2023 Alumni Class Notes

Alumni Class Notes 2023


Wondering what your classmates have been up to? Find out who's been promoted, launched a new project, published a book or started a family. Catch up now or submit an update of your own for the next issue of Class Notes.



Photo of Michael Goss and partner

MICHAEL GOSS (Chem ’64, ’65, ’69) and Pat Goss (nee Harmer) (Science: Physics ’69) are both proudly grateful Waterloo alumni enjoying 58 years of marriage and 30 years of retirement on Vancouver Island. Michael says “We still enjoy RV touring, gardening, bicycle rides, fishing, visits from family and friends.”

Connect with Michael.
Email: mikegoss@shaw.ca


Henry wearing a suit and smiling at the camera

HENRY HOGG (Mech ’67) was re-elected in Reeve of Addington Highlands Township for the 6th term. He was also elected Warden of Lennox and Addington County for the 5th time. Henry is retired and lives in Cloyne with his wife Louise.

Connect with Henry.
Email: henryh@sympatico.ca


Jorg Braks smiling and taking a selfie

JORMA BRAKS (Chem ’68, ’69, ’73) says “I sold my business in 2017. I became an Angel investor working with start-ups in Waterloo area. Still CFO of an operating company with offices in Waterloo and Mexico. Currently funding and assisting an EdTech start-up.”

Connect with Jorma.
Email: jormabraks@gmail.com

Waterloo logo

GULSHAN DHAWAN (Chem ’68, ’72) was inspired by UWaterloo’s strong engineering programs, with an emphasis on innovation and collaborative community. The program fostered and accelerated his entrepreneurial drive. In 1983, Gulshan founded Applied Membranes Inc. The company manufactures and distributes water treatment solutions to address complex water challenges globally. Gulshan was able to grow the business globally with a solid reputation. In 2023, Applied Membranes celebrated 40 years in business.

Connect with Gulshan.
Social: LinkedIn




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JOHN (TED) HANNA (Elect ’70) moved from Arizona to Iowa to be with great grandkids et al. He’s now completely retired!

Connect with Ted.
Email: ted_hanna@yahoo.com

Robert wearing a red jacket and looking at the camera. He is striking a pose ina snowy landscape

ROBERT TRENBERTH (Civil ’70) recently retired after a 50-year career spanning structural design, project management in the Canadian Northwest Territories, chief executive of a global manufacturing company, policy advisory roles with Australian Federal Governments, and director and chairman appointments to private and public companies and medical research institutes.

Connect with Robert.
Email: trenberthrj@optusnet.com.au


Edward wearing a black quarter zip and taking a selfie

EDWARD KILNER (Elect ’71) has been retired since 2010. He says “I attended my granddaughter’s Iron Ring Ceremony with her mother and father, now we have 3 generations of engineers. I’m 77, but I just built a 16 core PC.”

Connect with Edward.
Email: ed.kilner@rogers.com


William smiling at the camera with a green mountaineous background

WILLIAM (BILL) CRAWFORD (Mech ’72) retired in 2012 after a 36-year career as a research scientist with Fisheries and Oceans Canada in Victoria, BC.

Connect with Bill.
Email: billcraw@telus.net

Robert's photograph from his Alaska summer trip

ROBERT FORTIER (Mech ’72) says “I’m continuing with retirement activities, including continental road trips. Yukon/Alaska are planned this summer. Does someone from my class have a copy of the 1972 engineering ‘grad photo’ which was a group photo at the Iron Ring ceremony? If you have a copy, please email me.”

Connect with Robert.
Email: mega_kmrobert@hotmail.com


Talwar looking at the camera

SHIV TALWAR (Civil ’73) retired early from civil engineering to research, develop, deliver and promote unifying education to integrate fragmented humanity. As Spiritual Heritage Education Network Inc.’s founding president, he invites you to discuss his work.

