Seeking Campus Hosts to Live in Community
For more than 60 years, Conrad Grebel University College at the University of Waterloo has cultivated a unique post at the College. Nestled in the heart of the Grebel residence building, alongside 142 undergraduate students sharing double rooms, lives a young person or two in a cute little apartment unit.
Called Campus Hosts, these people add a sense of home to the student experience. The Campus Hosts are a reassuring presence. Generally, they are someone older – but not too old – to talk to and look up to. The role is ideal for people with a strong sense of hospitality and the ability to relate to a broad range of individuals, especially students, since Campus Hosts are tightly integrated into the life of the College community.
“Having lived in residence as a student, and having grown up at camp, living life closely beside many others felt natural and comfortable for me,” reflected previous Campus Host Michelle. “Moving back into residence allowed me the opportunity to tap back into this unique way of life for a few short years.”
Community and hospitality are important values at Grebel, especially in the residence. During the workday, these values are fostered by the Student Services team, but during non-business hours, the Don team and Campus Hosts take over. The Campus Hosts support residents at Grebel by providing a safe space to talk, administering basic first aid, locking up the building, and letting students into their rooms when they lock themselves out.
Beginning in summer 2025, Grebel is looking for one or two people who are energized by living in a community! People who enjoy being surrounded by lots of students and who are content to stay home and play board games, binge on movies, attend coffee houses, or visit over tea will thrive in this role. The Campus Host(s) represents the College during non-business hours and functions as a building superintendent. In return for these services, the College provides rent-free accommodation in a one-bedroom apartment and covers utilities. The Campus Host role is contracted for a term of two years.
Application Process
Please submit letter of interest and resumes to
Application deadline is March 3, 2025.
Applications may be submitted as an individual or a team of two.
Read the full job description online: Conrad Grebel University College Campus Host Job Description