Kitchener-based water treatment supplier H2nanO is working closely with Canada's Oil Sands Innovation Alliance (COSIA), an alliance of oil sands companies working with scientists, academics and innovators to make Canadian energy part of a sustainable environment.
Founded by Waterloo Engineering alum Zac Young (BASc ’15, nanotechnology engineering and MASc ‘20, chemical engineering, P.Eng.), H2nanO is committed to addressing the pressing need for new, sustainable water treatment solutions.
The oil sands industry relies heavily on water for its extraction processes, resulting in significant volumes of contaminated water. The startup’s patented technology, SolarPass, harnesses sunlight to produce oxidants that degrade contaminants in process-affected water.
H2nanO’s journey from lab-based research to full-scale commercialization underscores the immense potential for visionary startups to shape a cleaner, greener future.
Go to Nanosized solution is making a big impact in Alberta’s oil sands for the full story.