Mechanical & Mechatronics Engineering Addendum

Date last revised: May 27, 2022

This Departmental Addendum supplements the Faculty of Engineering Guidelines for Performance Reviews and provides specific guidelines for the Departmental evaluation with respect to teaching, research and service. In the event of a conflict between the terms of the Faculty Guidelines and this Addendum, this Addendum shall take precedence.
Assessment in each area is based on a nominal balance of 40R/40T/20S for tenure and tenure‐ track faculty, and 80T/20S for teaching faculty. Where alternative balances have been set, expectations for performance will be adjusted accordingly.

1. Assessment of Teaching Component

  • Teaching performance will be assessed annually for untenured and definite‐term faculty for the previous calendar year only, and biennially (odd years) for tenured and continuing faculty, for the previous two calendar years.
  • The assessment of teaching performance will include factors such as, but not limited to: teaching quality, class size, course level and difficulty, course development activities, and pedagogical research.
  • For tenured and tenure‐track faculty, consideration will be given for the number of graduate students supervised, with the expectation that each tenured faculty member normally supervises 3 or more graduate students. For faculty members who choose to teach in excess of the normal Department teaching load, the expectations for graduate and undergraduate student supervision will be reduced. Such an arrangement shall be made in advance and in writing to the Department Chair.

2. Assessment of Research Component

  • Research performance will be assessed annually for untenured faculty, and biennially (odd years) for tenured faculty, for the previous three calendar years.
  • The assessment of research performance will include factors such as, but not limited to: quantity and quality of scholarly output (e.g. publications and production of HQP), and on other evidence of research scholarship. Consideration will be given to the researcher’s rank and their relative contribution in their research area.

3. Assessment of Service Component

  • Service performance will be assessed annually for untenured and definite‐term faculty for the previous calendar year only, and biennially (odd years) for tenured and continuing faculty, for the previous two calendar years.
  • The assessment of service performance will include factors such as, but not limited to: committee involvement, administrative appointments, departmental citizenship, reviewing and editorial activities, and conference organization. Up to half of the service assessment can be based on external activities. Specific information on the role and the time commitment of activities shall be described in each case.
  • Activities connected to the research and teaching of a faculty member normally do not count as service. This includes, but is not limited to: thesis and defense activities of supervised and co‐supervised students, hosting lab visits and tours, grant preparation, and course preparation time.