We welcome all alumni from Waterloo Architecture to join us on Wednesday, May 11 at 5:00 pm, coinciding with the OAA Conference, to connect with fellow alumni, as well as Faculty members and staff of the School. Anne Bordeleau, O’Donovan Director of the School of Architecture at University of Waterloo, will be saying a few words regarding the 2022 year, including exciting updates on both the Cambridge and Rome campuses, and providing some further details on upcoming alumni events.
Refreshments will be served.
Please register online and confirm your attendance by purchasing your tickets in advance of the reception by May 2nd, 2022. Alumni tickets are $15 each (tax included) and student tickets are $10 each (tax included).
We hope you will be able to join us for an evening of reconnecting with your fellow alumni after a long time apart!
Thank you to Dermot Sweeny (BES 1983, Architecture; BArch 1983, Architecture), President of Sweeny&Co, for co-hosting this event with Waterloo Architecture.
Make a Gift: Please consider adding a gift of support when you purchase your event ticket. Your gift will help the School of Architecture to expand educational opportunities, create innovation in teaching, and shape architectural design research. If you're not able to attend the reception but would like to support the School of Architecture, please consider making a gift online. Thank you!
Note: HST number R119260685