URA supervisor list and USRA placement list
Below are research projects available for Undergraduate Research Assistantships (URAs) and/or NSERC's Undergraduate Student Research Awards (USRAs). A URA is a part-time research experience that is worked on during an academic term, whereas a USRA is a full-time research experience conducted while a student is on a co-op term.
Contact faculty members directly if you are interested in their project. Other faculty members, not listed below, may also be willing to support a URA or USRA upon request. Supervisors must be University of Waterloo researchers but they do not need to be within the Faculty of Engineering to support a URA.
URA supervisor list
Department | Last Name | First Name | Office | Ext. | Type | Project Title/Description |
Architecture | Araji | Mohammad | ARC 2102 | 27664 | URA |
Title: The Long-Term Costs of Rapid Construction of Multi-Unit Residential in Waterloo Region Description: The Waterloo Region (WR) has been experiencing an explosion in the construction of high-rise condominiums, raising fundamental questions about their environmental and social effects, including critical considerations for lifecycle assessment such as energy performance and embodied carbon, and for core community housing needs of suitability for family size and ability, adequate repair, and affordability. This research undertakes a longitudinal study of high-rise buildings in the region built in different eras of housing. It is part of a larger national SSHRC funded partnership grant led by the University of Montreal that involves 14 different universities and numerous citizen, government and professional partners. |
Architecture | Blackwell | Adrian | ARC 2024 | 27657 | URA |
Title: The Long-Term Costs of Rapid Construction of Multi-Unit Residential in Waterloo Region Description: The Waterloo Region (WR) has been experiencing an explosion in the construction of high-rise condominiums, raising fundamental questions about their environmental and social effects, including critical considerations for lifecycle assessment such as energy performance and embodied carbon, and for core community housing needs of suitability for family size and ability, adequate repair, and affordability. This research undertakes a longitudinal study of high-rise buildings in the region built in different eras of housing. It is part of a larger national SSHRC funded partnership grant led by the University of Montreal that involves 14 different universities and numerous citizen, government and professional partners. |
Architecture | Blackwell | Adrian | ARC 2024 | 27657 | URA |
Title: Architects Against Housing Alienation Description: Architects Against Housing Alienation is a research creation project that is coordinated by a group of faculty members at the Universities of Waterloo and British Columbia and includes practicing architects, housing advocates and housing activists. The project focuses on the problem of the hyper-commodification of housing as a central cause of housing unaffordability. It seeks to find ways to promote de-commodified housing solutions. We are looking for an undergraduate student with an interest in housing affordability and current housing policy and skills in social media. |
Architecture | English | Elizabeth | ARC 2017 | 27617 | URA |
Title: Amphibious Housing for Flood Mitigation in Canada |
Architecture | Haldenby | Rick | ARC 2101 | 84544 | URA | Description: Design, Culture and Community: the role of design and schools of design in economic, cultural and urban development in mid-size cities. |
Architecture | Przybylski | Maya | ARC 2018 | 27618 | URA | Description: Soft Data | Hard Design: exploring the role of computation in developing ecology informed design strategies. |
Architecture | Winton | Tracey | ARC 2013 | 27614 | URA | *Please contact the Professor for more info |
Chemical Engineering | Abukhdeir | Nasser M. | E6 3006 | 31306 | URA |
Chemical Engineering | Aucoin | Marc | E6 4012 | 36084 | URA | Description: Applied Virus Engineering |
Chemical Engineering | Gostick | Jeff | E6-5012 | 38949 | URA |
Title: Computational analysis of volumetric images of porous materials
Chemical Engineering | Moresoli | Christine | E6 4010 | 35254 | URA | Description: Soy biomaterial development for food applications and analysis of the sustainability of food operations. Needs to have interest in food products, material analysis and sustainability. |
Chemical Engineering | Tam | Michael | E6 1010 | 38339 | URA |
Chemical Engineering | Ward | Valerie | E6-4016 | 38625 | URA |
Title : Development of biorefinery technologies for microalgae Description: Microalgae are a promising feedstock for the production of sustainable chemicals to replace current petrochemical based products. We are undertaking a number of projects exploring the use of microalgae for applications in materials, as chemical feedstocks, for therapeutic protein production, and for high value terpenoid production. We explore both the upstream process development and strain engineering as well as the downstream recovery and purification of products. Please contact for more info. Funded by: Research Account |
Chemical Engineering | Zhao | Boxin | E6 1006 | 38666 | URA | Description: Adhesion and Interfacial Phenomena of Polymeric Thin Films |
Chemical Engineering | Zhu | Qinqin | E6- 3006 | 32540 | URA |
Title: Process data analytics and machine learning. Description: Design novel machine learning algorithms for process monitoring and fault diagnosis. Funded by: Research Account |
Civil & Environmental Engineering | Annable | Bill | E2 3319 | 32955 | URA | Description: River Mechanics/Sediment Transport |
Civil & Environmental Engineering | Basu | Nandita | E2 3306 | 37917 | URA | Description: Monsoon Harvests: Assessing the Sustainability of Rainwater Harvesting in Agricultural Landscapes in Semi- Arid South India. |
Civil & Environmental Engineering | Burn | Donald | E2 2301 | 33338 | URA | Description: Hydrology/Water Resources |
Civil & Environmental Engineering | Cascante | Giovanni | E2 2343B | 32098 | URA |
Title: Advance signal processing for non-destructive testing using MatLab routines Description: Feature extraction of time signals for Non-destructive testing applications for concrete elements. Funded by: Research Account. |
Civil & Environmental Engineering | Craig | James | E2 3322 | 37554 | URA | Description: Development and analysis of improved hydrological models. |
Civil & Environmental Engineering | Emelko | Monica | E2 3336 | 32208 | URA |
Civil & Environmental Engineering | Fu | Liping | E2 2305 | 33984 | URA | Description: Intelligent Transportation Systems. |
Civil & Environmental Engineering | Haas | Carl | E2 2346E | 35492 | URA | Description: Construction and Infrastructure. |
Civil & Environmental Engineering | Huck | Peter | E2 3334 | 32707 | URA | Description: Drinking Water Research |
Civil & Environmental Engineering | Hyun-Sool | Lee | E2 2309 | 31095 | URA | Description: Recovery of value-added products from waste biomass |
Civil & Environmental Engineering | Kim | Eugene |
CPH 3611B |
36657 | URA |
Title: Multi-hazard resilience of structures. Description: Analysis of coastal structures under sequential earthquake-tsunami loading. |
Civil & Environmental Engineering | Knight | Mark | E2 2343A | 36919 | URA |
Civil & Environmental Engineering | Lacroix | Daniel | CPH 3658 | 37800 | URA |
Title: Multi-hazard resilience of tall wood structures Description: Tall and high-profile wood structures may be at risk for damage due to earthquakes, fire, deliberate attacks, accidental explosions, or a combination of such events which could lead to a progressive collapse. This project is to develop a research framework associated with the multi-hazard performance of tall wood structures and to identify critical parameters affecting the behaviour. Student will use the acquired knowledge to conduct a parametric analysis on a simple structure. A senior student that intends to pursue graduate studies in CEE is preferred. Other information or restrictions: Held jointly with Dr. Eugene Kim (CPH 3662) |
Civil & Environmental Engineering | Lacroix | Daniel | CPH 3658 | 37800 | URA |
Title: Computer software for inelastic analysis of FRP reinforced wood beams Description: This project looks at extending the capabilities of an existing software capable of predicting the load-deformation of unretrofitted and retrofitted glulam beams and columns for dynamic analysis. Amongst other tasks, the primary challenge is to develop and implement a sectional analysis for various retrofit configurations. A senior student who is capable of programming (e.g.Visual Studio, Python) and intends to pursue graduate studies in CEE is preferred. |
Civil & Environmental Engineering | Lund | Alana | E2 2314 | 41227 | URA |
Title: Vibration-based Vulnerability Assessment of Civil Structures Description: Though our buildings and bridges can often appear monolithic, they are susceptible to very real forces (weather, vehicle cycles, earthquakes, etc.) that deteriorate their performance over time. The focus of this project is to enhance our ability to characterize the current condition of our infrastructure, estimate its future behaviors with respect to potential hazards it may experience, and develop efficient strategies to improve that performance. Students will have the opportunity to perform structural dynamics experiments and use tools from data science (Bayesian inference, machine learning, etc.) to build our capacity to understand our infrastructure. All applicants are welcome, but 3rd and 4th year students with an interest in exploring graduate studies in CEE will be given preference. |
Civil & Environmental Engineering | Polak | Maria Anna | E2 2324 | 35325 | URA | Description: Structural Engineering Testing and Analysis. |
Civil & Environmental Engineering | Saari | Rebecca | E2 2324 | 30362 | URA |
Title: Health Impacts of Climate Change and Climate Policy.
