Technische Universität Munchen (TUM) course packages

All courses received post-exchange approval and are subject to change.

Waterloo course

TUM course

Computer Engineering

Ian Larson, October 2016:
GER 201 - Intermediate German Sz0305 - German as a Foreign Language B1.1
GENE 21Q - technical elective EI5069 - Smart Card Lab

Electrical Engineering

Jonathon Ellis - October 2016 to September 2017:
ECE 375 - Electromagnetic Fields and Waves EI0203 - Theory of Electromagnetic Fields
ECE 380 - Analog Control Systems EI0207 - Control Systems
ECE 381 - Electronic Devices EI0302 - Electronic Devices
ECE 318 - Analog and Digital Communications EI0308 - Communications Systems 1
ECE 224 - Embedded Microprocessor Systems EI0104 - Computer Technics
GER 201 - Intermediate German (complimentary studies elective, list D) SZ0305 - German as a Foreign Language B1.1
GENE 23N - Natural Science Elective, List 2 PH2058 - Introduction to Astrophysics
PHIL 215 - Professional and Business Ethics (complimentary studies elective, list C) ED0097 - Business Ethics
SOC 101 - Introduction to Sociology (complimentary studies elective, list C) ED0095 - Introduction to Sociology