Connect with Shiv.
Email: shivtalwar@spiritualeducation.org

Phil Wood

PHIL WOOD (Chem ’73) says “I’d like to share a picture of my chemical engineering class from 1973 with my classmates. It was taken in our Unit Operations lab in the original engineering building. We started in the Fall of 1968 and this group went on our first work term in January of 1969, after just one term at Waterloo.”


Brian wearing a blue shirt holding his horse.

BRIAN HYODO (SD ’74) says “Hello all. I hope that you and your families are all well. Although I am not trying to maintain a full book of horses, I remain firmly entrenched in my second career as a farrier (started at 61). Whether I am just trimming their feet or correcting developmental orthopaedic disorders it remains incredibly satisfying. Feel free to visit my site at https://www.brianhyodoequineconformationengineering.com/ to see quite a unique application of systems design engineering. Cheers.”

Connect with Brian.
Email: brianhyodo@gmail.com

David Stewart smiling at the camera.

DAVID STEWART (Mech ’74) has been working as an energy engineer since 1997. His focus is to help organizations transition from fossil fuels to renewable energy using strategies developed by the Samsø Energy Academy in Denmark.

Connect with David.
Social: LinkedIn 
Email: dave.charles.stewart@gmail.com


Bernie wearing an orange quarter zip and smiling at the camera.

BERNIE SANDER (MSci ’76) has recently written a 900-page tome on his family history dating back to the 1700s. His other major pursuit is being APO (instead of Opa) to his two grand daughters, enjoying sports and the family island retreat.

Connect with Bernie.
Email: bsander@innovationtransfer.com


Samuel wearing a black quarter zip and smiling at the camera

SAMUEL LAM (Mech ’77) says “I’ve been retired since 2016. Love sailing and travels to the Asian countries for holidays. Still active in playing with computers and financial markets. Life is good and I welcome all former classmates to Victoria, BC.”

Connect with Samuel.
Email: sflam168@gmail.com

Selfie of a smiling Teper

RICK TEPER (Civil ’77) says “I retired in 2020. Spent most of my career as a construction manager, managing construction projects – the last five years with WSP managing transportation related projects. As a widower … l have three children and 12 grandkids. Active playing golf and shooting competitively.”

Connect with Rick.
Email: teperr@sympatico.ca

David striking a confident pose with his formal attire and smiling at the camera.

DAVID WINDLEY (Elect ’77) reports: “I’m comfortably semiretired but I’m still keeping busy with quality projects. I’m interested in opportunities in renewable energy and reducing carbon footprint/ electrification. Travelling and sailing are my main interests. My new toy is my Mustang Mach-E. Love it.”

Connect with David.
Social: LinkedIn 
Email: dwindley@powerdigm.ca


Murray smiling at the camera, with mountains and a lake at the back

JOHN J. R. MURRAY (Civil ’78) says “After 45 years of engineering throughout Canada and overseas, I’m now working part time for Urban Systems in Kelowna and JJRM Projects Ltd. Focusing on fishing, curling and bagpiping now!”

Connect with John.
Phone: 250-878-1903
Social: LinkedIn
Email: jjrmproj@telus.net

Ian Smith smiling at the camera

IAN SMITH (Civil ’78) is now Emeritus Professor after nearly 40 years at EPFL in Lausanne, Switzerland. In 2022, Ian became the founding director of the Georg Nemetschek Institute - AI for the Built World at the Technical University of Munich.

Connect with Ian.
Social: LinkedIn
Email: ianfcsmith@gmail.com


Hugh smiling at the camera and showcasing his book.

HUGH ALLEY (SD ’79) had his second book published early this year The TWI Memory Jogger. He has an active consulting practice that includes plant design, supervisor training and process improvement using Toyota Kata. He’s still living in Burnaby.