Civil & Environmental Engineering | Topper | Tim | E2 3335 | 32672 | URA | Description: Fatigue Investigations |
Civil & Environmental Engineering | Yeum | Chul Min | E2 2313 | 37270 | URA |
Title: Virtual/Augmented Reality Applications in Structures Assessment Description: I am looking for a senior student who is interested in working on a research project next term, which can also lead to opportunities in graduate studies in the topic of smart structure technology with our research group (cviss.net). The project will revolve around cutting-edge smart structure topics, particularly in virtual reality applications (VR, AR, & MR), computer vision, and machine learning. The goal is to devise high-impact, practical virtual reality (VR) applications for structure maintenance and asset management to enable engineers with VR devices to make the best decisions built on the availability of various information from a real-world, digital model or AI-enabled data analytics. It is preferred that students have taken courses related to computer vision or machine learning and have programming backgrounds such as languages (e.g., Python, C++/C#), web service (e.g., AWS, Azure), and software (e.g., Unity, 3D modeling software). If you are interested in the research project, please contact me by email: cmyeum@uwaterloo.ca |
Civil & Environmental Engineering | Yin | Shunde | E2-2312 | 33323 | URA |
Title: Coupled thermal, hydraulic, mechanical, and chemical processes Description: Please reach out for more information. Funded by: Research Account |
Department of Chemistry | Sciaini | German | ESC 139 | 39289 | URA | Description: The laboratory develops instrumentation for the study of dynamical phenomena with atomic spatial and femtosecond temporal resolutions. We have developed a variety of time-resolved (tr) techniques such as tr-broadband transient absorption/reflectivity, tr-magneto-optic Kerr effect, tr-transient photoluminescence, and tr-electron diffraction. |
Computer Science | Abari | Omid | DC 3510 | 36412 | URA |
Title: Intelligent Connectivity for the Internet-of-Things. Description: The ICON lab at the School of Computer Science is conducting research in the area of wireless networks and mobile systems, with applications to the Internet of Things (IoT). Our research focuses on the design and implementation of software-hardware systems that deliver ubiquitous sensing, computing, and communications at scale. We borrow techniques from diverse areas including computer networks, machine learning, signal processing, hardware design, and HCI. The student will do research on designing new connectivity and sensing systems for virtual reality, smart city and smart home applications. We are looking for students with one or multiple of following skills:
Interested students should email Omid Abari (omid.abari@uwaterloo.ca). |
Elecctrical & Computer Engineering | Azad | Sahar | EIT 4006 | 33974 | URA |
Title: Fault-Blocking Converter Modeling Description: Fault-blocking converters are a new type of AC-DC converters that can be used to block the DC fault current and at the same time provide reactive power support to the AC power system. The objective of this project is to develop the model of a specific fault-blocking converter in teh PSCAD software. Funded by: No research funds available, funded by President's Research Award only. |
Electrical & Computer Engineering | Azad | Sahar | EIT 4006 | 33974 | URA |
Title: Modeling of HVDC Grids Description: Modeling of HVDC Grids |
Electrical & Computer Engineering | Bajcsy | Michal | QNC 4126 | 39279 | URA |
Title: Nonlinear optics with hollow-core photonic crystal fibers Description: This project studies the possibilities for light-matter interaction enhancement through the confinement provided by a hollow-core photonic-crystal fiber and through novel quantum optics techniques. This project will further explore possible practical applications of this platform, such as: all-optical switching or bio-sensing. |
Electrical & Computer Engineering | Ban | Dayan | EIT 4134 | 37467 | URA | Description: Quantum/Nano Semiconductor Devices. |
Electrical & Computer Engineering | Boumaiza | Slim | DC 3720 | 37017 | URA |
Description: Hardware/Software Design of Wireless Radio Systems. Other Information: Suitable for 3A to 4B term students. |
Electrical & Computer Engineering | Crowley | Mark | E5 4114 | 31464 | URA |
Title: Machine Learning Tools Software Development Description: The UWECEML lab carries out research into decision making under uncertainty, prediction of spatiotemporal dynamics and anomaly detection in domains ranging from Forest wildfires, to embedded systems processes to autonomous driving. The student RA will carry out vital work to extend existing software frameworks we use for simulation of dynamic process and to help with running of new experiments in collaboration with graduate students in the lab. This position will involve programming in python on unix and windows machines to set update existing libraries, build experimental frameworks, run experiments on a range of datasets and help with visualizing the outputs. Student must have development experience and have a deep knowledge of python a must, knowledge of scipy, pyplot, tensorflow would be beneficial. Familiarity with machine learning algorithms such as random forests, deep learning, CNNs, Reinforcement Learning a plus but not required |
Electrical & Computer Engineering | Dautenhahn | Kerstin | E5 5027 | 31455 | URA |
Title: Developing social robots for education and therapy for children. |
Electrical & Computer Engineering | Dautenhahn | Kerstin | E5 5027 | 31455 | URA |
Title: Robots to support healthy living and healthy aging. Description: Contribute to the development of programs for social robots to assist healthy aging and healthy living for older adults. This work will contribute to research projects in the Social and Intelligent Robotics Research Lab (SIRRL). Applications of this technology are to support older adults in long-term care and assistive living and home environments. |
Electrical & Computer Engineering | Dautenhahn | Kerstin | E5 5027 | 31455 | URA |
Title: Social robots to support mental health and wellbeing. Description: Developing programs for social robots to assist in mental health and wellbeing. This work will contribute to research projects in the Social and Intelligent Robotics Research Lab (SIRRL). Applications of this technology are to support children, adolescents and adults, including university students, to improve their wellbeing and mental health through exercises, e.g. addressing anxiety during public speaking or supporting mindfulness and relaxation exercises mediated by social robots. |
Electrical & Computer Engineering | Dietl | Werner | EIT 4007 | URA |
Description: Developing correct software is difficult and many programming errors are discovered by end users, which causes embarrassment, monetary damage, and -in the extreme- harm to people. My research focuses on practical approaches to prevent more programming mistakes during development. Optional type systems improve the static guarantees of a programming language like Java, and are a light-weight approach to improve correctness. In your URA, you'll learn about high-quality software development and work on a research project, e.g., by performing a case study, improving an existing tool, or prototyping a new tool. Research on improving code quality and programmer productivity will also benefit your own programming skills. You can contact me via email (wdietl@uwaterloo.ca). Also, feel free to take a look at my homepage. |
Electrical & Computer Engineering | Fischmeister | Sebastian | E5 4112 | 33694 | URA |
Description: Improving experimentation in Computer Science and Computer Engineering. You'll learn about:
Electrical & Computer Engineering | Fisher | Michael | EIT-3112 | 31216 | URA |
Title: Vulnerability Assessment for Safety-Critical Systems Description: Physical and engineered systems naturally experience disturbances which have the potential to lead to instability. Often the path to instability is caused by a particularly fragile part of the system. This project involves developing a new method to identify the weakest link in a system and its associated path to instability, as well as suggest possible remedies to reduce vulnerability. Potential applications include renewable energy, robots, flight controls, and autonomous vehicles, among others, depending on student interest. |
Electrical & Computer Engineering | Fisher | Michael | EIT-3112 | 31216 | URA |
Title: Control Design Satisfying Limits for Hardware Protection and Performance Feasibility Description: Many applications have physical and engineered limits which have the potential to damage hardware if exceeded, and to lead to failure to achieve desired performance if not properly accounted for. This project involves developing a new control design method for directly incorporating device limits into the control design. Potential applications include control design for renewable energy in the power grid, mobile robots, and autonomous vehicles, among others, depending on student interest. |
Electrical & Computer Engineering | Gurfinkel | Arie | DC 2522 | 36616 | URA |
Title: Automated Software Verification and Program Analysis Description: Our group is working on scalable automated verification that is usable by software engineers and is integrated into the software development life-cycle. Verification ensures that software satisfies given properties for all possible inputs, and be used to prove absence of bugs. You will be able to use your programming skills and contribute to the development of the automated verification tool SeaHorn and will learn about Compilers, Constraint Solvers (SAT, SMT), and Automated Verification. Depending on your interests and experience, you will be able to work on various parts of the framework, and focus on Logic-based Reasoning, Compiler Optimizations, Program Analysis, Pointer Analysis, Testing Infrastructure, Smart Contracts, or C++ Standard Library implementations. The project uses technologies like C++, Python, LLVM, Z3, Docker, Travis. |
Electrical & Computer Engineering | Gaudet | Vincent | E5 4006 | 37445 | URA | Description: Software simulation of decoding algorithms to decode low-density parity check codes. |
Electrical & Computer Engineering | Golab | Wojciech | DC 2528 | 32029 | URA |
Title: In- Memory Data Structures for Next Generation Multi-Core Machines Description: To harness the power of parallel architectures, software designers must synchronize threads that concurrently access shared resources, such as in-memory data structures. The project will focus on synchronization in multi-core computers, which provide multiple processing elements or cores attached to a pool of shared memory. Growing core counts and disruptive innovations, such as transactional and persistent main memories, continue to drive research in this area. The specific goal of this project will be to design, prototype, and evaluate novel synchronization algorithms suitable for real world applications, such as in-memory data management and analytics systems. |
Electrical & Computer Engineering | Gong | Guang | E7 5436 | 45650 | URA |
Title: Implementation of Universal Password-less Authentication Description: Implementation of a universal password-less authentication system. You will work on software implementation for the server-side for a secure and user-friendly authentication system, Loxin. |
Electrical & Computer Engineering | Gong | Guang | E7 5436 | 45650 | URA |
Title: Relay Attack Detection on Software Defined Radios Description: The project is to conduct tests for relay attack detection protocols on software defined radios. Relay attacks are a form of man-in-the-middle attacks that allow adversaries to circumvent authentication protocols used to access physical systems. For example, they let thieves break into cars without having access to a key. It uses software defined radios to program recreations of the attack and to test some solutions for dealing with this problem. Students involved in this research will be able to help design and implement experiments and collect data. This involves performing the relay attacks in different environments, including and anechoic chamber. In general, students will require general programming knowledge (e.g., C, Python, MATLAB, Julia, etc.), digital signal processing, radio hardware, and wireless communication. |
Electrical & Computer Engineering | Gurfinkel | Arie | DC 2536 | 36616 | URA |
Title: Automated Software Verification Brief Description: Modern software systems are incredibly complex engineered artifacts. They rely on intricate algorithms, developed by large, often distributed, teams, and are build out of many interconnected components. Software bugs are common even in such safety-critical industries as medical devices, automotive, and avionics. Yet, we are increasingly becoming dependent on reliable operation of such systems. Furthermore, the impact of software bugs on safety and security is increasing as the border between safety- and non-safety-critical systems is eroded. Dealing with this complexity requires automation in verification and certification. While the last few decades have seen tremendous progress towards this goal, effective automated verification remains a grand challenge. The long term objective the project is to develop scalable automated verification that is usable by software engineers and is integrated into the software development life-cycle. You will contribute to the development of the automated verification tool SeaHorn and will learn about Compilers, Constraint Solvers (SAT/SMT), and Automated Verification. |
Electrical & Computer Engineering | Hasan | Anwar | E7 5434 | 42868 | URA | Title: Data Security and Applied Cryptography Description: This project involves implementation of post-quantum cryptographic primitives for blockchain applications. The ideal URA candidate will have a strong mathematical background, experience in C/C++ and assembly language programming. |
Electrical & Computer Engineering | Ho | Pin-Han | EIT 4161 |
32452 |
Title: Digital Billboard Internet of Things Description: This project is on FPGA programming on DE series boards in order to perform some video processing and wireless communication functions. |
Electrical & Computer Engineering | Kapre | Nachiket | E5 4013 | 31415 | URA |
Title: Embedded Machine Learning with FPGAs Description: Student will develop VHDL/Verilog or OpenCL descriptions of neural networks suitable for embedded implementation. Applications include computational support for robotics, embedded vision, drones |
Electrical & Computer Engineering | Karim | Karim | E3 3143 | 38336 | URA |
Electrical & Computer Engineering | Kim | Na Young | RAC1-2101 | 30481 | URA |
Title: Quantum Nanoelectronics and Nanophotonics Description: Assist senior group members in various aspects by developing experimental tools, building analog/digital circuits, programming automation codes, and constructing a spectrometer and a laser depending on capability.
