Ken Jiang, September 2023: |
ECE 358 - Computer Networks (3B TE) |
EIE 3333 - Data and Computer Communications |
ECE 356 - Database Systems (3B TE) |
EIE 4432 - Web Systems and Technologies |
GENE 22D - (CSE, List D) |
CLC 1153 - Elementary Cantonese (Taught in English) |
GENE 22C - (CSE, List C) |
APSS111 - Introduction to Psychology |
GENE 21Q (TE) |
EIE 4100 - Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition |
Jerry Bi and Denise Lee, September 2022: |
ECE 356 - Database Systems (3B technical elective) |
COMP2411 - Database Systems |
GENE 21Q - technical elective |
COMP2311 - Software Engineering |
GENE 22C - complementary studies elective (list C) |
APSS111 - Introduction to Psychology |
GENE 22D - complementary studies elective (list D) |
CLC1153 - Elementary Cantonese |
Lu Yao Chen and Brian Nguyen, September 2022: |
ECE 356 - Database Systems (3B technical elective) |
COMP2411 - Database Systems |
GENE 21Q - technical elective |
COMP3211 - Software Engineering |
GENE 21Q - technical elective |
COMP3335 - Database Security |
GENE 21Q - technical elective |
COMP4422 - Computer Graphics |
GENE 23Q - natural science elective |
AP20015 - Physics in Radiological Science |
Terence Wong and Ryan Xi, September 2022: |
ECE 356 - Database Systems (3B technical elective) |
COMP2411 - Database Systems |
GENE 21Q - technical elective |
COMP3211 - Software Engineering |
GENE 21Q - technical elective |
COMP3335 - Database Security |
GENE 21Q - technical elective |
COMP4422 - Computer Graphics |
GENE 22C - complementary studies elective (list C) |
AF1605 - Introduction to Economics |
Kelvin Zhu, September 2022: |
ECE 356 - Database Systems (3B technical elective) |
EIE4432 - Web Systems and Technologies |
ECE 313 - Digital Signal Processing (3B technical elective) |
EIE3103 - Digital Signals and Systems |
GENE 21Q - technical elective |
EIE4435 - Image and Audio Processing |
GENE 22D - complementary studies elective (list D) |
CLC2152 - Chinese Literature: Linguistics and Cultural Perspectives |