Health and Safety Coordinators

Faculty and department health and safety coordinators and committees coordinate health and safety activities and advise department directors, chairs, and heads on health and safety matters on an ongoing basis (more information).

Academic Support Departments

Department Health and safety coordinator Extension Building
AccessAbility Services Sarah Turner 45231 Needles Hall (NH)
Associate Provost Student Office Victoria Lehmann 35753 Needles Hall (NH)
Advancement Jamie Reilly 31819 East Campus 1 (EC1)
Athletics Brad Plata 49291 Physical Activities Complex (PAC), Columbia Icefileds (CIF)
Campus Wellness Victoria Alderson 41586 Health Sciences (HS)
Central Stores Rob McMurren 39162 East Campus Hall (ECH)
Centre for Extending Learning Anja Drygala 45093 East Campus 3 (EC3)
Centre for Teaching Excellence Kim Boucher 48573 East Campus 3 (EC3)
Co-operative Education/Centre for Work-Integrated Learning

Mike McQuarrie


Tatham Centre (TC)
Creative Services, Marketing & Strategic Communications Dee Bairos 40390 East Campus 5 (EC5)
Equity, Diversity, Inclusion & Anti-racism Madisson McKellar 40439 Needles Hall (NH) 
Finance Karen McDowell   East Campus 5 (EC5)
Food Services (All Locations)

Michael Carbage

Rachel Whitney


Davis Centre (DC)

Graduate House Cam Bartel 33808 Graduate House (GH)
Graduate Studies and Postdoctoral Affairs

Marianne Simm

40376 Needles Hall (NH)
Health Services Gail Wagner 32077 Health Sciences (HS)
Housing (all locations)

Curtis Goodbrand


Ron Eydt Village (REV)
Human Resources Tracey Crewe 48563 East Campus 1 (EC1)
Indigenous Relations Jen Smerdon 40207 East Campus 5 (EC5)
Institutional Analysis & Planning Beverly Seibel 36201 Needles Hall (NH)
IST Michelle Mank 40095 East Campus 2 (EC2)
Legal and Immigration Service Terri Rau 37549 Needles Hall (NH)
Library Benny Colussi 42647 Library (LIB), Davis Centre (DC)
Office of the President Laurie Larochelle 40345 Needles Hall (NH)
Office of Research

Catalina Reyes

Doreen White



East Campus 5 (E5)

East Campus 5 (E5)

Office of Research Jean Flanagan 31919 Psychology (PAS)
Office of VP Academic & Provost Sue Oestreich 37426 Needles Hall (NH)
Organizational & Human Development Tracey Crewe 48563 East Campus 1 (EC1)
Plant Operations (Business Service/Design & Construction) Claudette DeMaere


General Services Complex (GSC)
Plant Operations (Custodial)

Drazenka Johnson


General Services Complex (GSC)
Plant Operations  (Grounds)

Dennis Araujo

Gordon Nairn



General Services Complex (GSC)
Plant Operations (Key Control, Tool Crib, Sustainable Transportation)

Casey Tome

Chris Roopram



General Services Complex (GSC)
Plant Operations (Maintenance & Utilities) Steve Briggs 33651 General Services Complex (GSC)

Plant Operations (Vehicle Shop)

Gary Lorentz 32834 General Services Complex (GSC)
Print & Retail Solutions Daniel Campbell 39555 South Campus Hall (SCH)
Procurement and Contract Services Tim Laslavic 32075 East Campus 2 (EC2)
Registrar Debbie Knepper 33264 Needles Hall (NH)
Safety Office Kate Windsor 35814 Commissary (COM)
Student Success

Amanda Annarilli

47704 South Campus (SCH)
Secretariat  Melissa Benjamin 36125 Needles Hall (NH)
University Relations

Dee Bairos


East Campus 5 (EC5)
University of Waterloo Special Constable Service Alysha Pagett   Commissary (COM)
Waterloo International Jennifer Shousterman 226-220-4042 East Campus 5 (EC5)
Waterloo Undergraduate Student Association (WUSA) Scott Pearson 37308 Student Life Centre (SLC)
WatCard Office Lauri MacLeod 45915 Needles Hall (NH)
WatSPEED Liz Braganca    
Writing and Communication Centre Meghan Ashdown 40436 South Campus Hall (SCH)

Faculty of Arts

Arts Faculty contacts Extension
Kathryn MacDonald, Executive Officer 42011
Department Health and safety coordinators Extension Building
Accounting and Finance, School of

Mike Belfry

Katie Petsch



Hagey Hall (HH)

Dean of Arts Office (and other Departments within Faculty of Arts) Alicia Bevan 40534 Psychology (PAS)
Communication Arts