Electrical & Computer Engineering | Leung | Bosco | EIT 4023 | 32678 | URA | Description: vlsi for wireless communication |
Electrical & Computer Engineering | MacPhie | Robert | EIT 4008 | 32842 | URA | Description: Electromagnetic Computations. |
Electrical & Computer Engineering | Mahmoudzadeh | Houra | CPH 4317 | 38043 | URA |
Title: Optimization of radiation therapy treatment planning for cancer Description: Radiation therapy is one of the main methods for treating cancer. High energy beams are used to eradicate cancer cells while trying to spare the surrounding healthy organs. The treatment planning process can be viewed as a large-scale optimization approach. We use mathematical programming techniques to formulate different types of cancer treatment planning problems using real patient data. Different projects are defined based on specific cancer sites, different delivery machine specifications, and various clinical requirements defined for personalized treatments. Funded by: Research Account |
Electrical & Computer Engineering | Majedi | Hamed | RAC 2127 | 37443 | URA | Description: Characterization of quantum dot nanowire single photon source. |
Electrical & Computer Engineering | Mazumdar | Ravi | EIT 4011 | 37444 | URA |
Electrical & Computer Engineering | Nielsen | Christopher | EIT 4106 | 32241 | URA |
Title: Systems and Control No research funds available, funded by President's Research Award only. |
Electrical & Computer Engineering | Nielsen | Christopher | EIT 4106 | 32241 | URA |
Title: Development of feedback controllers Description: Development of feedback controllers for a rotational double pendulum. |
Electrical & Computer Engineering | Pant | Yash Vardhan | E5-5114 | 37260 | URA |
Title: Software and Hardware for Autonomous Car Racing Description: The project involves setting up autonomous vehicle simulators (Carla, LGSVL) and autonomous driving software stacks (Apollo, Autoware) to test algorithms for autonomous driving and racing. A particular focus will be on installing and interfacing these software with each other, and then creating scenarios involving multi-agent driving interactions, including head-to-head racing. The latter part of the project (later in the spring term, or in the next term) would involve assembling 1/10th scale autonomous cars and then testing the simulation scenarios on real hardware. |
Electrical & Computer Engineering | Patel | Hiren | E5-4018 | 38105 | URA |
Title : Generating Verilog from High-level Specifications Description: This project implements a back-end that generates synthesizable Verilog from a subset of SystemC specifications. SystemC is a high-level language built on top of C++ used for modeling and simulating digital hardware systems. Funded by: No research funds available, funded by President's Research Award only. |
Electrical & Computer Engineering | Poudineh | Mahla | QNC 3622 | 33319 | URA |
Title: Developing new platforms for bio-sensing applications Description: In Poudineh Lab, we develop bio-sensing approaches for therapeutics and diagnostics purposes and translating biomedical devices to the clinic. Currently, the focus is on two main projects:
Electrical & Computer Engineering | Ramahi | Omar | EIT 4154 | 37460 | URA | Description: Microwave sensing |
Electrical & Computer Engineering | Rosenberg | Catherine | EIT 3036 | 84016 | URA |
Description: Data analysis |
Electrical & Computer Engineering | Safavi-naeini | Safieddin | EIT 4007 | 32822 | URA |
Electrical & Computer Engineering | Schulz | Sebastian | QNC 4601 | 31242 | URA |
Title: Inverse design of metasurfaces for hyperspectral imaging applications Descriptions: Hyperspectral imaging is an imaging modality where spectral information is recorded for every pixel in an image. Typically this requires expensive camera systems, combining complex optics, to either raster scan a spectrometer input over a image or, in single-shot operation send light to many spectrometers simultaneously. In this project we propose to implement a low-cost single shot hyperspectral imaging system, by combining a colour selective transmission metasurfaces with a standard CCD camera. Metasurfaces are flat optical elements, where the structure rather than constituent material dominates the optical response. Therefore, we aim to develop a number of compact metasurfaces pixels, with varying transmission spectra, to cover the visible spectral region. The design of these pixels can be aided by machine learning approaches, such as inverse design, e.g. using the open-source Spins-B package. This will begin as a computation only project, but can subsequently involve the optical characterisation fabricated devices designed by the RA. Interested candidates are encouraged to contact me for more details. |
Electrical & Computer Engineering | Schulz | Sebastian | QNC 4601 | 31242 | URA |
Title: Machine learning based optical speckle analysis for spectrometry applications Description: Light that propagates through a disordered medium will form what is known as a Speckle pattern, a seemingly random distribution of bright and dark regions, from the interference of many different possible light paths through the medium. Yet this speckle pattern is only seemingly random, in fact is is deterministically formed and depends on the incident light, as well as the disordered medium though which the light propagates. Therefore if one of these two is known, a Speckle pattern can be used to infer information about the other. E.g. one application is to measure minute deviations in a laser wavelength by observing variations of a Speckle pattern. Another potential application, the one of interest to this project is that the speckle pattern can be used to identify the spectrum of the optical input. During this project the speckle will be generated via a disordered integrated spectrometer developed in my group and is detected using an infrared camera. The aim of this project is to investigate machine learning based speckle analysis options, to improve the device resolution and accuracy. This is a computation only project at this stage and interested candidates are encouraged to contact me for details. This project can continue over multiple terms. |
Electrical & Computer Engineering | Shaker | George | DC 2635 | 519-498-5173 | URA |
Electrical & Computer Engineering | Sivoththaman | Siva | EIT 3031 | 35319 | URA |
Description: Opto-Electronic Characterization of Silicon Devices Note: Only recipients eligible for the President's Research Award should apply |
Electrical & Computer Engineering | Sundaram | Shreyas | EIT 4125 | 36908 | URA |
Description: Analysis of complex systems and networks Note: Recipients of the President's Scholarship of Distinction are encouraged to apply |
Electrical & Computer Engineering | Tahvildari | Ladan | DC 2524 | 36093 | URA |
Electrical & Computer Engineering | Tan | Lin | EIT 4135 | 35222 | URA |
Other Information: Other projects in software testing, text analytics, and addressing security bugs are available. |
Electrical & Computer Engineering | Wang | David | E3 4108 | 33968 | URA |
Electrical & Computer Engineering | Wang | Zhou | E5-5113 | 35301 | URA |
Title : Image and video processing: perceptual and deep learning approaches Description: Image and video processing, compression, streaming using perceptually motivated and deep learning approaches. Possibly involve algorithm and software development, data processing and analysis, and perceptual experiment. Funded by: Research Account |
Electrical & Computer Engineering | Wei | Lan | E5 4023 | 31423 | URA |
Title: Error-resilient Computation with Imperfect Emerging Technologies such as carbon nanotube transistors and non-volatile memories. Description: In this project, the students are expected to explore approaches at both device and circuit levels to develop error-resilient computation systems. Special interests are with carbon nanotube transistors and non-volatile memories. The project is for 3th/4th year students who are interested in VLSI design with emerging technologies. |
Electrical & Computer Engineering | Wei | Lan | E5 4023 | 31423 | URA |
Title: Cryogenic CMOS for quantum computing Description: This project is for 3rd/4th year students only. In this project, the students are encouraged to explore the CMOS device and circuit at cryogenic temperatures aiming for control and operation of silicon quantum bits for quantum computing, including
Electrical & Computer Engineering | Wong | William | DC 3734 | 31121 | URA |
Title: NEMO Software Implementation Analysis Description: Investigation and development of software to monitor the use of microfabrication tools in the Giga-to-Nanoelectronics facility on campus. The software development will be used to determine machine operation time and intervals between repair cycles along with operating costs to help improve the overall function of the facility. |
Management Science and Engineering | Alumur Alev | Sibel | CPH 4321 | 33365 | URA |
Title: Facility Location in Supply Chain and Logistics Networks Description: Development of optimization models to address facility location problems faced in supply chain and logisitics networks. |
Management Science and Engineering | Ferguson | Sharon | CPH 4313 | 38967 | URA |
Title: Developing Collaboration Technology for a Flexible Future of Work Description: Post COVID-19, workplaces are experimenting with new workplace configurations, including varying hybrid schedules, alternating between asynchronous and synchronous work time, and more flexible working hours (e.g., 4-day work weeks). These changes challenge our traditional collaboration patterns and collaboration platform (e.g., Zoom, Microsoft Teams) use. This project aims to study collaboration in these emerging workplace configurations, identify which collaboration constructs are affected, and design more effective collaboration technology to support these new forms of working. This project will involve observing collaboration through in-person/online observations, interviews, surveys, and digital trace data collection; using qualitative, quantitative, and natural language processing methods to analzye collaboration patterns; using software engineering and user experience fundamentals to design new collaborative technology; and using user testing methods and controlled experiments to evaluate the technology. Students will need experience in either software engineering, natural language processing and analytics, or human subject studies. This work will contribute to publications in HCI venues such as CHI and CSCW. |
