Seaweed molecules used to improve bypass grafts

Monday, December 5, 2022

Researchers at Waterloo Engineering are using a natural material derived from seaweed to promote vascular cell growth, prevent blood clots and improve the performance of synthetic vascular grafts used in heart bypass surgery.

The new approach is especially important in cases involving small artificial blood vessels - those less than six millimetres in diameter - which are prone to clots that can develop into full blockages.

“There is a crucial need to develop synthetic vascular graft materials that will increase the rate of long-term functions,” said Dr. Evelyn Yim, a chemical engineering professor and University Research Chair who leads the project.

Go to Seaweed molecules used to improve outcomes for bypass surgery for the full story.

Photo of the synthetic grafts made by the researchers.

Synthetic grafts made by the researchers at Waterloo Engineering using seaweed molecules.