Connect with Hugh.
Social: LinkedIn
Email: hughralley@gmail.com

Tom Dean wearing a suit and smiling at the camera

TOM DEAN (Mech ’79) says “Well. it finally came to pass - as of Nov 2022, I have retired from UWaterloo in the Department of Chemical Engineering as director – technical operations. And with three grandsons at present, and more on the way, we are finding lots to do. Hope all is well with my fellow classmates and drop me a line when you can. Cheers!”

Connect with Tom.
Social: LinkedIn
Email: tjdean@uwaterloo.ca



Steve smiling at the camera

STEVE HUMMEL (Elect ’80) has “retired” as an award-winning professor and restructuring leader. He has been pursuing his 40+ year passion of rebuilding and racing vintage road race cars across North America. He recently won a intage road racing championship in Canada in the fastest road race cars.

Connect with Steve.
Social: LinkedIn
Email: stevejhummel@gmail.com

Waterloo logo

RICK PATTERSON (Civil '80) retired after 43 years of work and sold his Chall. Eng. Corporation. Things to keep him busy include golfing, boating, curling, woodworking, traveling, seeing the Maple Leafs play in every arena, volunteering, and family/social activities. 

Connect with Rick.
Email: rickpatt@mnsi.net

Photo of Wayne with his partner Sue

WAYNE SHAW (Mech ’80, ’88) has retired for the second time and now splits his time between Muskoka cottage life, family time in Riverdale Toronto and travelling. Wayne and Sue began dating 50 years ago this spring!

Connect with Wayne:
Email: wayne.susan.shaw@gmail.com


Hueniken in his formal attire posing at the camera

HORST HUENIKEN (Mech ’82) has been managing money for investor clients since 2018. The company he established, Hueniken Asset Management, focuses on investing in smaller, high-growth companies.

Connect with Horst.
Web: Website
Email: hueniken@bell.net


Group photo in front of triOS College

FRANK GERENCSER (SD ’84), CEO of triOS College, celebrated the grand opening of two publicprivate partnership campuses with Sault College in Brampton and Mohawk College in Mississauga. triOS now has 8,000 full-time students across 15 campuses.

Connect with Frank.
Social: LinkedIn
Email: frank.gerencser@trios.com


Waterloo logo

LEN KOZACHUK (Civil ’86) is working with EnvisionSQ making products that create cleaner, safer environments for families and communities. When he’s not working, he’s trying to figure out how PAUL EICHINGER (Civil ’86) birdied those last two holes at Wooden Sticks.

Connect with Len.
Social: Twitter
Email: len.kozachuk@envisionsq.com

Waterloo logo

LYNNETTE D. MADSEN (Elect ’86) is on sabbatical at Cornell University. She was inducted into the Canadian Academy of Engineering in 2022.

Connect with Lynnette.
Web: Website
Email: ldm97@cornell.edu

McKone smiling at the camera

PAUL MCKONE (Elect ’86) has retired as senior design instructor in UWaterloo’s Department of Knowledge Integration. In his final year, he received the University of Waterloo Distinguished Teaching Award and the inaugural Faculty of Environment Teaching Award.

Connect with Paul.
Web: Website
Email: paul.mckone@uwaterloo.ca


Waterloo logo

ROB GULBRONSON (Chem ’87) was recently appointed chief operating officer at RLG International, a global management consulting company headquartered in Vancouver, BC. RLG is a global leader in performance improvement implementation.

Connect with Rob.
Social: LinkedIn
Email: robg@rlginternational.com

Henderson smiling at the camera

HEATHER HENDERSON (Civil ’87) reports “As director, safety strategy and SMS programs for NAV CANADA and co-chair for CANSO’s NXGEN SMS Workgroup, I enjoy advancing safety management both nationally and internationally with the goal of keeping our skies safe.”

Connect with Heather.
Social: LinkedIn
Email: heather.henderson@navcanada.ca

Waterloo logo

MARK SIMPSON (Elect ’87) retired in March 2018 as vice president of engineering and operations in the electrical distribution sector. Retirement has given Mark and Rita more time for travel and more time for Mark to volunteer in the development and planning sectors.