Management Science and Engineering | Ghadimi | Saeed | CPH 3637 | 40423 | URA |
Title: Revisiting gradient descent Description: We study the gradient descent method for solving convex optimization problems. We try to improve its well-known convergence rate and show its optimality by establishing lower bounds. Potential candidates will have a solid mathematical optimization background. |
Management Science and Engineering | Mahmoudzadeh | Houra | CPH 4317 | 38043 | URA |
Title: Optimization of radiation therapy treatment planning for cancer Description: Radiation therapy is one of the main methods for treating cancer. High energy beams are used to eradicate cancer cells while trying to spare the surrounding healthy organs. The treatment planning process can be viewed as a large-scale optimization approach. We use mathematical programming techniques to formulate different types of cancer treatment planning problems using real patient data. Different projects are defined based on specific cancer sites, different delivery machine specifications, and various clinical requirements defined for personalized treatments. Funded by: Research Account |
Management Science and Engineering | Nathwani | Jatin | CPH 3611D | 38252 | URA |
Management Science and Engineering | Pirnia | Mehrdad | CPH 4303 | 38956 | URA |
Title: Optimization model in energy market Description: The aim of this project is providing clean, affordable and reliable energy for consumers, from busy urban areas to remote northern communities. The student needs to look at technologies such as renewables, storage capacities, and more modern initiatives (electric vehicles and smart appliances) and use optimization techniques to prescribe the best policies to achieve environmental targets and cost reduction incentives. The projects involves a high degree of data analytics. Funded by: Research Account |
Management Science and Engineering | Rambhatla | Sirisha | CPH 4358 | URA |
Title: Deep learning-based transfer learning models for real-world pose estimation Description: The project will develop novel deep learning-based models for action recognition using ego-centric cameras for factory floor process monitoring. |
Management Science and Engineering | Rambhatla | Sirisha | CPH 4358 | URA |
Title: Deep Learning for predicting trajectories of patients waitlisted to receive liver transplants. |
Management Science and Engineering | Schneider | Oliver | CPH 3627 | 38505 | URA |
Title: Haptic Prototyping and Analysis Description: Haptic technology engages people through the sense touch in diverse ways, such as force feedback, mid-air vibrations, or programmable friction. This project involves hands-on research developing new haptic interactions and studying the implications of haptic technology in applications like VR gaming, education, and therapy. Students will do hardware prototyping (Arduino, sensors, motors), software prototyping (Javascript/NodeJS, Unity), analysis (R, Matlab, study design), or some combination thereof. This work will contribute to research projects that will be published at top Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) and haptics venues. |
Management Science and Engineering | Vechtomova | Olga | DWE-2513M | 32675 | URA |
Title: Deep learning models for text generation Extensive experience with Python and deep learning libraries, such as PyTorch or TensorFlow, is required. Previous experience working on natural language processing and/or computational audio projects is a bonus. |
Management Science and Engineering | Vechtomova | Olga | DWE-2513M | 32675 | URA |
Title: 3D graphics web development Description: The Natural Language Processing (NLP) Lab conducts research in natural language generation and artistic/creative applications of NLP and AI. This project is aimed at creating a multimedia art installation backed by real-time AI system. It involves the development of an interactive web application using Three.js, React.js and WebGL. This role requires experience creating 3D graphics and animation using Three.js, as well as writing custom vertex and fragment shaders using WebGL or OpenGL Shading Language. The successful candidate will be expected to work off the existing codebase written in Three.js and React. |
Management Science and Engineering | Vechtomova | Olga | DWE-2513M | 32675 | URA |
Title: Development of web-based application for a deep learning NLP project. Description: The Natural Language Processing (NLP) Lab conducts research in natural language generation, text style transfer, natural language understanding and multi-modal representation learning. This role is part of a project building an interactive real-time web application for a deep learning project. The URA will be expected to build a fully functional real-time web application. Extensive experience developing web applications using React.js is required. |
Management Science and Engineering | Yang | Jangho | CPH 3629 | 40422 | USRA |
Title: The Role of Mergers & Acquisitions in Big Tech's Innovation Capabilities: A patent approach We aim to answer the following questions.
The position will involve programming in R to validate the name matching algorithm our team has developed and manually checking patent records. |
Mechanical & Mechatronics Engineering | Arami | Arash | EC4 1023 | 37648 | URA |
Title: Modeling of Human Neuromechanics and Sensorimotor Deficits Description: Use machine learning, signal processing, and system identification techniques. Analyze human movement data and physiological data. Build models and statistical analysis. |
Mechanical & Mechatronics Engineering | Butcher | Cliff | E3 3161 | 31795 | URA |
Title: Fracture Characterization of Advanced High Strength Materials for Vehicle Crash Applications- Description: This project focuses on the experimental and numerical characterization of the mechanical properties and fracture mechanisms of advanced high strength automotive alloys including ultra high strength boron steel and high strength "military-grade" aluminum. These mechanical properties are used to develop sophisticated numerical fracture models to design the forming operations of automotive structural components and predict their behaviour in vehicle crash simulations. The research can be tailored to the student's interest with a focus on the design of test fixtures, experimental characterization or numerical modelling of industrial forming operations to predict fracture. This research project provides a unique opportunity to work directly with our industrial partners in the automotive industry. A PhD candidate will assist the student with supervision and training of the numerical modelling and lab experiments. |
Mechanical & Mechatronics Engineering | Erkorkmaz | Kaan | E3 3149 | 35214 | URA | Description: Precision Machine Design Instrumentation and Controls |
Mechanical & Mechatronics Engineering | Johnson | David | E3 2135D | 33690 | URA | Description: Wind Energy Research |
Mechanical & Mechatronics Engineering | Li | Dongqing | ERC 2008 | 36177 | URA |
Description: Microfluids & Lab-on-a-Chip. Other Information: Only Recipients Eligible for the President's Research Award should apply. |
Mechanical & Mechatronics Engineering | Mayer | Michael | E5 3009 | 84024 | URA | Description: Cu Bond Characterization with Microsensors. |
Mechanical & Mechatronics Engineering | Mitra | Sushanta | QNC 3607 | 37176 | URA |
Title: Detection of E. Coli Description: The work is related to the rapid detection of E. Coli in water and potential low-cost solutions for water treatment. Possibly of being part of a start-up, Glacierclean Technologies Inc. |
Mechanical & Mechatronics Engineering | Musselman | Kevin | E5 3013 | 36740 | URA |
Title: Spatial atomic layer deposition and related devices Description: Spatial atomic layer deposition is an emerging technique for the rapid, open-air deposition of nanoscale electronic materials. We have ongoing projects related to the development of spatial atomic layer deposition manufacturing, printing and characterization of thin films, and integration of the thin films into devices, including gas sensors and perovskite photovoltaics. A project may involve mechatronic design, thin film characterization, and other nano/micro fabrication techniques. |
Mechanical & Mechatronics Engineering | Nishida | Robert | ERC 2007 | 43297 | URA |
Title: Combining Sensor Tech for Enhanced Wildfire Smoke Detection Description: In hot, dry areas with wildfires, PM2.5 (the mass of particulate matter <2.5 μm in diameter) often exceeds 200 μg/m3, deemed "hazardous" by air quality guidelines. Wildfire smoke disproportionately affects vulnerable populations, such as the elderly, as well as communities in certain geographic locations. This project aims to combine multiple low-cost particle sensors and design them for deployment on drones for early wildfire smoke detection and actionable, local air quality data. You can contact me via email (robert.nishida@uwaterloo.ca). Also, feel free to take a look at my research interests |
Mechanical & Mechatronics Engineering | Pan | Zhao | ERC 2028 | 38631 | URA |
Title: Curiosity-driven micro/bio-fluid physics in daily lives Description: We are a curious group that invites students investigating interesting problems around us by learning from nature through mathematics/fluid physics lens. We look for high impact works based on creative ideas. A few examples of our projects include:
High-speed photography of this trick will inspire us. Funded by: Research Account |
Mechanical & Mechatronics Engineering | Weckman | Elizabeth (Beth) | E5 3033 | 33345 | URA |
Title: Fire Safety Engineering Description: Interested in fluids, thermal and materials performance. There are a variety of projects available related to ongoing projects through the UW Fire Research Labs. Other Information or Restrictions: Of benefit to have transportation as some testing is normally done at the labs which are off campus near the Erb St Landfill site. |
Mechanical & Mechatronics Engineering | Wen | John | ERC 2003 | 38362 | URA | Description: Synthesis and Characterization of Nanomaterial for Advanced Energy Research. |
Mechanical & Mechatronics Engineering | Wu | Xiaoyu | TBD | TBD | URA | Title: Hybrid energy storage system
