Preparing for your Winter 2022 co-op work term

Tatham Centre
Updated February 8, 2022

Beginning in Fall 2021, we have returned some co-op requirements to regular operations. This includes the number of required terms, PD course requirements and work term report requirements. We will continue this for the Winter 2022 term. 

With that said, we know there are still challenges as the situation around COVID-19 continues to evolve. That’s why some accommodations that were made at the start of the pandemic will remain in place for the Winter 2022 work term. We are continuing to work with faculty and campus partners to help you complete your work term and stay on track to fulfill your degree requirements. Please continue to check this page for updates leading up to your Winter 2022 work term. 

If you have any questions or concerns, please send a message to your co-op advisor via WaterlooWorks.

Learn more about:

Access resources:

Flexible Pathways for students with work terms in Winter 2022

As we continue to monitor the situation surrounding COVID-19, updates have been made to the Winter 2022 work term requirements to reflect pre-COVID requirements. Please continue to monitor this page for any updates leading up to your Winter 2022 work term.

Note: Pharmacy students should reach out to Anthony Miller ( to learn about the flexible pathways available to them.

Procedures for remote interviews

All co-op interviews arranged through WaterlooWorks will continue to be conducted remotely in Fall 2021 for Winter 2022 co-op employment.

As classes will commence fully online in January, and continue until February 7, where most in-person instruction will return. You should plan to participate in interviews remotely from a quiet location.

Need a space on campus to conduct your remote interview? The Tatham Centre will be open with limited student space. To book a room for remote interviews this Winter (starting February 7, 2022), submit a "Request room in TC for remote interview" form under "Recruiting Term Support" on WaterlooWorks. Approvals are subject to availability. Please note that students are expected to bring their own interview equipment and on-site technical troubleshooting will not be available until further notice.

Remote interview instructions:

  • You will be asked to complete a form in WaterlooWorks to indicate where you are located and how employers can reach you. Please keep this up to date!
  • If you are selected for an interview, more detailed instructions will be sent via WaterlooWorks.
  • An employer may send you a video link directly if they prefer.

WaterlooWorks integrated webcam feature

With so much of today's hiring happening remotely, we’ve added an integrated webcam feature in WaterlooWorks that makes it easier than ever to attend your interviews remotely. 

With this functionality, you won't have to wait for links from your employer - you'll just select a timeslot as usual, and you will be able to join a webcam call directly from within WaterlooWorks at the time of your scheduled interview. To learn more about attending interviews using the integrated webcam functionality, visit the WaterlooWorks Help: Interviews webpage.

Have questions or need help with your interviews? 

If you need help with your interview skills, you can access Centre for Career Action services virtually. 

In addition, if you have questions about a scheduled interview or interview conflict, select "Send a message" in WaterlooWorks and select "Interviews" as the category. This will direct your message to one of our interview coordinators who can help answer your questions.

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Current University travel policy

As of December 15, 2021, the Government of Canada is advising travellers, regardless of their vaccination status, to avoid non-essential travel outside of Canada due to the risk of the Omicron variant that causes COVID-19.

Keeping your safety top-of-mind, effective December 16, and until further notice, CEE will not approve in-person work terms located outside of Canada for the winter 2022 work term including Arrange Your Own Job (AOJ).

The following exceptions may apply:

  • If you have an existing job match or arranged job that you submitted before December 16, 2021, you must discuss your options and situation with your employer and your co-op advisor. Your options may include working remotely (for a portion of or the entire work term), a delayed start to your work term, or continuing your plans for in-person.
  • We will allow international visa students to work from their home locations provided those locations are not subject to Level 3 or Level 4 travel advisories that are unrelated to COVID-19 as per the Global Affairs Canada website.
    • If you're an international visa student and plan to be working from a Level 3 location and would like to request an accommodation, please contact your co-op advisor. 
    • We cannot grant credit to in-person or remote-within-location work terms where students will be based in locations listed as Level 4, (“Avoid all travel”) on the Global Affairs Canada (GAC) website under any circumstances.

Please note:

  • You must be fully vaccinated against COVID-19 for a work term outside of Canada to be eligible for credit.
  • To work from a location outside of Canada (in-person or remote), you must meet all existing risk management requirements and submit the Acknowledgement of Level 3 Travel Advisory form in WaterlooWorks. Login to WaterlooWorks> Select “Submit a form”>Select the category “International” and the form “Acknowledgement of Level 3 Travel Advisory (5038)” (see the instructions for How to: submit/edit forms on WaterlooWorks).

