Are you an early career or established instructor who has taught/is teaching a course at Waterloo? Have you wondered how to interpret the Student Course Perceptions results, and have questions on the outcome and comments you have received? The Women in Engineering Faculty committee jointly with Women in Mathematics is proud to help shed some light: Register for the second edition of the "Interpreting Student Course Perception Results" session!
The event will cover information about SCP, then will follow with a panel discussion with panel speakers from both Engineering and Mathematics, with experts from CTE, teaching champions, and chair of the SCP committee. This joint event between Engineering and Mathematics is a unique opportunity
to get to know peers from different faculties and provides an interdisciplinary perspective.
During the panel, we will go through some of the questions posted before the event (link in the registration form), as well as real-time questions posted on Vevox. The questions are completely anonymous.
This event is meant for anyone who has taught and/or is teaching a course and has received or will receive Student Course Perception (SCP) results. All genders are welcome to attend.