Description: Low-cost large scale energy storage is required due to the increasing variable renewables in the grid. In this topic, we will analyze the benefits of combining multiple energy storage technologies into one system. Models will be built to optimize the ideal combination for energy storage to improve the sustainability. Energy storage will also be combined with other commodity production to make the system more flexible and efficient. |
Mechanical & Mechatronics Engineering | Wu | Yimin |
E3 2110B |
40185 | URA |
Title: Strained Engineered Artificial Leaf for CO2 conversions to fuels Description: Photocatalytic CO2 conversion systems, also addressed as artificial leaves, can convert CO2 into useful fuels with solar energy. We have ongoing projects related to the development of photocatalytic reaction systems that utilize strain engineering to enhance the conversion performance. These projects involve reactor design and optimization, performance evaluation, and patent/paper preparation. |
Mechanical & Mechatronics Engineering | Wu | Yimin | E7 3418 | 40185 | URA |
Title: Photocatalytic Reactor for Converting Plastic Waste into Value-Added Chemicals Description: Photocatalytic plastic conversion is considered one of the most promising recycling strategies due to its sustainability and environmental friendliness. We will work on developing better photocatalytic reaction systems to improve the use of light and enhance the conversion performance. These projects involve reactor design and optimization, performance evaluation. |
Mechanical & Mechatronics Engineering | Yarusevyh | Serhiy | E5 3013 | 35442 | URA |
Title: Fluid Mechanics Research Laboratory Description: We have a very active, internationally recognized research group specializing in engineering applications of fluid mechanics and aerodynamics. We are always open to providing research opportunities to motivated students in the areas related to our ongoing projects. |
Mechanical & Mechatronics Engineering | Zhou | Norman | E5 3007 | 36095 | URA | Description: Processing of medical and smart materials. |
Systems Design Engineering |
Clausi | David | EC4 2039 |
32604 |
Title: Applied Computer Vision Description: Machine learning, AI, deep learning applied to computer vision in the realm of satellite remote sensing and sports analytics. Funded by: Research Account |
Systems Design Engineering | Ghafurian | Moojan | E7 6452 | URA |
Title: Emotionally intelligent agents for supporting older adults Description: Apply different methodologies for developing emotionally intelligent agents, and implement and test them on a variety of user interfaces including mobile-based applications and social robots. |
Systems Design Engineering | Ghafurian | Moojan | E7 6452 | URA |
Title: Emotionally intelligent agents for supporting children Description: Development of a mobile-based applications including a range of different games and connecting it with a social robot. Implementation of social robot behaviours with the goal of supporting children's cognitive development. |
Systems Design Engineering | Ghafurian | Moojan | E7 6452 | URA |
Title: Smart home environments equipped with social robots for health monitoring Description: Integration of social robots with a variety of different health sensors for remote health/wellbeing monitoring. Managing data gathered from multiple sources and data visualization. The goal of this project is to provide in-home health/wellbeing support. |
Systems Design Engineering | Gorbet | Maud | DWE 2504 | 32602 | URA | Description: Biocompatibility of Medical Devices. |
Systems Design Engineering | Haji Reza | Parsin | E7 6416 | 40172 | URA |
Title: Photoacoustic Remote Sensing Description: We design and fabricate a novel medical imaging system that we call it photoacoustic remote sensing (PARS) microscopy. This is a fast, non-contact, non-invasive, safe and accurate technique that can measure oxygen saturation, oxygen metabolic activity and multilayered histology-like information. Oxygen saturation and oxygen metabolic activity play a vital role in understanding several diseases including early tumour and vision loss diagnosis and treatment. Additionally, when the oncologic care team must remove a tumour, it is essential that no malignant tissue left behind. The ability to predict tumour aggressiveness, margin and metastatic potential could significantly affect clinical practice in oncology. It is also shown that abnormal retinal oxygen saturation and metabolic activity are the leading causes of vision loss (e.g. age-related macular degeneration, diabetic retinopathy and glaucoma). The ability to precisely detect aberrant retinal oxygen metabolic activity in a non-contact setting is essential for improving investigations and diagnoses of ocular diseases. In addition, for various applications is surgical oncology and orthology contact is impractical, or the working space and footprint is an issue (e.g. endoscopy and surgery). We will work on technical hardware and software development as well as several imaging applications. |
Systems Design Engineering | Howcroft | Jennifer | E7 6308 | 40163 | URA |
Title : Biomedical Stakeholder Cafe Description: This opportunity is available for the fall term only. The Biomedical Stakeholder Cafe is a relatively new event that brings capstone teams together with health care professionals and individuals with lived experience for two evenings of conversations. Tasks include logistical and emailing support for the event and survey data analysis post-event. |
Systems Design Engineering | Howcroft | Jennifer | E7 6308 | 40163 | URA |
Title: Review of Empathy in Engineering Education Description: The aim of this project is to review the engineering education literature for research on empathy. This work would support and feed into a review paper. The goal of the review paper is to identify publication rate changes over time and develop a deep understanding of the type of research projects that have been undertaken in this area to date. Other Information or Restrictions: Must be an engineering student. |
Systems Design Engineering | Jiang | Ning | E2 1303C | 33766 | URA |
Description: Human machine interface (HMI), technologies that facilitate interactions between human and machine (robots, computers, etc.), will soon be embedded in every aspect of our society. Next generation HMIs need to sense human movement intentions faster and more reliably than ever before. To achieve this goal, however, alternative sensor modalities beyond mechanical sensors, which are exclusively used currently, must be incorporated. Recently, surface electromyogram (EMG) has been investigated for this purpose. sEMG is electric signals generated by mucles during contraction. This study seeks to significantly improve the way engineers and scientist extract information regarding human movement from sEMG, so that next generation HMIs can sense the movement of human, or even just the intentions to move, faster, and more reliable than ever before. Other Information: The applicant should know basic computer programming knowledge. Strong analytic skill in physics and mathematics is highly desired. Genuine interests in biomedical engineering and signal processing is important. Tasks:
Besides the scientific skills, fluent language skills of both written and spoken English is essential. |
Systems Design Engineering | Maftoon | Nima | EC4 2029 | 37654 | URA |
Title: Finite-Element Models of the Auditory System Description: The undergraduate research assistant will work on development of finite-element models of the auditory system. These models will be usedto guide development and improvement of hearing devices. |
Systems Design Engineering | Nehaniv | Chrystopher | E7-6322 | 40168 | URA |
Title: Interaction Machines Description: Programming and visualization of synchronously updated cellular automata and interaction machines (automata networks that grow and change their topologies in response to interactions/events. Other information or restrictions: Excellent programming ability in higher level programming languages (e.g. python, java). Previous experiences with visualization/graphical user interface design. Excellent mathematical and algorithmic skills/aptitude. Excellent spoken and written English skills. |
Systems Design Engineering | Nehaniv | Chrystopher | E7-6322 | 40168 | URA |
Title: Computational Algebraic Intelligence Description: Development and application of computer algebraic tools for the automatically creating coordinate systems in a science, technology, engineering or mathematics (STEM)application area in a finite discrete-event system models. Artificial algebraic intellitgence provides novel methods for AI systems to understand and hierarchichally manipulate (e.g. autonomously generating strategies for solving a permutation puzzle like Rubik's cube). Other information or restrictions: Strong programming ability in a higher level language, and experience with scripting languages. Excellent English spoken and writing skills. Strong mathematical aptitude required, familiarity with discrete mathematics/graph theory/finite automata highly desirable as background. Level 3A/3B/4A/4B. |
Systems Design Engineering | Nehaniv | Chrystopher | E7-6322 | 40168 | URA |
Title: Social Interaction in Artificial Intelligence Robotics Description: Develop new software and approaches with researchers in the Social and Intelligent Robotics Research Lab (SIRRL) to be applied for improving Social Interaction in AI Robotics. This work addresses the central roles of the perception-action loop and second-person (interaction-partner aware) methods in achieving embodied intelligent behaviour in AI robots. |
Systems Design Engineering | Nehaniv | Chrystopher | E7-6322 | 40168 | URA |
Title: Interaction, Context, and Experience in Robot Cognitive Architectures Description: Contribute to the development of new software and novel approaches as part of a team for the Social and Intelligent Robotics Research Lab (SIRRL) to be applied to leveraging Interaction and Experience in Robot Cognitive Architectures. Work will address the primary roles of interaction, habit, and engagement in interaction games in recurring contexts for the development of embodied AI systems. |
Systems Design Engineering | Ponnambalam | Kumaraswarmy | DWE 2513J | 33282 | URA | Description: Patient waiting time prediction model. |
Systems Design Engineering | Roufail | Reem | E7-6412 | 46892 | URA |
Title: Negative poisson ratio Description: Study the properties of positive Poisson ratio of polymers utilizing 3D printing technology.
