
Hppy Pride Month - UWaterloo EngiQueers

What is EngiQueers and how do you support Waterloo Engineering?  

EngiQueers is the University of Waterloo's branch of EngiQueers Canada. We focus on bringing together LGBTQ+ students in engineering and providing a space where they can feel accepted and at home. We run weekly informal meetings that usually feature a queer-themed movie and conversation. We also host occasional events, such as a panel about navigating the workforce as an LGBTQ+ person and we attended the national EngiQueers Canada conferences. 

As an affiliate of the university's Engineering Society (EngSoc), we help promote and coordinate LGBTQ+ related events, such as Q-week (a collaboration with all the queer student groups on campus).

How can I join EngiQueers?

Reach out to Engineering Society (EngSoc) to find out more, and how you can get involved.