Distinguished Lecture: "Recent Developments in Compressed Sensing"
Speaker: Dr. Mathukumalli Vidyasagar
Speaker: Dr. Mathukumalli Vidyasagar
Distinguished Alumni Lecture: "Sparse Sampling and Constrained Reconstruction in Magnetic Resonance Imaging" by Dr. Richard Frayne
Distinguished Alumni Seminar:
“From Waterloo to Etsy via Brazil and how PHP happened along the way” by Rasmus Lerdorf (BASc 1993, Systems Design Engineering), Distinguished Engineer at Etsy
This presentation will provide insight into Ontario’s electric grid, including its history to present day and where it’s headed in the future. Growing challenges include system capacity and weather events while technology that provides for two way power transfer and grid independence has the ability to address these and other future issues. The potential impact of greenhouse gas reduction will also be discussed. Finally, an overview of the various funding programs for renewable energy and GHG reduction projects will be provided.
If one had to select a handful of ideas that are foundational to understanding energy, its past, present and future, where would one begin? And how would one communicate them to those who do not specialize in one or another aspect of energy?
Drawing on the sciences, humanities and the social sciences, this talk will focus on ten ‘big’ ideas, illustrating their essentiality, and how they reach across the disciplines.
All are welcome at this free public event.
This presentation will identify Canadian Net Zero homes of today and provide insight into the future. Areas discussed will include findings and lessons learned pertaining to both the building envelope and mechanical design. The presenter will discuss the requirements of the Canadian Home Builder Associations Net Zero program and give an overview of specific Net Zero projects the Building Knowledge team has assisted and designed.
Retrofitting a building to reduce carbon emissions in the current Canadian market can offer returns of up to 15-20%. So why has the response been so seemingly low? Chandra Ramadurai, CEO of Efficiency Capital explores the rapidly evolving energy efficiency landscape with an overview of current and historical market value, and his professional insight into the future of performance based investment structures in this WISE Public Lecture. All are welcome at this free event and questions from the audience are encouraged.
Dr. Zhong Lin Wang
Reagemts’ Professor and Hightower Chair
School of Materials Science and Engineering
Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta GA, United States
You are invited back to campus to the Systems Design Engineering Symposium-day lunch. This year is extra special: the department was officially formed in 1968, so it's their 50th Birthday this year!
Use of Once Through Steam Generators (OTSG) in power plants offers several unique advantages over traditional drum boilers which include smaller footprint, high turndown, fast start and simplified operator control. Commonly OTSGs are equipped with duct burners for additional steam capacity and emissions control equipment. When OTSGs are designed to operate in dry mode, the plant has maximum flexibility to match steam demand to process requirements.