Technische Universität Munchen (TUM) course packages

All courses received post-exchange approval and are subject to change.


Waterloo course TUM course
Minh Tuam Pham, September 2023:
ARCH 393 -  Design Studio AR30228 Project - Architectural Informatics
ARCH 442 - Contemporary Architectural Theory AR30076 - Architectural Analysis
ARCH 510 - Special Topics in Visual and Digital Media ED120067 - Foundations of Integrated Product Design
ARCH 484 - Architectural Research Lead User Project (no course number assigned, same credit value as ARCH 510)

 Civil Engineering

Waterloo course TUM course
Waterloo Engineering students from this program have been to this partner previously but there are no recent study plans available.

 Computer Engineering

Waterloo course

TUM course
William Wootton, September 2023: 
ECE 307: Probability Theory and Statistics 2 (core) EI60007: Statistics and Probability Theory
ECE 320: Computer Architecture (3B TE) IN2076: Advanced Computer Architecture
ECE 356: Database Systems (3B TE) BV030012: Engineering Database
ECE 358: Computer Networks (3B TE) IN2097: Advanced Computer Networking
GENE21Q (non-ECE TE) CIT4310008: Brain-Inspired Computing for AI

Electrical Engineering

Waterloo course TUM course
Waterloo Engineering students from this program have been to this partner previously but there are no recent study plans available.

Management Engineering

Waterloo course TUM course
Waterloo Engineering students from this program have been to this partner previously but there are no recent study plans available.

*Even if your Waterloo program is not listed above, don’t be discouraged. The names of the programs at the partner universities often differ from those at Waterloo. Be sure to check the course offerings in one or more study area when searching for possible course matches.