Connect with Mark.
Social: LinkedIn


Nancy smiling at the camera, wearing a black cardigan and a green turtle-neck

NANCY BLACK (SD ’89) is enjoying her new role as vice-dean of the Faculty of Engineering at Université de Moncton (term until June 2027). In addition, she continues her 3-year role as chair of the Science Technology and Practice Standing Committee of the International Ergonomics Association (IEA). In the IEA role, she has opportunities to meet extraordinary colleagues helping to advance ergonomics and human factors studies and professions around the world. She says “It’s fun to finally travel for such great work (Delft NL, Seoul Korea +)!”. In the summer of 2022, Nancy visited her two sons who are studying at UWaterloo and found her signature etched in the PAC window.

Connect with Nancy.
Social: LinkedIn
Email: nancy.black@umoncton.ca



Peter pointing at the TV showing his milestone of reaching his 20 year anniversary

PETER ARMBRUSTER (Civil ’91) recently celebrated his 20th anniversary with Activa, a leading land developer and home builder in the Region of Waterloo. From a staff of six people when Peter started in 2003, the company now employs over 200 people and builds about 400 new homes per year in the Region. Peter has resided in Waterloo since 2000 following a three-year stint in the Bahamas and two years in Botswana working for both governments.

Connect with Peter.
Social: LinkedIn
Email: peter.armbruster@activa.ca

Photo of Michael with his partner on a boat

MICHAEL GRASLEY (SD ’91) says “After three years as a managing director at Accenture IndustryX (to whom we sold Callisto Integration in 2020), I have retired and I am now focused on sailing and travel, and I’m looking for advisory/mentoring opportunities.”

Connect with Michael.
Social: LinkedIn
Email: mkgrasley@gmail.com


Mark with his partner, wearing skiing outfit, on the mountains

MARK HARNETT (SD ’93) runs an online marketing consultancy near San Francisco: Drak Marketing. He enjoys the flexibility to ski – he says “Jackson Hole and Revelstoke were amazing” – and travel to Chile for Xmas with Alicia and Isabel.

Connect with Mark.
Social: LinkedIn
Email: mark@drakmarketing.com

Group photo of Anant and his family by the lake

ANANT NAMBIAR (SD ’93) retired from corporate life in 2021 and is now advising FinTech CEOs to define their strategic value story and their monetization plans. He still lives in Larchmont, NY, with his wife, while their oldest son Kumar pitches in the Oakland A’s minor league system, and their other children, Sachin and Simran, work in Manhattan.

Connect with Anant.
Email: anant_nambiar@yahoo.com


Photo of Marelo with his partner, both wearing costume

MARCELO SAMPAIO DE ALENCAR (Elect ’94) retired from the Federal University of Campina Grande (UFCG) and received a tribute from the university students at the graduation ceremony. He is now visiting professor at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN), Natal, Brazil. He just published three books: NanotechnologyBased Smart Remote Sensing Networks for Disaster Prevention (Elsevier), Cryptography and Network Security (River Publishers) and Communication Systems, 3rd Edition (Springer Nature).

Kori wearing a pink shirt with a gray suit. He is smiling at the camera

KORI MISKUCZA (Arch ’94) is a private equity and venture capital investor focused on supporting companies that are working to find a cure for Alzheimer’s Disease. He is also the founder and chief designer of APEXX PanelWall, a company aimed at disrupting the construction sector by introducing the first fully modular, dry joint exterior cladding system for low and mid-rise building construction.

Connect with Kori.
Social: LinkedIn
Email: kmiskucza@rogers.com

Brian is smiling at the camera

BRIAN WHITE (Comp ’94) retired from Google last March with no plans of looking for any kind of regular job in the near future. Instead, he’s focused on exercise, travel and naps.

Connect with Brian.
Email: bcwhite@pobox.com


Evans Jon smiling at the camera

JON EVANS (Elect ’96) says “My new novel, EXADELIC, my first in a decade, will be published in September by Tor Books, the world’s premier science fiction publisher. It’s hard SF about an AI that is taught black magic.”

