Conrad Business, Entrepreneurship and Technology Centre Addendum

October 3, 2018

This document serves as the Addendum to Faculty Performance Evaluation Guidelines prescribed by Article 13 Part 5.1(b) of the Memorandum of Agreement between the Faculty Association of the University of Waterloo and the University of Waterloo (MOA). The purpose is to set out performance expectations in the department for teaching, research, and service. It is annually reviewed and, if updates are required, the changes are approved by a vote of faculty members of the department before commencement of the evaluation calendar year to which the updated version applies.
Since performance evaluation is handled in accordance with the MOA, Policy 77, Faculty of Engineering guidelines, and this addendum, faculty members are encouraged to review all four documents.

1. Teaching

1.1. The normal teaching load in the department is 4 courses for tenure stream professors.

1.2. The normal teaching load for lecturers in the department is 6 courses.

2. Research

2.1. Tenure stream faculty members are expected to publish in high-quality outlets. Quality of outlet, publication volume, authorship contributions (i.e., order of authorship, number of authors) will each be considered.

3. Service

3.1. All faculty are expected to engage actively with the life of the Conrad School and its students.  This includes normal committee work and participation in School meetings and research seminars, but also involves periodic attendance at School events (e.g., Conrad Connect Live, student orientation sessions, etc.), coaching engagement with students, etc.