Thursday, May 11, 2017
Three Waterloo Engineering researchers have been awarded more than $4.2 million through the Canada Research Chairs (CRC) and Canada Foundation for Innovation’s John R. Evans Leaders Fund (JELF).

Waterloo Engineering researcher Chris Eliasmith (right) meets Prime Minister Justin Trudeau during an event in Toronto this week.
The researchers named in the announcements are:
- Chris Eliasmith (Systems Design Engineering & Philosophy) – CRC advancement from Tier 2 to Tier 1 in Theoretical Neuroscience ($1.4 million over seven years). Eliasmith was also awarded $69,965 through CFI’s JELF for Computational and Robotic Infrastructure for Large-Scale Neural Simulation.
- Raafat Mansour (Electrical and Computer Engineering) – Renewed Tier 1 CRC in Micro and Nano Integrated Radio Frequency (RF) Systems ($1.4 million over seven years)
- Catherine Rosenberg (Electrical and Computer Engineering) – Renewed Tier 1 CRC in the Future Internet ($1.4 million over seven years)
Additionally, two other University of Waterloo researchers received funding:
- Laura Hug (Biology) – New Tier 2 CRC in Environmental Microbiology ($500,000 over five years). Assistant professor Hug was also awarded $50,000 through CFI’s JELF for Microbial Diversity and Function in Contaminated Sites.
- Janusz Pawliszyn (Chemistry) – Renewed Tier 1 CRC in New Analytical Methods and Technologies ($1.4 million over seven years)