Connect with Jon.
Social: Twitter
Email: jon@rezendi.com

Kevi Lacroix

KEVIN LACROIX (Civil ’96) has been designing pre-engineered steel buildings across Canada since his second co-op work term placement and has finally built one for himself! His engineering company will use the new aircraft hangar in Qualicum Beach, BC, as a home base for local field inspections (and fun!).

Connect with Kevin.
Social: LinkedIn
Email: kevin@notch1management.com


Waterloo logo

LUCAS SKOCZKOWSKI (Elect ’97) says “Vishal Kothari (Elect ’97), Rubens Rahim (Comp ’97), and I have been growing Red Lane Group for 5 years - private equity group focused on software and engineering companies. This is after almost 20 years of building Redknee into a public company.”

Connect with Lucas.
Email: lucas@redlane.org



AUBREY FRIESNER (SD ’98) says “I’m still doing more, always. Making music; traveling; staying active (hiking, kayaking, snowboarding, RVing, training in Karate, Kobudo, & Tai Chi); dad to the kindest kid and hubby to lovely Lara.”

Connect with Aubrey.
Social: LinkedIn
Email: aubreyinmotion@gmail.com


Ryan V

RYAN VANDERPUTTEN (Civil ’99) recently completed his Executive MBA through the Smith School of Business at Queen’s University. He is currently the chief engineer and director, business and engineering services at The City of Calgary.

Connect with Ryan.
Social: LinkedIn
Email: ryan.vanderputten@outlook.com



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MATT BEADON (Elect ’01) reports: “My team solves hardware problems in Meta data centers. One of our focus areas has been handling silent data corruption that occurs in about one in 1,000 processors. What’s your strategy for handling SDC?”

Connect with Matt.
Web: Website
Social: LinkedIn

Alex V

ALEX VYE (MSci ’01) is the chief architect of Medavie Blue Cross, focussed on delivering cloud-based enterprise class health insurance applications used to improve health outcomes for Canadians.

Connect with Alex.
Social: LinkedIn
Email: alex.vye@medavie.bluecross.ca


Waterloo logo

SHAHRAM YOUSEFI (Elect ’02), as the founder and CEO, has been growing MeshAI.io, a one-click clinician scheduler now in most major hospitals in Canada. Shahram reports “In 2023, we’re expanding to the US and internationally. My son Ariyan is two and we’re expecting a daughter in September.”

Connect with Shahram.
Social: LinkedIn
Email: president@meshai.io


Aye K S

AYE NYEIN SAN (SD ’04) has been leading technology development at Cosm Medical since 2019, innovating personalized gynecological prosthetic medical devices. She has two boys and the family enjoys farm life in the summer.

Connect with Aye.
Social: LinkedIn
Email: ayenyeinsan@gmail.com


Waterloo logo

JAMES JOHNSON (Civil ’06) has just been named a shareholder at WalterFedy in Kitchener. He joins a group of architecture, engineering and construction management professionals in guiding the direction of the firm. James is a seasoned mechanical engineer. His design experience is vast and varied from institutional research laboratories and pharmaceuticals to office buildings and district energy. Backed by a solid technical foundation, James excels at finding creative solutions to complex design challenges and has a natural ability to navigate adversity. His vast experience makes him a knowledgeable and supportive leader and mentor who willingly shares his expertise to help grow the next generation of engineering professionals. Outside of work, James supports his community as a Cub Scouter and as chair of the property committee at the Church of the Holy Trinity, Toronto.

Connect with James.
Email: jjohnson@walterfedy.com

Shuo X

SHUO XIANG (SWE ’06) says “Hi everyone, I’m currently a staff psychiatrist at Scarborough General Hospital Adult Outpatient Programs in Scarborough, Ontario.”

