Engineering Outreach awarded new NSERC funding

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Waterloo Engineering Outreach has been awarded a new round of NSERC PromoScience grant funding from the Government of Canada to grow its Empowering Access to STEM programming.  

The $540,000 in funding over three years allows for the continued expansion of STEM learning opportunities for Black and Indigenous youth, girls and non-binary youth, youth with disabilities and youth facing socioeconomic challenges. In 2023, Waterloo Engineering Outreach programming reached over 30,000 youth. 

Sophie Nasato, Senior Manager, Engineering Outreach at the University of Waterloo, said NSERC funding has allowed for the expansion of new STEM learning opportunities that aim to align with emerging needs introduced by community partners and school boards. Predominantly this has been the need for recurring on-campus programs offered at no-cost to participants with wrap-around support such as free transportation and meals.  

With NSERC PromoScience support, Waterloo Engineering Outreach has deepened connections with Indigenous communities across Ontario through extended Travelling STEM programming delivered at no cost to its partners. It has also expanded the number of its STEMpowered summer camps for Black youth, delivered STEM-based activities with 2SLGBTQIA+ youth in the community, re-established programming with Autism Ontario for summer ESQ programs for families enrolled in the organization, and built on its newly established relationship with Big Brothers Big Sisters through ongoing after-school clubs and on-campus summer programs.  

Mary Robinson, associate dean of outreach, equity and diversity with Waterloo Engineering, said the NSERC funding allows Engineering Outreach to make impactful programs happen and is making a difference in the ability to reach underrepresented populations. “With this funding, we are able to run free or low-cost programming for people who are currently underrepresented in STEM,” she said.   

Read Waterloo researchers awarded more than $10 million for more on the Government of Canada funding.