Events are open to industry, faculty and post docs - please register to attend to ensure there is enough pizza for everyone!
The goals of the events are to:
- Support faculty research networking
- Provide an opportunity to create teams to apply for major grants under a given theme
10:30 - Poster setup, coffee, networking
11:00 - Lab Ignite pitch presentations (3-5 minutes each)
11:45 - Keynote speaker: Karim Khan, UBC
12:30 - Light lunch, lab posters, networking
1:00 - Optional: Lab tours upon request
Keynote speaker: Karim Khan
Dr. Karim Khan is the Scientific Director of CIHR's Institute of Musculoskeletal Health, the Education Lead for the Centre for Hip Health and Mobility, and a professor in the Department of Family Practice and the School of Kinesiology at UBC. He is also the Editor of the British Journal of Sports Medicine, a leading international journal that focuses on the role of physical activity for health.

For information on other events - please join the mail list and select the discussion groups/networking events you're interested in attending or visit the Faculty Research Networking Events page.