Systems Design Engineering | Roufail | Reem | E7-6412 | 48692 | URA |
Title: Shape Memory Polymer
Other information or restrictions: Will utilize professional money to cover one student. |
Systems Design Engineering | Scott | Stacey | DWE 2506 | 32236 | URA | Description: Designing advanced collaboration technologies/Human Systems Engineering. |
Systems Design Engineering | Tung | James | E7-6314 | 43445 | URA | Description: Design of new wearable systems to assess and assist those neuromotor impairments, such as concussion (mTBI), stroke, Alzheimer's disease, and/or falls in the elderly. Projects include applying robotics (e.g., exoskeletons, prosthetics), machine learning, and/or multimodal sensors (e.g., IMUs, smart garments) to address problems related to motor disabilities. |
Systems Design Engineering | Willett | Thomas | E7 6438 | 38405 | URA |
Title: Biomimetic Biomaterials- Description: Student will assist in both computation and experimental work concerning the development of novel biomimetic biomaterials. |
Systems Design Engineering | Willett | Thomas | E7 6438 | 48405 | URA |
Title: Mechanical Testing of 3D printed nanocomposite biomaterials. Description: RA will assist post doctoral fellow with experiments mainly involving 3D printing and mechanical testing. |
Systems Design Engineering | Wong | Alexander | DWE 2513H | 31299 | URA |
Descriptions: Computer-aided disease analysis using medical imaging |
Systems Design Engineering | Yeow | John | E3 3159 | 32152 | URA | Description: MEMS, Nanotechnology/Device Development |
Systems Design Engineering | Zelek | John | EC4-2017 | 32567 | URA |
Title: AI for Infrastructure, Transportation, Urbanism, and other Applications. Description: Most of our research work consists of using Artificial Intelligence methods (such as machine learning including deep learning) to solve complex problems in a variety of applications. A lot of the problems involve computer vision and or robotics. Examples of applications include infrastructure monitoring including roads, buildings; building 3D maps from cameras for autonomous vehicles; monitoring manufacturing process control to predict failures; object detection and recognition; 3D human body modelling for human fitting; Reinforcement Learning to learn how to move; human motion modelling for sports analytics;... to name a few. Currently there are over a dozen graduate students in the lab. Ideally you will work with one of the graduate students as part of our team. The projects vary depending on the partners we are currently teamed with. Ideal candidates should have some exposure to machine learning, be proficient in programming with python, C++ and machine learning tools. |
USRA placement list
Department |
Last Name |
First Name |
Office |
Ext. |
Project Type |
Title & Description |
Chemical Engineering | Chen | Zhongwei | E6 2006 | 38664 | USRA |
Chemical Engineering | Mekonnen | Tizazu | E6 2010 | 38914 | USRA |
Title: Sustainable multifunctional nanocomposites Description: Multifunctional polymer nanocomposites: design, modifications, and structure-property relations with a focus on renewable and sustainable polymer nanocomposites. We are interested in a combination of fundamental and applied researches. |
Chemical Engineering | Ward | Valerie | E6-4016 | 38625 | USRA |
Title: Development of biorefinery technologies for microalgae Description: Microalgae are a promising feedstock for the production of sustainable chemicals to replace current petrochemical based products. We are undertaking a number of projects exploring the use of microalgae for applications in materials, as chemical feedstocks, for therapeutic protein production, and for high value terpenoid production. We explore both the upstream process development and strain engineering as well as the downstream recovery and purification of products. Please contact for more info. |
Chemical Engineering | Zhu | Qinqin | E6-3006 | 32540 | USRA |
Title: Process data analytics and machine learning. Description: Design novel machine learning algorithms for process monitor and fault diagnois. Funded by: Research Account |
Civil & Environmental Engineering | Yin | Shunde | E2-2312 | 33323 | USRA |
Title: Coupled thermal, hydraulic, mechanical, and chemical processes Funded by: Research account |
Mechanical & Mechatronics Engineering | Ren | Carolyn |
E5- 3008 E3- 3175 |
38233 33030 |
Title: Microfluidics Enabled Soft Robotic Arm and Hand for Therapeutic Treatment of Musculoskeletal Conditions Description: Develop an anthropomorphic robotic hand and arm, aiding in the creation a programmable pneumatic pressure and flow source for soft actuator control, and designing wearable medical technologies. We are looking for students who are interested in the following areas: ·Advanced anthropomorphic soft rigid robotic hands in the field, contributing to its design, testing, and refinement for medical applications, or ·An affordable, programmable pneumatic system with variable pressure and flow, with the aim of creating a controller for the soft robotic system. Contribute to the creation of a wearable active compression sleeve for treating medical conditions One or more of the following skills are preferred: Base Skills: SolidWorks design, 3D printing experience, Arduino/STM32 programming, MATLAB programming, General prowess with hand tools Intermediate Skills: PCB Design and fabrication, Control architecture design, Soldering, Comprehension of academic papers Advanced Skills: Robot kinematic mappings, Inverse kinematic solving, Plant identification and approximation, Electromechanical integration |
Computer Science | Abari | Omid | DC 3510 | 36412 | USRA |
Title: Intelligent Connectivity for the Internet-of-Things Description: The ICON lab at the School of Computer Science is conducting research in the area of wireless networks and mobile systems, with applications to the Internet of Things (IoT). Our research focuses on the design and implementation of software-hardware systems that deliver ubiquitous sensing, computing, and communications at scale. We borrow techniques from diverse areas including computer networks, machine learning, signal processing, hardware design, and HCI. The student will do research on designing new connectivity and sensing systems for virtual reality, smart city and smart home applications. We are looking for students with one or multiple of following skills:
Interested students should email Omid Abari (omid.abari@uwaterloo.ca). |
Electrical & Computer Engineering | Schulz | Sebastian | QNC 4601 | 31242 | USRA |
Title: Metasurface based optical image processing for visually impaired athletes Description: Visually impaired (blind or low visison) sport often requires support personel, such as a guide runner. The need for support personel could be reduced through image analysis, e.g. through image processing and object tracking, to ensure that for example a runner or swimmer does not leave their lane. However, real time image processing requires fast computation, which is not convenient to carry during sports activities. The aim of this project is to create an optical metasurfaces or filter based all-optical image processing system that performs optical computation, e.g. contrast enhancement or edge detection and enhancement to in the future allow a low computation system, e.g. a mobile phone, to perform the remainder of the image processing and then provide feedback to the athlete. In this project the RA would be expected to assemble an optical characterisation setup, obtain images of a representative environment, eg. a running track, under varying conditions. This would then be followed by using existing filters, designed by a previous RA on the project to perform all-optical image processing. Additionally the RA would be expected to then further improve the filters used, as well as miniaturize the optical set-up. Interested students are encouraged to contact me for more details. |
Electrical & Computer Engineering | Bajcsy | Michal | QNC 4126 | 39279 | USRA |
Title: Systems for Non-Linear Optics at Single Photon Levels Description: This project focuses on design of nano-photonic structures and studies of quantum optics schemes that would enable development of scalable on-chip devices for all optical signal processing at single photon levels. The research will include training in the following areas: use of commercial FDTD software to simulate photonic structures, basic nano-fabrication techniques (photolithography, PECVD), optical testing of fabricated structures, and basic electronics and fiber optics. |
Electrical & Computer Engineering | Crowley | Mark | E5 4114 | 31464 | USRA |
Title: Machine Learning Tools Software Development Description: The UWECEML lab carries out research into decision making under uncertainty, prediction of spatiotemporal dynamics and anomaly detection in domains ranging from Forest wildfires, to embedded systems processes to autonomous driving. The student RA will carry out vital work to extend existing software frameworks we use for simulation of dynamic process and to help with running of new experiments in collaboration with graduate students in the lab. This position will involve programming in python on unix and windows machines to set update existing libraries, build experimental frameworks, run experiments on a range of datasets and help with visualizing the outputs. Student must have development experience and have a deep knowledge of python a must, knowledge of scipy, pyplot, tensorflow would be beneficial. Familiarity with machine learning algorithms such as random forests, deep learning, CNNs, Reinforcement Learning a plus but not required. |
Electrical & Computer Engineering | Dietl | Werner | EIT 4007 | USRA |
Description: Developing correct software is difficult and many programming errors are discovered by end users, which causes embarrassment, monetary damage, and -in the extreme- harm to people. My research focuses on practical approaches to prevent more programming mistakes during development. Optional type systems improve the static guarantees of a programming language, like Java, and are a light-weight approach to improve correctness. In your URA, you'll learn about high-quality software development and work on a research project, e.g., by performing a case study, improving an existing tool, or prototyping a new tool. Research on improving code quality and programmer productivity will also benefit your own programming skills. You can contact me via email (wdietl@uwaterloo.ca). Also, feel free to take a look at my homepage. |
Electrical & Computer Engineering | Golab | Wojceiech | DC 2528 | 32029 | USRA |
Title: Big Data and Analytics Description: Distributed storage and analytics systems are used pervasively in data-driven environments including social networking and e-commerce web sites, and appear increasingly in enterprise IT infrastructures. Designing such systems remains fundamentally challenging for two reasons: concurrency (i.e., dealing with many users simultaneously) and failures (i.e., dealing with unreliable hardware components). As a result, distributed storage and analytics systems use elaborate mechanisms to provide concurrency control and to mask failures. Dr. Golab's research in this space focuses on understanding the effects of these mechanisms on the scalability, efficiency, and data consistency of distributed systems. Students involved in this research will have an opportunity to work with state-of-the-art open-source tools, including NoSQL storage (e.g., Apache Cassandra) and cluster computing frameworks (e.g., Hadoopr and Spark), as well as to pursue theoretical topics pertaining to specifying and verifying the correctness of distributed systems. |
Electrical & Computer Engineering | Gong | Guang | E7 3546 | 45650 | USRA |
