Prithula Prosun, a recent graduate of Waterloo’s School of Architecture, was recently honoured by the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada for applying leading-edge research to real-world situations. Prosun, one of 12 recipients of the NSERC 2011 Innovation Challenge Awards, was recognized for her work on low income flood-proof technology (LIFT) housing for the Bangladeshi poor. For her architecture master’s thesis Prosun developed a house that rises with flood waters and then lowers once flooding recedes. The Innovation Challenge Awards, launched in 2004 by NSERC and the Canadian Science and Technology Growth Fund, honour graduate students in the natural sciences or engineering who have demonstrated an entrepreneurial spirit and have identified ways their research can be developed into products and processes to benefit Canadians and others. [NSERC news release]
Monday, October 24, 2011