Speaker: Hélène Debéda, Associate Professor, University of Bordeaux, IMS Laboratory, PRIMS team
Here, special attention will be paid to screen-printed MEMS applications. Indeed, among numerous technologies nowadays available for thick-films fabrication in microelectronics the very simple, flexible and cheap screen-printing equipment allows deposition of a large choice of materials on various substrates. Modifications of standard screen-printing have been therefore proposed for a few decade for integration purpose, fabrication of free-standing components, performance improvement or lower temperature processing. Polymer and nanopowders based thick-films are for instance important achievements, leading to various applications on flexible substrates because of low temperature processing. Thick printed PZT layers supported by a stainless steel substrate instead of rigid alumina or silicon substrates can lead to excellent performances such as flexibility, toughness and high-efficiency of power generation. In addition, by using a sacrificial layer process, promising performances of free standing electroded PZT thick films for microsystems applications will be discussed. Applications for gas detection, actuation, structural health monitoring or energy harvesting will be presented. As well, printed resistive layers based on SnO2, ZnO or black carbon have been used for gas detection. Finally, potentiality of carbon based organic cantilevers for gas sensing or energy harvesting will be highlighted.