Title: Implementation of WG cipher automation using GAP. Description: A part of research in the ComSec lab (comsec.uwaterloo.ca) is development of cryptographic algorithms and protocols in hardware and software. WG stream ciphers are defined over small finite fields which aim at securing loT devices. A part of ongoing research is design automation using GAP and VHDL> This project is to implement more sophisticated search methods (for example reducing the search space based on the fact that reciprocal of an irreducible/primitive polynomial is also irreducible/primitive). The efficiency of implemented functions in GAP can be tested using GAPs profiling facilities. The goal is to reduce the time for the search for the small fields and to adapt the methods to work on bigger fields as well: in the initial stage, we want to extend GF (2^128), possibly larger. Other information and restrictions: |
Electrical & Computer Engineering | Gurfinkel | Arie | DC 2356 | 36616 | USRA |
Title: Automated Software Verification Brief Description: Modern software systems are incredibly complex engineered artifacts. They rely on intricate algorithms, developed by large, often distributed, teams, and are build out of many interconnected components. Software bugs are common even in such safety-critical industries as medical devices, automotive, and avionics. Yet, we are increasingly becoming dependent on reliable operation of such systems. Furthermore, the impact of software bugs on safety and security is increasing as the border between safety- and non-safety-critical systems is eroded. Dealing with this complexity requires automation in verification and certification. While the last few decades have seen tremendous progress towards this goal, effective automated verification remains a grand challenge. The long term objective the project is to develop scalable automated verification that is usable by software engineers and is integrated into the software development life-cycle. You will contribute to the development of the automated verification tool SeaHorn and will learn about Compilers, Constraint Solvers (SAT/SMT), and Automated Verification. |
Electrical & Computer Engineering | Hasan | Anwar | E7 5434 | 42868 | USRA |
Title: Data Security and Applied Cryptography Description: This project involves implementation of post-quantum cryptographic primitives in both software and hardware. The ideal candidate will have a strong mathematical background, experience in C/C++, assembly language, FPGA and VHDL. |
Electrical & Computer Engineering | Ho | Pin-Han | EIT 4161 | 32452 | USRA |
Title: Deep machine learning for media classification Description: The project is on programming of software module and applications for a novel deep learning architecture for video/multimedia inspection/classification. |
Electrical & Computer Engineering | Ho | Pin-Han | EIT 4161 | 32452 | USRA |
Title: Video snapshot acquisition Description: The project is to prototype a video snapshot system that includes a media server and FPGA programming on Altera's Dex system. |
Electrical & Computer Engineering | Kapre | Nachiket | E5 4013 | 31415 | USRA |
Title: Accelerated Machine Learning with FPGAs Description: Companies like Microsoft, Intel, Google, NVIDIA are developing specialized chips for accelerating machine learning computations. We will investigate the use of FPGA-based or FPGA-like architectures for such applications. The student will write VHDL/Verilog or OpenCL descriptions of these computations and evaluate various cost/performance tradeoffs in their implementations. |
Electrical & Computer Engineering | Patel | Hiren | E5-4018 | 38105 | USRA |
Title: Generating Verilog from High-level Specifications Description: This project implements a back-end that generates synthesizable Verilog from a subset of SystemC specifications. SystemC is a high-level language built on top of C++ used for modeling and simulating digital hardware systems. |
Electrical & Computer Engineering | Poudineh | Mahla | QNC 3622 | 33319 | USRA |
Title: Developing new platforms for bio-sensing applications Description: In Poudineh Lab, we develop bio-sensing approaches for therapeutics and diagnostics purposes and translating biomedical devices to the clinic. Currently, the focus is on two main projects:
Electrical & Computer Engineering | Rayside | Derek | DC 2538 | 32840 | USRA | Description: Microfluidic design automation software. Some understanding of any subset of the following: fluid dynamics, COMSOL, microfluidics, programming languages, compilers, SAT. The nature of this work is fundamentally interdisciplinary, so each team member usually knows only one part of the background knowledge. |
Electrical & Computer Engineering | Shaker | George | DC 2635 | 519-498-5173 | USRA |
Electrical & Computer Engineering | Vaniea | Kami | DC 2532 | 31718 | USRA |
Title: Creating Helpful Scam Avoidance Advice Description: Scams can be hard to detect, especially for people who are in a new context, such as moving jobs, coming to university, or starting a new phase of their lives. For these people, it can be very frightening to hang up on someone claiming their SIN has just been deactivated, or ignore an email claiming that Amazon just billed them $900. Most advice given to people on how to detect and avoid scams is overly general; for example: "look at the URL before clicking". This advice is quite challenging for people to translate into specific actions, especially when they are facing a threatening message that is urging them to make fast decisions. The goal of this project is to think about a specific population of people and the challenges they face around scams, for example, first year students who just moved to a new city/country and no longer have their prior support system to help them. Then, create a system that will work with them to help them confidently determine if they are facing a scam and what they can do about it. This is an interdisciplinary project and can accept a range of skill areas. A student with strong programming skills might automatically analyze scam emails and use the identified information to help the person make a good decision. A student with more interest in Human Computer Interaction could run experiments to better understand the needs of populations and what types of computer interventions are likely to assist them. Please see my lab page for examples of my past projects |
Electrical & Computer Engineering | Wei | Lan | E5 4023 | 31423 | USRA |
Title: Error-resilient Computation with Imperfect Emerging Technologies such as carbon nanotube transistors and non-volatile memories. Description: In this project, the students are expected to explore approaches at both device and circuit levels to develop error-resilient computation systems. Special interests are with carbon nanotube transistors and non-volatile memories. The project is for 3th/4th year students who are interested in VLSI design with emerging technologies. |
Electrical & Computer Engineering | Wei | Lan | E5 4023 | 31423 | USRA |
Title: Cryogenic CMOS for quantum computing Description: This project is for 3rd/4th year students only. In this project, the students are encouraged to explore the CMOS device and circuit at cryogenic temperatures aiming for control and operation of silicon quantum bits for quantum computing, including
Electrical & Computer Engineering | Yu | Alfred | EIT 4125 | 36908 | USRA | Title: Next-generation biomedical ultrasound innovations |
Electrical & Computer Engineering | Zahedi | Seyed Majid | DC 2524 | 35761 | USRA |
Title: Accelerating real-time AI on SoC FPGAs Description: In this project, students will work on design and implementation of an open-source, VTA-based accelerator framework for real-time AI. Prior knowledge on compilers, FPGA design, and kernel programming is necessary. |
Electrical & Computer Engineering | Zahedi | Seyed Majid | DC 2524 | 35761 | USRA |
Title: Distributed mobile computing system Description: In this project, students will work on design and implementation of an open-source, VTA-based distributed mobile computing framework. Prior knowledge on mobile app development is necessary. Prior knowledge on compilers, OpenCL, and RPC is not necessary but would be extremely helpful. |
Management Sciences | Ferguson | Sharon | CPH 4313 | 38967 | USRA |
Title: Developing Collaboration Technology for a Flexible Future of Work Description: Post COVID-19, workplaces are experimenting with new workplace configurations, including varying hybrid schedules, alternating between asynchronous and synchronous work time, and more flexible working hours (e.g., 4-day work weeks). These changes challenge our traditional collaboration patterns and collaboration platform (e.g., Zoom, Microsoft Teams) use. This project aims to study collaboration in these emerging workplace configurations, identify which collaboration constructs are affected, and design more effective collaboration technology to support these new forms of working. This project will involve observing collaboration through in-person/online observations, interviews, surveys, and digital trace data collection; using qualitative, quantitative, and natural language processing methods to analzye collaboration patterns; using software engineering and user experience fundamentals to design new collaborative technology; and using user testing methods and controlled experiments to evaluate the technology. Students will need experience in either software engineering, natural language processing and analytics, or human subject studies. This work will contribute to publications in HCI venues such as CHI and CSCW. |
Management Sciences | Mahmoudzadeh | Houra | CPH 4317 | 38043 | USRA |
Title: Optimization of radiation therapy treatment planning for cancer Description: Radiation therapy is one of the main methods for treating cancer. High energy beams are used to eradicate cancer cells while trying to spare the surrounding healthy organs. The treatment planning process can be viewed as a large-scale optimization approach. We use mathematical programming techniques to formulate different types of cancer treatment planning problems using real patient data. Different projects are defined based on specific cancer sites, different delivery machine specifications, and various clinical requirements defined for personalized treatments. Funded by: Research Account |
Management Sciences | Pirnia | Mehrdad | CPH 4303 | 38956 | USRA |
Title: Analyics in Energy Systems Brief Description: The aim of this project is providing clean, affordable and reliable energy for consumers, from busy urban areas to remote northern communities. The student needs to look at technologies such as renewables, storage capacities, and more modern initiatives (electric vehicles and smart appliances) and use sophisticated optimization techniques to prescribe economical and achievable policies to meet environmental targets and cost reduction incentives. The projects involves a high degree of data analytics. |
Management Sciences | Yang | Jangho | CPH 3629 | 40422 | USRA |
Title: The Role of Mergers & Acquisitions in Big Tech's Innovation Capabilities: A patent approach
The position will involve programming in R to validate the name matching algorithm our team has developed and manually checking patent records. |
Mechanical & Mechatronics Engineering | Arami | Arash | EC4 1023 | 37648 | USRA |
Title: Human-Robot Interaction in Wearable Exoskeletons Description: Design controllers for lower and upper limb exoskeletons to help people with sensorimotor deficits. Evaluate the human-robot interaction. Adapt the controller using machine learning techniques. |
Mechanical & Mechatronics Engineering | Buchanan | Russell | E7 3422 | 40552 | USRA |