Chris Greenhalgh

Janelle Rainville



Modern Languages (ML)

Amanda Campbell

41234 Hagey Hall (HH)
Fine Arts

Adam Glover


East Campus Hall (ECH)
German and Slavic Studies Kira Youngblut 43059 Modern Languages (ML)
Psychology Michelle Bauer 49317 Psychology (PAS)
Sociology and Legal Studies Rina Salazar 42060 Psychology (PAS)

Spanish and Latin American Studies

Kira Youngblut 43059 Modern Languages (ML)

Sheila Vanmeurs

Daniel Recchia




Faculty of Engineering

Engineering Faculty contacts Extension

Fred Zhu,  Executive Officer

Karen Dubois, Manager Facilities and Space



Department Health and safety coordinators Extension Building
Architecture, School of Heinz Koller 27659 Architecture (ARC)
Chemical Engineering Charles Dal Castel 33311 Engineering 6 (E6)
Civil & Environmental Engineering Mark Sobon


Douglas Wright Engineering (DWE)
Conrad Business Tracie Wilkinson 37071 Engineering 7 (E7)
Dean of Engineering Office Karen Dubois 32447 Engineering 7 (E7)
Electrical & Computer Engineering Sai Sandeep   Centre for Environmental and Informational Technology (EIT)
Engineering Computing Mike Hurst 46146 Douglas Wright Engineering (DWE)
Engineering Machine Shop

Brian Shuh

Phil Laycock



Engineering 3 (E3)

Engineering Outreach Sophie Nasato 40442 Engineering 7 (E7)
Engineering Society Jenn Snoddon   Carl Pollock Hall (CPH) & (E7)
Engineering Undergraduate Office

Ke Yuan Wang


Engineering 2 (E2)

Fire Research Facility Jason Benninger 36185 Davis Centre (DC)
Ideas Clinic Chris Rennick 38178 Engineering 5 (E5)
Management Science and Engineering

Zivojin Pantic

Andrea Christian



Carl Pollock Hall (CPH)

Centre for Environmental and Informational Technology (EIT)

Mechanical & Mechatronics Engineering

Jason Benninger

Patricia Nieva



Davis Centre (DC)

Engineering 5 (E5)

Student Design Centre

Graeme Adair


Engineering 5 (E5)
Systems Design Engineering Eric Kubica 43074 Engineering 7 (E7)

Faculty of Environment

Environment Faculty Contacts Extension
Tara CharltonExecutive Officer 48989
Department Faculty health and safety coordinators Extension Building
Faculty Neil Carnegie 47672 EV1
Geography and Environmental Management Emily Beilby 45092


Knowledge Integration Solène Jollivet 48153 EV1
Environment, Technology and Instructional Support

Dan Beaver



School of Environment, Enterprise and Development Cheri Oestreich 42796 EV3
School of Environment, Resources and Sustainability Mary Anne Hardy 42025 EV2
School of Planning Ashley Wagner 46564 EV3

Faculty of Health

Faculty of Health contacts


Katherine Marshall, Executive Officer 36979
Department Health and safety coordinators Extension Building
Faculty of Health – All Departments Emma Dare 36703 BMH

Faculty of Math

Math Faculty contacts Extension

Jack Rehder, Executive Officer

Department Health and safety Coordinators Extension Building
Mathematics Faculty

Carlos Mendes

Jackie Hilts



Mathematics 3 (M3)

Math and Computer (MC)

School of Computer Science

Lewis Fraser

Greg McTavish



Davis Centre (DC)

Davis Centre (DC)

Faculty of Science

Science Faculty contacts Extension
Mona Skuterud, Executive Officer  46542
Department Health and safety coordinators Ext. Bldg
Biology Todd Holyoak 31565 Earth Sciences & Chemistry (ESC)
Chemistry Sonny Lee 37501 Chemistry 2 (C2)
Earth & Environment Sciences

Kathleen St. Laurent

Brian Kendall




Institute for Quantum Computing Roberto Romero 33123 Quantum Nano Centre (QNC)
Physics & Astronomy Trish Van Berkel 30288 Physics (PHY)
School of Optometry Jenniffer Fleet 32626 Optometry (OPT)
School of Pharmacy

Trenny McGinnis

519-888-4404 Pharmacy (PHR)
Science Computing Paul Miskovsky 36991 Physics (PHY)
Science, Dean of Maryann Sertic 41308 Earth Sciences & Chemistry (ESC)
Science Technical Services

Andrew Dube

Mark Kuntz



Physics (PHY)

Engineering 3 (E3)

Waterloo Institute for Nanotechnology Chris Kleven 39092

Quantum Nano Centre (QNC)