Canada's Largest Engineering School
Ranked among the top 50 engineering schools worldwide, Waterloo Engineering is committed to leading engineering education and research.
We are the largest engineering school in Canada, with over 10,900 students enrolled in 2023. In 2023/24, external research funding from Canadian and international partners exceeded $79.3 million, a strong indication of our extensive industry partnerships and the excellence of our engineering research programs.
Hack the North emphazises community and inspiration
Hack the North, Canada’s largest hackathon, took place in E7 of the Faculty of Engineering, attracting over 1,000 young innovators for 36 hours of creativity and collaboration. Participants worked on a wide range of tech projects, from software applications to hardware gadgets, while also building connections and a strong sense of community.
Co-op students making a difference at SickKids
Co-op students from Waterloo’s Faculty of Engineering have been making important contributions to healthcare innovation at SickKids.
Royal Society of Canada recognizes researcher
Dr. Eman Rezk, an NSERC Postdoctoral Scholar in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, has been named a 2024 recipient of the Royal Society of Canada (RSC) Alice Wilson Award. This award is presented annually to three women of outstanding academic qualifications in the fields of Arts and Humanities, Social Sciences, or Science, recognizing excellence at the postdoctoral level.
Canadian Engineering Graduate Studies Fair
Explore Master’s and PhD opportunities at the Canadian Graduate Engineering Consortium (CGEC) Fair 2024 with Canada’s Top Engineering Graduate Programs.
Undergraduate Admissions Webinar Series: How Guidance Counsellors can Assist Engineering and Mathematics Applicants
From September - November 2024, the Waterloo Engineering admissions & recruitment team will host webinars covering everything you need to know about applying to Engineering at the University of Waterloo! Presenters will include the Director or Associate Director of Admissions, as well as current students who have been through the admissions process themselves.
The session on Tuesday, September 24 from 10am - 11am ET is for guidance counsellors/advisors who will be supporting students through the Engineering and/or Mathematics undergraduate application process. We will discuss admission processes and changes this year as well as highlight some important deadlines for your students.
Undergraduate Admissions Webinar Series: Tips for Applying to Waterloo Engineering Session 1
Learn about the admissions process, including application details, tips for your Admissions Information Form (AIF), and more! Our panelists will feature the Director or Associate Director of Admissions and current students who have successfully navigated the process. This session will be offered twice to accommodate students across various time zones.