Online Video Interview

How it works

The online video interview is required for Software Engineering applicants and those who wish to be considered for a Faculty of Engineering entrance scholarship. It is highly recommended for all other applicants.

The procedure is simple - you will log on to the online platform and be asked one pre-recorded question, given prep time and allotted a set amount of time (90 seconds) to record your response. Software Engineering and Systems Design Engineering applicants will see additional program-specific questions.

All applicants will be asked the following questions: 

  • What experience(s) inside or outside of the classroom motivated you to apply to your chosen engineering program? (90 second response limit)
  • Two non-graded yes/no response questions for scholarship purposes:
    • Have you participated in FIRST Robotics? Yes/No
    • Do you have a demonstrated interest in entrepreneurship (e.g., have you started a business or been self-employed)? Yes/No

Software Engineering applicants will also be asked to compose a written response (600-character limit) to the following question:

  • As an applicant to Software Engineering, you are required to demonstrate that you have experience in developing well-structured, modular programs. For every programming language in which you have at least four months of programming experience, list the language, number of months experience you have in using the language (not how long you have known it) and capacity in which you used the language (e.g., courses completed, work experience, self-education). (600-character limit)

Systems Design Engineering applicants will also be asked to record a video response to the following question to be assessed for the Kish Hahn Memorial Award:

  • Describe how you designed and implemented a system, activity or thing in your personal, academic or work life. (90 second response limit)

The interview requires less than 20 minutes to complete. You will require an Internet connected computer with a functioning webcam and microphone. The system allows for unlimited practice sessions but once you start the formal interview questions you only get one chance - this allows us to see your candid responses.

What we look for

This video interview will give us the opportunity to virtually meet you and get a sense of who you are, which is helpful in determining admissibility. The best way to do well is to be yourself and answer the question(s) honestly.

Think of this video interview as great practice for all of the co-op interviews you’ll be part of, should you become a Waterloo Engineering student.

How to find it

You will receive an email from Kira Talent who maintains the online interview website, inviting you to participate in the video interview. This email will detail all applicable instructions and deadlines.

If you have not received the email invite from us within 3 weeks of applying, please check if the email went to your "promotions", "spam" or "junk" folder. If you still have not received an invite email then please notify us at