Istanbul Technical University (ITU) courses

All course packages received post-exchange approval and are subject to change.

System Design Engineering

Waterloo course ITU course
Ameen Walli Attaei, September 2023
MSE 432 - Production and Service Operations Management ISL 223E - Fundamentals of Production Management
HRM 2XX - Basic Human Resources Management ISL 363E - Human Resources Management
MSCI 446 - Introduction to Machine Learning ISL 439E - Introduction to Machine Learning with Business Applications
SYDE 352 - Introduction to Control Systems KON 313E - Feedback Control Systems
GENE 22C - CSE list C SNT 211E - Istanbul: History, Art and Society

*If your Waterloo program is not listed above, don’t be discouraged. The names of the programs at the partner universities often differ from those at Waterloo. Be sure to check the course offerings in one or more study area when searching for possible course matches.