Title: Visual-tactile sensor fusion for robotic manipulation Description: Develop sensor fusion frameworks for integration visual sensors such as cameras and lidar with tactile sensing such as force/torque or inertial sensing. Comparative analysis of model-based methods and deep learning based methods. Implementation of the proposed methods in software for deployment on robot systems. The student will actively work on developing robot capabilities for applications such as robotic agriculture and service robots. |
Mechanical & Mechatronics Engineering | Buchanan | Russell | E7 3422 | 40552 | USRA |
Title: Robot learning for dexterous manipulation skills Description: Investigate robot manipulation capabilities using both human-like robotic hands and various robotic grippers including 2-finger and vacuum suction. How can we train robots to go beyond pick-and-place to fine, dexterous manipulation such as holding a pen, chopsticks or typing on a keyboard. Research will focus on reinforcement learning methods in simulated environments with roll-out to real robot hardware. |
Mechanical & Mechatronics Engineering | Hu | Yue | E7 3416 |
40709 | USRA |
Title: Human-robot interaction with collaborative robots Description: Develop task planning and control frameworks for collaborative robots (robot arms fixed in the environment of on a mobile base) in the context of human-robot interaction tasks, possibly involving indirect or direct physical contacts, such as carrying objects, assembly, physical assistance. The framework should take sensor data from both the robot and human user as feedback to adapt the task execution accordingly. |
Mechanical & Mechatronics Engineering | Hu | Yue | E7 3416 |
40709 | USRA |
Title: Understanding physical human-robot interaction Description: Conduct human-robot interaction experiments with collaborative robots involving physical interactions (direct or indirect ones). The experiments should include data collection from both the robot and the human (physical and physiological data, questionnaires). Conclusions should be based on observations and data analysis (factor analysis, machine learning). |
Mechanical & Mechatronics Engineering | Jeon | Soo | E7 3438 | 48898 | USRA |
Title: Visual perception for robotic grasping and manipulation Description: A 7 DOF robot arm has three-finger hand and a stereo vision camera mounted on the wrist. The purpose of this project is to develop efficient vision-based object grasping algorithms so that the robot can grasp various objects (and possibly manipulation them). There are graduate students who are already working on relevant topics and the student will assist them for any tasks needed. The student may also be helping graduate students to upgrade ROS to ROS2. The system will be equipped with NVIDIS embedded PC with GPU (NVIDIA AGX Orin), and the students will have ample experience playing with deep learning and machine vision packages as well as fun experiment with state-of-the-art robotic platform. Strong background in programming and control is preferred. Any prior experience of working in robotic application will be a plus. |
Mechanical & Mechatronics Engineering | Mitra | Sushanta | QNC 3607 | 37176 | USRA |
Title: Liquid Wettability Description: The work is related to the fundamental understanding of under-liquid wettability with wide range of applications such as self-cleaning surfaces, coatings for marine applications, etc. |
Mechanical & Mechatronics Engineering | Pan | Zhao | ERC 2028 | 38631 | USRA |
Title: Curiosity-driven micro/bio-fluid physics in daily lives Description: We are a curious group that invites students investigating interesting problems around us by learning from nature through mathematics/fluid physics lens. We look for high impact works based on creative ideas. A few examples of our projects include:
High-speed photography of this trick will inspire us. Funded by: Research Account |
Mechanical & Mechatronics Engineering | Weckman | Elizabeth (Beth) | E5 3033 | 33345 | USRA |
Title: Fire Safety Engineering Description: Interested in fluids, thermal and materials performance. There are a variety of projects available related to ongoing projects through the UW Fire Research Labs. |
Mechanical & Mechatronics Engineering | Wu | Xiaoyu | ERC 3022 | 36849 | USRA |
Title: Sustainable clean water production devices Description: Clean water and sanitation is among the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by the United Nations. Currently, 29% of the global population don't have access to "safely managed" drinking water. In this project, we are interested in developing a clean water generation device powered by solar energy. Combining materials with high solar radiation absorption and good water diffusivity, the device aims at producing steam effectively. |
Mechanical & Mechatronics Engineering | Wu | Yimin | E7 3418 | 40185 | USRA |
Title: Strained Engineered Artificial Leaf for CO2 Conversions to Fuels Description: Photocatalytic CO2 conversion systems, also addressed as artificial leaves, can convert CO2 into useful fuels with solar energy. We have ongoing projects related to the development of photocatalytic reaction systems that utilize strain engineering to enhance conversion performance. These projects involve reactor design and optimization, performance evaluation, and patent/paper preparation |
Mechanical & Mechatronics Engineering | Wu | Yimin | E7 3418 | 40185 | USRA |
Title: Photocatalytic Reactor for Converting Plastic Waste into Value-Added Chemicals Description: Photocatalytic plastic conversion is considered one of the most promising recycling strategies due to its sustainability and environmental friendliness. We will work on developing better photocatalytic reaction systems to improve the use of light and enhance the conversion performance. These projects involve reactor design and optimization, performance evaluation. |
Mechanical & Mechatronics Engineering |
Yarusevyh | Serhiy | E5 3013 | 35442 | USRA |
Title: Fluid Mechanics Research Laboratory Description: We have a very active, internationally recognized research group specializing in engineering applications of fluid mechanics and aerodynamics. We are always open to providing research opportunities to motivated students in the areas related to our ongoing projects. |
Mechanical & Mechatronics Engineering | Nishida | Robert | ERC 2007 | 43297 | USRA |
Title: Advancing Particulate Sensors for Improved Air Quality and Health Outcomes Description: Fine particulate matter in outdoor air pollution is the leading environmental health risk, surpassing unsafe water and sanitation. Smaller, ultrafine particles (<100 nm) may have even greater health impacts due to their high concentration, surface area, and deep lung deposition. Unlike fine particles, ultrafine particles are more transient, requiring hyper-local monitoring to accurately reflect air quality and enable informed decisions, e.g., staying indoors, filtering. However, conventional instruments are too bulky, expensive or inaccurate for widespread use. The URA project will involve building, analyzing (e.g. applied Computational Fluid Dynamics) and/or deploying miniaturized particle sensors towards hyper-local air quality data for environmental justice and improved human health. You can contact me via email (robert.nishida@uwaterloo.ca). Also, feel free to take a look at my research interests |
Systems Design Engineering | Clausi | David | EC4-2039 | 32604 | USRA |
Title: Applied Computer Vision Description: Machine learning, AI, deep learning applied to computer vision in the realm of satellite remote sensing and sports analytics. Funded by: Research Account |
Systems Design Engineeering | Maftoon | Nima | EC4 2029 | 37654 | USRA |
Title: Finite-Element Models of the Auditory System Description: The undergraduate research assistant will work on development of finite-element models of the auditory system, as well as a new medical device for otitis media in children. |
Systems Design Engineering | Nehaniv | Chrystopher | E7-6322 | 40168 | USRA |
Title: Asynchronous Interaction Machines Description: Programming and visualization of synchronously and asynchronously updated cellular automata and interaction machines (automata networks that grow and change their topologies in response to interactions/events, with recursive fractal-like structure). Other Information or Restrictions: Excellent programming ability in higher level programming languages (e.g. python, java). Previous experiences with visualization/graphical user interace design. Excellent mathematical and alogritmic skills/aptitude. Excellent spoken and written English skills. |
Systems Design Engineering | Nehaniv | Chrystopher | E7-6322 | 40168 | USRA |
Title: Algebraic Intelligence for STEM Applications Description: Development and application of computer algebraic tools for the automatically creating coordinate systems in a science, technology, engineering or mathematics (STEM) application area in a finite discrete-event system models. Artificial algebraic intellitgence provides novel methods for AI systems to understand and hierarchically manipulate (e.g. autonomously generating strategies for solving a permutation puzzle like Rubik's cube, or for applications in System Biology).
Systems Design |
Nehaniv |
Chrystopher |
E7 6322 |
40168 |
Title: Interaction and Experience in Robot Cognitive Architectures |
Systems Design Engineering |
Nehaniv |
Chrystopher |
E7 6322 |
40168 |
Title: Social Interaction in Artificial Intelligence Robotics |
Systems Design Engineering | Willett | Thomas | DWE 2507 | 38405 | USRA |
Title: Biomimetic Biomaterials Description: Student will assist in both computation and experimental work concerning the development of novel biomimetic biomaterials. |
Systems Design Engineering | Zelek | John | ECR-2017 | 32567 | USRA |
Title: AI for Infrastructure, Transportation, Urbanism, and other Applications Description: Most of our research work consists of using Artificial Intelligence methods (such as machine learning including deep learning) to solve complex problems in a variety of applications. A lot of the problems involve computer vision and or robotics. Examples of applications include nfrastructure monitoring including roads, buildings; building 3D maps from cameras for autonomous vehicles; monitoring manufacturing process control to predict failures; object detection and recognition; 3D human body modelling for human fitting; Reinforcement Learning to learn how to move; human motion modelling for sports analytics;... to name a few. Currently there are over a dozen graduate students in the lab. Ideally you will work with one of the graduate students as part of our team. The projects vary depending on the partners we are currently teamed with. Ideal candidates should have some exposure to machine learning, be proficient in programming with python, C++ and machine learning tools. |
Mechanical & Mechatronics Engineering | Vlasea | Mihaela | E7-3308 | 48329 | USRA |
Title: Additive manufacturing process characterization and optimization Description: Additive manufacturing (AM) is an advanced layer-by-layer manufacturing technique that allows a high degree of design freedom and material customization. Industry is now increasingly bringing AM into use for actual production. To achieve excellent part quality, ongoing efforts exist for part |
Mechanical & Mechatronics Engineering | Toyserkani | Ehsan | E4- 1031 | 37560 | USRA |
Title: Additive Material Developer Description: Assisting with the characterization of powder and printed parts using tests and methods such as metallography, densitometry, powder rheology, image processing, profilometry and microstructure analysis among others. Updating powder and chemical inventory, and implementing procedures to promote safe and efficient lab operations. |