
- WIZ Communications
- Wolf and Grizzly
- Woozilli
- WordStream
- Worldview Technology Partners
- Wriber Inc.
- WristCoin
- XCG Consultants Ltd.
- Xilix
- Yaletown Venture Partners
- Zebroski Associates Ltd Architects
- ZenWork Wellness
- Zergo
- Zenreach
- ZeroFootprint Inc.
- Zirkova Vodka (Multiculture Bevco Inc.)
- Zown
- Zumio
