Chemical Inventory System (RSS)

This page provides more information on chemical inventories and SDS management at the University of Waterloo. 

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Chemical inventory system

The University of Waterloo uses a university-wide chemical inventory system provided by Risk and Safety Solutions. Chemical inventories must be maintained and verified annually (at least).

All labs with chemicals are required to have an inventory. If you have a new lab or have not yet created an inventory, use the button above to book a part 1 meeting to get started.

Inventories help with:

  • Inventory control
  • SDS compliance by linking most inventory items to SDS database
  • Regulatory reporting on chemical quantities (such as the Chemical Weapons Implementation Act)
  • Hazard recognition (e.g., peroxide formers can be easily identified and tracked)
  • Minimizing chemical waste through inventory control


Laboratory Supervisors, Directors, or Managers

  • Ensure laboratory inventory is up to date and current SDSs are available

  • Provide SDS log-in/access to all workers

  • Regularly inspect chemicals for as per safety and storage requirements

Safety Office

  • Maintain this page
  • Provide administrative support of the inventory system
  • Create manuals and templates for facilitation of the use of the inventory system


The following templates and manuals will help you navigate and use the chemical inventory system. Please open the appropriate links below to continue: