Safia Damji

Safia Damji

June 10, 2024

Meet Safia!

Hi, I’m Safia and I’m a 4A Geological Engineering student at the University of Waterloo. A fun fact about me is that I have a large CD collection with Carly Rae Jepson being my favourite.

Favourite Waterloo memory so far? (event, course, etc.)

My favourite memory so far would be bonding with my classmates in our Geological Engineering lounge (aka the pit). We’d also have late night Wii nights which was always fun!

Are you a part of any clubs/teams at Waterloo?

Yes – I’m an Engineering Ambassador and have been involved with Eng Play and Eng Soc. I also like to do boxing classes and bouldering.

How has your current undergrad experience been?

My undergrad experience has been full of surprises and chances to learn about myself. I’ve found new interests and have taken electives that have inspired me personally and professionally.

What factors led you to choose your current program?

Originally, it started with an interest in Earth Science including how the world works and natural disasters. I also really like design and problem solving which led me to engineering. I found Geological Engineering blended all my likes together and I get to see the work that I’m doing. Taking physical geography and earth science in high school helped steer me in this direction.

What does it mean to be a Geological Engineer?

I think being a Geological Engineer means you try to understand natural processes. It is about working with both nature and human activity. Geological Engineering is more than just mining. There is a lot of overlap with other fields so keep an open mind!

Tips for co-op?

I would say – don’t get discouraged. Try to apply to as many coops as possible and try different things! There are lots of opportunities to try something new so take those and keep in mind it’s only 4 months of your time. Some of my past coops have been doing lab work, field work, office based, and in government so find that variety.

Advice for incoming students?

What you put into the experience is what you’ll get. Figure out what you’re looking for with this experience socially and academically and find the balance for them both. This is the time to adapt, improve, and learn to use your time wisely.