Boyce Family Teaching Award

Teaching is at the centre of everything we do at the University of Waterloo. Great teaching often serves as the catalyst for a student’s journey toward realizing their full human potential.  

The Faculty of Engineering takes great pride in acknowledging the difference our faculty members make in the lives of our students through their dedication to teaching and learning.

Established in 2023, the Boyce Family Teaching Award is given annually to a faculty member whose teaching performance far exceeds the Faculty of Engineering’s expectations. It recognizes the recipient’s commitment to student connection, diverse and innovative teaching methods, and integrated opportunities for experiential learning.

Recipients of this award are invited to deliver an inspirational year-end address to the Faculty of Engineering’s graduating class.

Award details

      1. Eligibility

      2. Prize Amount

      3. Criteria


Candidates for this award must be tenure track faculty or continuing lecturer track members and have at least two years of experience within the University of Waterloo's Faculty of Engineering.

Recipients are eligible to receive the award once within a five-year period.

Prize amount

A one-time cash prize of $1,200 will be awarded to winning recipients annually. 


Selection will be based on performance excellence as showcased in the nomination. Factors considered by the selection committee include, but are not limited to, the candidate's:

  • reputation as a motivational teacher who connects with students;
  • history as an excellent communicator with the ability to adapt their teaching methods to student needs;
  • development of innovative teaching methods and materials that are understood by a diverse student body and of which, can be leveraged across a significant number of students;
  • demonstrated commitment to equity, diversity, and inclusion in teaching and experiential learning for their students;
  • dedication to the academic success and all-round well-being of their students;
  • consistent quality of work and teaching performance;
  • continued contribution to the effectiveness of the unit and faculty; and 
  • multiple or diverse nominations.

Rules and entry

All nominations must be submitted through the nomination form below and include up to two letters of support from students and colleagues. Nominations must be received by October 1 of each year.

Candidates may be nominated by fellow faculty members or by graduating students (undergraduate or graduate). Multiple nominators are welcomed, please select a lead nominator to act as contact. Self-nominations will not be considered.

Recipients will be invited to give a special year-end lecture or address to the Faculty of Engineering's graduating class.

Evaluation and selection

The Faculty of Engineering’s Associate Dean, Teaching and Student Experience will adjudicate the submissions and select the winner(s). 

Contact information

If you have any further questions, please contact the Teaching and Student Experience office at

Nomination form

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