Alison Brooks' latest award is only one of many impressive achievements since her graduation from Waterloo Architecture in 1988.

Alison Brooks has been named one of Britain’s 500 most influential people in The Sunday Times. The jury citation states, “Brooks is a powerful force in British architecture with her drive to produce handsome housing for ordinary people.”
Alison Brooks (pictured right) winning a Woman Architect of the year 2013 award.
The Time's list includes people making radical waves in their industries, who “give fresh stimulus to thinking and lead by example as they show us what the combination of exceptional talent, unswerving dedication and sheer hard work can achieve.”

Founded in 1996, Alison Brooks Architects (ABA) is a multidisciplinary firm specializing in urban planning, architecture, and design. ABA is based in London, UK and has developed an international reputation for delivering design excellence and innovation in projects ranging from urban regeneration, masterplanning, public buildings for the arts, higher education and housing.
The recipient of many prestigious awards, ABA received the Building Design 2012 Architect of the Year Award and the Schueco Gold Award, presented annually to the practice that has made the most significant contribution to British architecture. ABA was selected from the winners in all the Architect of the Year categories as “best of the best”.

Other awards for the firm include the AYA 2012 Architect of the Year Gold Award and the RIBA National Award in 2009 for Quarterhouse Performing Arts & Business Centre, Folkestone (pictured right).

Alison Brooks received the AJ Woman Architect of the Year Award 2013 and was named 'supreme winner' for the Newhall Be 85 unit housing scheme in Harlow, Essex (pictured left).
The Sunday Times list of Britain's 500 Most Influential people is compiled by specialist publisher DeBrett's. The list is created by industry leaders and experts in each of the 25 fields represented including Politics and Literature, Technology, Healthcare, Broadcasting and Architecture.