CEE lab technician honoured for teaching excellence

Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Anne Allen, a civil and environmental engineering lab technician, is the recipient of the Engineering Society’s Teaching Excellence award for the winter 2020 term.

The selection committee comprised of Amanda Morin, vice president academic of Engineering Society ‘A’, Benjamin Beelen and Thomas Enns and assisted by Kathy

Anne Allen
Becker of the dean’s office said Allen’s several nominations made it clear that “she is passionate about instructing and leading her labs in an outstanding manner.”

Anne Allen of civil and environmental engineering is the latest recipient of EngSoc's Teaching Excellence award

The award recognizes a Waterloo Engineering teacher, defined as a professor, lecturer or laboratory instructor, who has contributed to the academic success of engineering students.

Allen’s name will be added to the Teaching Excellence Award plaque outside of POETS in CPH Foyer.