Technical University of Denmark (DTU)

All courses received post-exchange approval and are subject to change.

Biomedical | Chemical | Civil | ComputerElectrical | Environmental | Management | Mechanical | Mechatronics | Nanotechnology | Software | Systems Design

Biomedical Engineering

Waterloo course DTU course
Eve Boulanger, September 2022:
BME 362 - Biomedical Engineering Design Workshop 1 62008 - Product Development
BME 384 - Biomedical Transport: Biofluids and Mass Transfer 41312 - Basic Fluid Mechanics
BME 386 - Physics of Medical Imaging 22481 - Introduction to Medical Imaging
GENE 22C - complementary studies elective (list C) 62134 - Strategic Analysis and Strategy Development
Christopher Macartney, September 2022:
BME 356 - Control Systems 34721 - Linear Control Design 1
BME 362 - Biomedical Engineering Design Workshop 1 62008 - Product Development
BME 384 - Biomedical Transport: Biofluids and Mass Transfer 41312 - Basic Fluid Mechanics
BME 386 - Physics of Medical Imaging 22481 - Introduction to Medical Imaging
GENE 22C - complementary studies elective (list C) 62134 - Strategic Analysis and Strategy Development

 Chemical Engineering

Waterloo course DTU course  
Kiera Mathers - February 2020:
CHE 331 - Electrochemical Engineering 47305 - Electrochemistry
CHE 361 - Bioprocess Engineering 28345 - Industrial Bioreactor Engineering
CHE 391 - Chemical Engineering Lab 4 28121 - Chemical Unit Operations Lab
CHE 420 - Introduction to Process Control 28157 - Process Design
CHE 562 - Advanced Bioprocess Engineering (technical elective) 27034 - Fermentation Technologies
GENE 21C - technical elective 26426 - Introduction to Medicinal Chemistry

Civil Engineering

Waterloo courses DTU courses
Waterloo Engineering students from this program have been to this partner previously but there are no recent study plans available.

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Computer Engineering

Waterloo courses DTU courses
Waterloo Engineering students from this program have been to this partner previously but there are no recent study plans available.

Electrical Engineering

Waterloo courses DTU courses
Waterloo Engineering students from this program have been to this partner previously but there are no recent study plans available.

 Environmental Engineering

Waterloo courses DTU courses
Elise Rao, January 2024
ENVE 335 - Decision Making for Environmental Engineers 31762 - Introduction to Energy Analytics
GEOG 207 - Climate Change Fundamentals 12205 - Climate Change: Impacts, Mitigation and Adaption
GENE 21I - Technical Elective (list 1) 34552 - Photovoltaic Systems
GENE 21I - Technical Elective (list 2) 47301 - Hydrogen Energy and Fuel Cells
ENVE 383 - Advanced Hydrology and Hydraulics 12345 - Observation, Modeling and Management of Water Systems

Kyle Macdonald, February 2022:

ENVE 335 - Decision Making for Environmental Engineers 31762 - Introduction to Energy Analytics
GENE 21I - technical elective (list A) 46000 - Introduction to Wind Energy
GENE 21I - technical elective (list B) 47301 - Hydrogen Energy and Fuel Cells
GENE 21I - technical elective (list B) 25104 -  Introduction to Ocean Science Technology
GENE 21I - technical elective (list A) 34552 - Photovoltaic Systems

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Management Engineering

Waterloo course DTU course
Jose Montoya Cabrera, September 2022:
MSCI 332 - Deterministic Optimization Models and Methods 42111 - Static and Dynamic Optimization
MSCI 343 - Human-Computer Interaction 02809 - UX Design Prototyping
MSCI 436 - Decision Support Systems 42879 - Decision Support and Strategic Assessment
MSCI 434 - Supply Chain Management 62133 - Supply Chain Management
GENE 21U - technical elective 42402 - Sustainable Operations and Supply Chain Management
MSCI 333 - Simulation Analysis and Design STAT 340 to be taken at Waterloo in Spring 2023 or Winter 2024
Sarah Chun, September 2022:
MSCI 332 - Deterministic Models and Methods 42111 - Static and Dynamic Optimization
MSCI 343 - Human-Computer Interaction 02809 - UX Design Prototyping
MSCI 436 - Decision Support Systems 42879 - Decision Support and Strategic Assessment
GENE 21U - technical elective 42402 - Sustainable Operations and Supply Chain Management
MSCI 333 - Simulation Analysis and Design STAT 340 to be taken at Waterloo in Spring 2023 or Winter 2024
Sunil Cotterill, Julia Fogerty, Aidan Malesich, and Alen Miah, September 2022:
MSCI 332 - Deterministic Models and Methods 42111 - Static and Dynamic Optimization
MSCI 343 - Human-Computer Interaction 02809 - UX Design Prototyping
MSCI 434 - Supply Chain Management 62133 - Supply Chain Management
GENE 21U - technical elective 42402 - Sustainable Operations and Supply Chain Management
GENE 21U - technical elective 02269 - Process Mining
MSCI 333 - Simulation Analysis and Design STAT 340 to be taken at Waterloo in Spring 2023 or Winter 2024
Kaitlin D'Silva, September 2022:
MSCI 332 - Deterministic Models and Methods 42111 - Static and Dynamic Optimization
MSCI 343 - Human-Computer Interaction 02809 - UX Design Prototyping
MSCI 436 - Decision Support Systems 42879 - Decision Support and Strategic Assessment
GENE 21U - technical elective 42402 - Sustainable Operations and Supply Chain Management
GENE 21U - technical elective 42382 - Industry 4.0 in Operations Management
MSCI 333 - Simulation Analysis and Design STAT 340 to be taken at Waterloo in Spring 2023 or Winter 2024
Vembushri Ravichandran Madhu, September 2022:
MSCI 332 - Deterministic Models and Methods 42111 - Static and Dynamic Optimization
MSCI 343 - Human-Computer Interaction 02809 - UX Design Prototyping
MSCI 434 - Supply Chain Management 62133 - Supply Chain Management
MSCI 436 - Decision Support Systems 42879 - Decision Support and Strategic Assessment
GENE 21U - technical elective 02239 - Data Security
MSCI 333 - Simulation Analysis and Design STAT 340 to be taken at Waterloo in Spring 2023 or Winter 2024

