Research projects backed by online educator D2L

Tuesday, May 31, 2022

Three research projects with Waterloo Engineering connections have been completed or are continuing with support from online education company D2L.

The D2L Innovation Guild was launched in 2018 in conjunction with four leading research universities in Canada, including the University of Waterloo, to help solve teaching and learning challenges.

A completed project called Leadership Skills to Support Experiential Learning for Canadian Engineering Grand Challenges involved chemical engineering professor Christine Moresoli and Nadine Ibrahim, a civil and environmental engineering lecturer.

Moresoli and Ibrahim are now involved with an ongoing project called Embedding Indigenous Teachings, and Equity, Diversity and Inclusivity in Engineering Leadership Education for the Canadian Engineering Grand Challenges.

A second ongoing project, Surveying Land-Based Learning in Canadian Universities, involves Kate Mercer, the liaison librarian for systems design engineering and electrical and computer engineering, and Mary Robinson, the associate dean of outreach, equity and diversity for Waterloo Engineering.