Wellness Websites and Additional Information

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Looking for more information on a wellness related topic? Below are links to several wellness related websites that you might find helpful.

We are always adding new content, so please check back regularly.

General Wellness Information

Global Wellness Institute: Provides an overview of the multiple dimensions of wellness, the wellness continuum, and differences between wellness and well-being.

National Wellness Institute: An educational wellness site offering a wide range of online learning and certificate courses.

Online Wellness Institute: An online wellness education site that offers course training in a variety of disciplines.

Econation: A website providing an educational overview of well-being and its various dimensions.

Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance: Provides personal goal setting and training toolkits and workbooks for multi-dimensional wellness.

The Learning Portal: Features a series of educational wellness modules and a well-being assessment.

Mental Wellness

Wellness Together Canada: A comprehensive mental health site offering instructional/educational support and access to key mental health services.

Mental Health Literacy: An educational site aimed at promoting mental health literacy and understanding with respect to common issues such as stress, stigma, drug use, and suicide.

eMental Health Canada: Features a searchable compilation of key mental health resources such as counselling, therapy, and crisis support, customizable by location.

Fraser Health: Offers a holistic overview of mental health and wellness, self-assessment techniques, strategies for self-care, and resources.

Physical Wellness

Mayo Clinic: Features a comprehensive informational database of health conditions, risk factors, and prevention/treatment strategies.

WebMD: Offers comprehensive information on a wide variety of diseases, conditions, and health topics.

Verywell Health: Features educational health articles with advice and FAQs on a variety of health topics.

Healthline: A health-oriented media site featuring information about common health conditions, product reviews, and “spotlight” articles.

Intellectual Wellness

Brain HQ: Provides a list of strategies to increase intellectual wellness and stimulate mental functioning and creativity.

Relational Wellness

Vital Work Life: Provides an overview of relational well-being, strategies to improve interpersonal relations, and tools/questions for self-assessment.

Vocational Wellness

Work Wellness Institute: Offers a series of e-courses and webinars on strategies to create/foster effective and healthy workplace environments.

Achurch: Offers self-assessment questions/strategies for effective workplace behavior in multiple areas, including personal performance, interpersonal relations, and growth/development.

Cultural Wellness

National Wellness Institute: Provides a discussion on the benefits of incorporating multicultural policies and practices into workplace culture (some principles are US-specific, many are more broadly applicable).

Diversity Resources: A leadership-oriented discussion on strategies to manage cultural diversity in the workplace.

Center for Creative Leadership: Provides a leadership and training framework for promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion in the workplace.

Spiritual Wellness

Financial Wellness

Environmental Wellness

National Institutes of Health: An educational toolkit offering a series of strategies for individuals to improve their environmental wellness in home and outdoor settings.

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