Mechanical Engineering

Winnie Lin, September 2022:
ME 353 - Heat Transfer 1 41814 - Heat Transfer
ME 351 - Fluid Mechanics 1 41312 - Basic Fluid Mechanics
ME 360 - Introduction to Control Systems 34721 - Linear Control Design 1
GENE 22C - complementary studies elective (list C) 62212 - General Business: Introduction to Marketing and International Business

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 Mechatronics Engineering

Waterloo course DTU course
Matthew Visser, September 2023:
ME 351 - Fluid Mechanics 1 41312 - Basic Fluid Mechanics
MTE 380 - Mechanical Engineering Design Workshop 46735 - Wind, Solar and Energy Storage Electrical Drive Trains
MTE 360 - Automatic Control Systems 34721 - Linear Control Design 1
MSCI 261 - Engineering Economics: Financial Management for Engineers 62198 - Economics for Engineers
GENE 22A - Complementary Studies Elective 12100 - Quantitative Sustainability
Ziming Ye, September 2023:
MTE 360 - Automatic Control Systems 34721 - Linear Control Design 1
GENE 22A - Complementary Studies Elective (list A) 47202 - Introduction to Future Energy
ME 351 - Fluid Mechanics 1 41312 - Basic Fluid Mechanics
MTE 380 - Mechanical Engineering Design Workshop 46735 - Wind, Solar and Energy Storage Electrical Drive Trains
MSCI 261 - Engineering Economics: Financial Management for Engineers 62198 - Economics for Engineers
Shu Xin Hao, September 2023:
MTE 360 - Automatic Control Systems 34721 - Linear Control Design 1
M2 351 - Fluid Mechanics 41312 - Basic Fluid Mechanics
MSCI 261 - Engineering Economics: Financial Management for Engineers 62198 - Economics for Engineers
MTE 380 - Mechanical Engineering Design Workshop 46735 - Wind, Solar and Energy Storage Electrical Drive Trains
GENE 22A - Complementary Studies Elective (list A) 47202 - Introduction to Future Energy
Gabriel Luo, September 2022:
ME 351 - Fluid Mechanics 1 41312 - Basic Fluid Mechanics
MTE 360 - Automatic Control Systems 34721 - Linear Control Design 1
MSCI 261 - Engineering Economics: Financial Management for Engineers 62198 - Economics for Engineers
SYDE 372 - Introduction to Pattern Recognition 02450 - Introduction to Machine Learning and Data Mining
CS 488 - Introduction to Computer Graphics 02561 - Computer Graphics
Elena Pan, Dhananjay Patki & Osman Wong - September 2023:
SE 463 - Software Requirements Specifications and Analysis 02263 - Formal Aspects of Software Engineering
SE 380 - Introduction to Feedback Control 28150 - Introduction to Process Control
CS 343 - Concurrent and Parallel Programming 02158 - Concurrent Programming
GENE 215S- Topics for Technical Courses Taken on Exchange by Software Engineering students 02502 - Image Analysis
Carol Xu - September 2023:
SE 463 - Software Requirements Specifications and Analysis 02263 - Formal Aspects of Software Engineering
SE 380 - Introduction to Feedback Control 28150 - Introduction to Process Control
CS 343 - Concurrent and Parallel Programming 02158 - Concurrent Programming
CS 485 - Statistical and Computational Foundations of Machine Learning 02450 - Introduction of Machine Learning and Data Mining

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Nanotechnology Engineering

Waterloo course DTU course
Wyatt Sullivan - September 2023
NE 334 - Statistical Thermodynamics 10122 - Statistical Physics
NE 336 - Micro and Nanosystem Computer-Aided Design 02601 - Introduction to Numerical Algorithms
NE 352 - Surfaces and Interfaces 28315 - Applied Colloid and Surface Chemistry
NE 381 - Introduction to Nanoscale Biosystems 27026 - Molecular Biology
NE 344 - Electronic Circuits 62755 - Power Electronics

Software Engineering

Waterloo course DTU course
Elena Pan, Dhananjay Patki & Osman Wong - September 2023:
SE 463 - Software Requirements Specifications and Analysis 02263 - Formal Aspects of Software Engineering
SE 380 - Introduction to Feedback Control 28150 - Introduction to Process Control
CS 343 - Concurrent and Parallel Programming 02158 - Concurrent Programming
GENE 215S- Topics for Technical Courses Taken on Exchange 02502 - Image Analysis
Carol Xu - September 2023:
SE 463 - Software Requirements Specifications and Analysis 02263 - Formal Aspects of Software Engineering
SE 380 - Introduction to Feedback Control 28150 - Introduction to Process Control
CS 343 - Concurrent and Parallel Programming 02158 - Concurrent Programming
CS 485 - Statistical and Computational Foundations of Machine Learning 02450 - Introduction of Machine Learning and Data Mining

Systems Design Engineering

Waterloo course DTU course
Waterloo Engineering students from this program have been to this partner previously but there are no recent study plans available.

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*Even if your Waterloo program is not listed above, don’t be discouraged. The names of the programs at the partner universities often differ from those at Waterloo.  Be sure to check the course offerings in one or more study area when searching for possible course matches.