Mary Robinson, Waterloo’s associate director of first-year engineering, is the first recipient of a new Canadian Engineering Education Association award.
The Ron Britton Engineering Education Vanguard Award recognizes someone early in his/her career who is making significant contributions to engineering education through practice and/or research.
Gordon Stubley, Waterloo Engineering’s associate dean, teaching, said it was “a true treat” to see Robinson

“This new award recognizes pre-tenure faculty members who are achieving excellence in the classroom and are providing leadership in their institutions and disciplines for innovative and effective change in teaching – change that enables our students to be their “best possible” as engineers,” Stubley says.
Stubley adds that inaugural recipients of new awards help define both the meaning and the standards of excellence associated with the award.
“It is truly fitting that Mary has been selected to help define this standard for the Ron Britton award,” he says. “We and our students are fortunate to enjoy the benefits of Mary’s efforts and excellence.”
Robinson’s research interests focus on engineering education and studying how students learn to improve teaching and learning at the University. Besides her first-year office responsibilities, which include academic advising of first-year engineering students, she also teaches first-year courses such as Chemistry for Engineers.