
For Active Waterloo Engineering Students

Here are a few important things to remember when thinking about transferring into another Engineering program:

  • Engineering students at the University of Waterloo do not take a common first year.  Transferring programs often results in delaying graduation by a year.
  • Before submitting a transfer application, you should consider if there are ways to achieve your goals by remaining in your current program. This may include, but is not limited to, working towards an option in a specialized area, carefully selecting elective courses, gaining experience through co-op, involvement with an on-campus group in your area of interest, or pursuing advanced studies after graduation.
  • Students must demonstrate a strong motivation for transferring from one program to another.
  • Students must meet or exceed all admission requirements for the proposed program.
  • Students must be in good academic standing at the time of transfer application.
  • The internal transfer process is competitive and subject to space availability.

Admission Requirements

The following admission requirements apply:

  • A minimum overall average (CAV) of 75% is required before a transfer application will be considered. A higher average may be required for competitive programs.
  • Grades of less than 70% in any math or science course may result in an application being denied.
  • Applicants to Software Engineering are also required to have experience developing well-structured, modular programs. Programming courses taken in other Engineering programs are not always sufficient to meet the programming experience requirements of the Software Engineering program.

Application Process for Transfers into First Year (1A or 1B)

The following steps are required to request a transfer:

  • To request a program transfer please complete a Plan Modification Form. This form allows for the tracking of transfer requests by the Faculty of Engineering. If a transfer is eventually approved, you will have an opportunity to accept or decline the transfer offer. It is not necessary to obtain Academic Advisor Approvals before submitting the form. 
  • You must also write a detailed letter explaining why you are not satisfied with your current program and how the new program will help you meet your education and career goals. Providing examples of projects, extracurricular activities, and work experience related to the requested program will strengthen your transfer application.
  • The completed form and letter can be dropped off at the Engineering Undergraduate Office located in E2 – 1772 or sent by email to Engineering Transfers by the application deadline (see below).

Applications will be acknowledged within a few business days after being received. Transfers are not granted on a first-come, first-serve basis. All transfer decisions are considered once the application deadline has passed for a particular term. The decision process may take several weeks.

Application Deadlines

The following admission deadlines apply:

  • Fall (1A term) – March 1st
  • Winter (1B term) – December 1st
  • Spring (1B term) – March 1st  

If you have any questions about the process or the application deadlines, please contact Engineering Transfers.

Application Process for Transfers into Second Year (2A) and Beyond

Please contact the advisor for the program that you are interested in to see if a transfer is a possibility. Program transfers at the second year (2A) level and beyond are usually only possible when moving between closely related Engineering programs. Transfers at this level are rare. The admission requirements for a 2A transfer are set by individual departments.

For Waterloo Students registered in Another Faculty

Here are a few important things to remember when thinking about transferring into an Engineering plan:

  • All students entering the Faculty of Engineering are required to start in the 1A term which is only available in September of each year.
  • All applicants, internal and external to Waterloo, compete in the same applicant pool for 1A admissions resulting in an extremely competitive process.

Admission Requirements

  • A minimum overall average (CAV) of 75% is required before a transfer application will be considered. Given the extremely competitive process, much higher averages are often required.
  • Applicants must meet the high school admission requirements for the program of interest. Completing the required subjects at the university level may strengthen a transfer application but is not required.
  • Note that high school subjects taken three or more years ago may no longer qualify for admission, and students may be asked to refresh these courses. 
  • Grades of less than 70% in any math or science course may result in an application being denied.
  • English language proficiency requirements for the Faculty of Engineering must be satisfied.
  • Applicants to Software Engineering are also required to have experience developing well-structured, modular programs. Programming courses taken in other programs are not always sufficient to meet the programming experience requirements of the Software Engineering program.

Application Process for Transfers into First Year (1A Only)

The following steps are required to request a transfer:

  • To request a program transfer please complete a Faculty Transfer Form. This form allows for the tracking of transfer requests by the Faculty of Engineering. If a transfer is eventually approved, you will have an opportunity to accept or decline the transfer offer.
  • You must also write a detailed letter explaining why you are not satisfied with your current program and how the new program will help you meet your education and career goals. Providing examples of projects, extracurricular activities, and work experience related to the requested program will strengthen your transfer application.
  • The completed form and letter can be dropped off at the Engineering Undergraduate Office located in E2 – 1772 or sent by email to Engineering Transfers by the application deadline (see below).

Applications will be acknowledged within a few business days after being received. Transfers are not granted on a first-come, first-serve basis. All transfer decisions are considered during our admissions process. This process concludes in the middle of May.

Application Deadline

The following admission deadlines apply:

  • Fall (1A term) – March 1st

If you have any questions about the process or the application deadlines, please contact Engineering Transfers.

Transferring from Other Post-Secondary Institutions

If you are currently registered at another post-secondary institution, please refer to our transfer students page. Here are a few important things to remember when thinking about transferring into Waterloo Engineering:

  • Students registered at another post-secondary institution must meet the admission requirements for university transfer students.
  • Waterloo admits very few transfer applicants due to the difficulty in matching course and work experience to our programs.
  • Due to the unique nature of our direct-entry co-operative education programs, it may not be possible to award transfer credits for courses taken at other institutions.

If you have any questions about the process or the application deadlines, please contact the Engineering Admissions Office.