Need help with your resume? Want someone to look it over? Have a video conference with an upper year in the same program or field of work as you and get critiques to make your resume perfect!
Resume Rescue
Can't make it to a Resume Critique session? Need another pair of eyes on your resume? Luckily Resume Rescue is around for the whole term! Send in your resume, and one of our upper year volunteers will take a look at it, mark it up and send it back to you. Send your resume online!
Study Skills Board
Check out the Study Skills Dashboard to ask your peers for advice, or offer advice on how to study from home, apply to co-op in these times, and how to work a co-op job from home. Here you will also find a list of folks in 3A or above who have volunteered to mentor anyone who would like help with their study skills, anyone in 3A or above is welcome to sign-up at any time! Let's all help each other through this term, shall we?
Resume Bank
Need an example of a great resume? Check out our resume bank to get inspiration for yours!
Exam Bank
Looking for practice questions to help you study for your upcoming midterm or exam? Check out our exam bank for your course's past tests.