Workshop: New directions in Adaptive Neurotechnologies: EEG and Related Directions

Saturday, July 16, 2016 1:00 pm - 4:30 pm EDT (GMT -04:00)

Hosted by the WaterlooBCI Lab and Guger Technologies OG (g.tec)

About the Workshop 

Research groups all over the world have been exploring new directions in EEG research relevant to the understanding and treatment of disorders. Brain-Computer Interfaces (BCIs) provide a direct connection from the human brain to a computer. BCIs can translate brain activity into control signals for numerous applications, including tools to help severely disabled users communicate and improve their quality of life. BCIs have been explored to restore movement, assess cognitive functioning, and provide communication and environmental control.

Very recent work has extended BCI technology to help persons with stroke, disorders of consciousness (DOCs), and other patients. We will provide interactive, hands-on demos of new EEG technologies. Attendees will learn about different methods and how they can be extended to provide real-world help for patients. We will also present new work using non-invasive stimulation to help persons with visual disorders.

For more information please contact: Ning Jiang or Brendan Allison