Additional notes:

  • The University’s stance around Spring 2020, Fall 2020, Winter 2021, Spring 2021 and Fall 2021 work term travel remains unchanged, as these decisions were made as a response to the global situation at that time.

If you've been matched or submitted an Arrange Your Own Job (AOJ) form for a job outside of Canada, there are several considerations and actions that you must complete to be eligible to receive credit for your international work term. Review our work abroad checklist to prepare for a safe term abroad.

We will continue to monitor the situation and will be in touch with both students and employers if there are any changes. Please check your WaterlooWorks mail and connect with your co-op advisor.

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Guidelines for international visa students

We know that searching for work can be more challenging considering COVID-19 related restrictions, particularly for our students who have a complex mix of travel, immigration and legal implications to navigate. If you’re an international visa student, the information below will help you with your job search, depending on where you are located and where you are able to work.

Please note: Hiring across borders and jurisdictions can be complicated. We expect that you and your employer will do your due diligence to understand and meet any compliance requirements – not only for your employer’s location but also for your location. We cannot consult or advise on local legislation and requirements, so please be sure to do your own research and avoid taking risks when it comes to safety and legal concerns. 

If you need help with your co-op work search, please reach out to your co-op advisor and review our job search resources.

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Guidelines for remote work terms

Given the current situation, we understand that some of our students and employers may prefer to work remotely during their Winter 2022 work term. This is perfectly fine, as long as you and your employer agree and follow the guidelines below. 

Many destinations and jurisdictions require individuals to work in the country/location where the employer is located, or there may be specific regulatory requirements to work across borders that you and/or your employer must understand and comply with.

To ensure you understand an employer’s expectations, it’s important to review job descriptions carefully and ask good questions during interviews so you can make informed and safe employment decisions. It’s also important to be transparent about YOUR location in case there are any implications to your work term (e.g., where you will be located, what are your intentions for the entire work term, whether travel or a quarantine period would be required if returning to the employer’s location, any specific legal considerations that should be taken into account, etc.). 

Satisfying these requirements will take additional time, so be sure to complete the requirements well in advance of the work term, or your co-op work term may not be approved.

If your job involves remote work, here’s what we expect from both you and your employer for your job to be eligible for co-op credit:

  • You must discuss working remotely from another location/country with your employer and ensure that they comply with all jurisdictional requirements for employment in both countries/locations. For all students who are new to working remotely, we’ve put together some tips to help you navigate the transition. You can also read another UWaterloo student's blog on maintaining professionalism while working from home.
  • Employers must investigate any inter-jurisdictional requirements and restrictions (e.g., payroll, taxes, workplace insurance, etc.) and meet any regulation compliance and manage risks for the location you're in.  Jurisdictional requirements and restrictions may vary by location.
    • We’ve collected some key questions that employers should consider when hiring a student who will be working remotely from Canada for the duration of the work term. Beyond providing this resource, the University cannot consult or advise in any manner. If your employer has questions, they should seek their own independent legal or expert counsel.
  • For students who will be working as independent contractors: You must be physically located in Canada for an Independent Contractor job to be eligible for co-op credit. International students will need a valid Canadian co-op work permit to work for a Canadian employer (learn more).

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Job search resources for your Winter 2022 work term

The last day to start work to receive co-op credit is March 7, 2022, for an 8-week work term ending April 29, 2022. Take a deep breath and let that sink in. You have lots of time!

We extended the recruiting period for the Winter 2022 work term as some employers may need more time to make their hiring decisions. Employers will be posting jobs throughout the recruiting term, so keep applying until you have a match! Whether you end up finding a job at the start of the term or later in the recruitment process, great jobs will be available and we’re here to support you every step of the way.

To increase your chances of finding a job, here are some things you can do:

We understand that this is a challenging and uncertain time for everyone, including our students. We know that your academics and co-op experiences are important and meaningful to you, as every class and work term brings exciting new experiences and challenges that help you grow both personally and professionally.

If you feel anxious or uncertain while searching for a job or on a work term, please feel free to reach out to your co-op advisor, or a career advisor if you’re going into your first work term. We have designated co-op student mental health advisors on every regional team across Canada (10 advisors today) to help support you no matter what time zone you’re currently in. These advisors work directly with our central Campus Wellness team to ensure you can access the best resources for your situation. 

You can also access resources through Campus Wellness such as Empower Me, a confidential mental health and wellness service that students can access 24/7, 365 days a year by phone, video, online or in-person sessions.