A message of condolence from Dean Mary Wells
It is with deep sadness that I share information about the death of one of our students - Mihir Rodrigues, a second-year Chemical Engineering student.
It is with deep sadness that I share information about the death of one of our students - Mihir Rodrigues, a second-year Chemical Engineering student.
Waterloo Engineering faculty members will advance their work through inaugural Tier 1 Canada Research Chairs.
Catherine Burns, a systems design engineering professor, is the new Canada Research Chair (CRC) in Human Factors in Healthcare Systems.
More than a year after publishing a paper that attracted worldwide attention, a Waterloo Engineering researcher is working towards commercialization of technology to tackle climate change.
Yimin Wu, a professor of mechanical and mechatronics engineering, was inspired by nature to create an “artificial leaf” that converts harmful carbon dioxide into an alternative fuel.
A new study by Waterloo Engineering researchers found that targeting wetland restoration in heavily farmed areas would dramatically reduce the amount of nitrogen polluting rivers, lakes and coastal areas.
The researchers, who collaborated with a University of Waterloo alumnus who is now a professor at the University of Illinois Chicago (UIC), examined detailed data on wetland locations and nitrogen loads from fertilizer on farm fields throughout the United States.
A faculty member of Waterloo’s electrical and computer engineering (ECE) department has been named a 2021 fellow of the Engineering Institute of Canada (EIC), the country’s longest-standing engineering society.
Students at Waterloo Engineering had another strong showing at the recent Fall 2020 Concept $5K pitch competition.
Two of four teams that earned $5,000 prizes at the virtual event, which is staged three times a year, featured engineering members.
Ayush Bhargava, a first-year management engineering student, and Raymond Wu, a first-year biomedical engineering student, are members of ChangeRoom.
Young entrepreneurs who studied at Waterloo Engineering and launched companies to fill a void in the marketplace are part of Forbes 30 Under 30 for 2021.
The University community continues to share memories and acknowledge the impact of Pearl Sullivan at Waterloo in the wake of her passing two weeks ago. A champion for Waterloo and for Engineering, Pearl made an incredible impact on this institution, our people and partners during her service as a professor, department chair and dean as shown by the continued outpouring of support and tributes from her students, colleagues, and members of the community.
Two Canadian engineering deans wrote a powerful opinion piece for the CBC mourning the École Polytechnique's victims and reflecting on the trailblazing women in engineering since December 6, 1989.
Mary Wells, dean of Waterloo Engineering, and Suzanne Kresta, dean of the College of Engineering at the University of Saskatchewan, shared their thoughts on the tragic loss of engineering talent and the “engineering superheroes” who have worked towards the goal of equal representation in the profession.
Work by three researchers at Waterloo Engineering is featured in the latest issue of WaterResearch, a publication produced by the Water Institute at the University of Waterloo.