Canada's Largest Engineering School

Ranked among the top 50 engineering schools worldwide, Waterloo Engineering is committed to leading engineering education and research.

We are the largest engineering school in Canada, with over 10,500 students enrolled in 2021. In 2019/20, external research funding from Canadian and international partners exceeded $86.8 million, a strong indication of our extensive industry partnerships and the excellence of our engineering research programs.

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Albert Jiang, a recipient of the Banting Postdoctoral Fellowship for his research into climate change adaption, will continue his work at the University of Waterloo cross-appointed to the faculties of Engineering and Environment. 

Jiang will work alongside Dr. Kumaraswamy Ponnambalam, a professor in the Department of Systems Design Engineering and Dr. Simron Singh, a research chair and professor in the School of Environment, Enterprise and Development (SEED).

An international research team’s data analysis model could help California’s strawberry farmers prepare their harvests for adverse conditions caused by warming temperatures. 

The team included postdoctoral fellow Dr. Poornima Unnikrishnan and professor Dr. Kumaraswamy Ponnambalam from the University of Waterloo's Department of Systems Design Engineering and Dr. Fakhri Karray from the Mohamed bin Zayed University of Artificial Intelligence in Abu Dhabi. Their research presents implications for the availability and cost of produce imported from California to Canada.   

A Waterloo Engineering team from the Vision and Image Processing (VIP) Lab is working with the Inuit-driven Arctic Eider Society (AES) to use deep learning to detect hazardous ice areas.  

Led by Neil Brubacher (BASc ‘21 and MASc ‘24, systems design engineering), the team partnered with AES to add data about ice conditions to an app used by locals in Nunavut.  