Connect with Shuo.
Email: shuo.xiang@gmail.com


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ALEX CICUTTINI (Geo ’07), after spending five years building a power plant in Oman, moved to Sherwood Park in June 2022 and is now a project engineer at Shell’s Scotford Plant.


Andrew R

ANDREW RIZKALLA (Mech ’08) Says “I’m back in Toronto after spending most of my career in... friendlier tax jurisdictions. I still spend most of my time on crypto stuff but also diversifying into the Buttwipes business. Check us out: https://carterhales.com/work/buttwipes/”.

Connect with Andrew.
Social: LinkedIn


Waterloo logo

DREW HIGGINS (Chem ’09, ’11, ’15), assistant professor in the department of chemical engineering at McMaster University, is involved in a nationwide research project led by the University of Toronto, established to advance communityinformed climate solutions. The project called CANSTOREnergy was awarded $24 million from the New Frontiers in Research Fund, representing the largestever federal research grant awarded through the NFRF which supports world-leading interdisciplinary and rapid-response Canadian-led research.

Connect with Drew.
Web: Website



Waterloo logo

MICHAEL LEUNG (SD ’10) has been working at GE Peterborough on large motor testing and synchronous motor excitation controls. He travels all over North America for project commissioning, inspection and diagnostics.

Connect with Michael.
Email: Michael.Leung@ge.com

Kevin W

KELVIN WONG (Chem ’10, ’11) has been working as a project manager/process mechanical engineer at Jacobs since 2021. He is currently working on multiple wastewater treatment projects across GTA and Kitchener-Waterloo.

Connect with Kelvin.
Social: LinkedIn
Email: Kelvin.Wong1@jacobs.com


Yin Y

YAN YIN (Arch ’11) is currently riding a bicycle around the world.

Connect with Yan.
Social: LinkedIn
Email: yan.yin@columbia.edu


Senthu S

SENTHU SIVASAMBU (Comp ’12) has joined ATB Ventures, a leading innovation lab working with emerging technologies such as AI and Web3 in the capacity of director of architecture to lead architecture, infrastructure and security practices.

Connect with Senthu.
Social: LinkedIn
Email: sivasambu@msn.com


Will B

ILIA BARANOV (Elect ’13) is living in San Francisco with wife and daughter, and co-founded Polymath Robotics in 2021. Ilia reports “I’m excited to be deploying off-road mobile industrial robots to the wide world!”

Connect with Ilia.
Social: LinkedIn
Email: ilia@polymathrobotics.com



Stephane Lee

STEPHANE LEE (Comp ’15) is working on big shiny audio spheres.


MAX TAYLOR (Enviro ’15) has operated water treatment plants at various mines and is currently a mill operator at the Meliadine gold mine in Nunavut.

Connect with Max.
Email: maxtaylor63@gmail.com

Abdullah Z

ABDULLAH ZUBAIR (MSci ’15) says “Hello friends, I’m currently leading technology strategy for Bell Canada as a senior manager. Let’s connect if you’re interested in discussing the future of tech!”

Connect with Abdullah.
Social: LinkedIn


Ekta J

EKTA JAIN (Mech ’16) has been working as a research fellow at Singapore-MIT Alliance for Research and Technology since 2022. Her latest innovation has contributed to improving theinterface for Raman probes that will help to translate the technology to urban farms in Singapore and across the world.

Connect with Ekta.
Email: ektajainatmech@gmail.com

Chris T

CHRIS THIELE (Elect ’16) went from exiting a startup he co-founded from 2014-2020, to working for Canada’s biggest Maker YouTuber from 2020-2022, to now starting his own entertainment company, “Captain Steel”, on YouTube.

Connect with Chris.
Social: YouTube
Email: captainsteelinc@gmail.com



NANA BEDIAKO (MSci ’19) is currently working as a finance manager for Coca-Cola Canada Bottling Limited.

Connect with Nana.
Social: LinkedIn
Email: bediakonana@gmail.com


SHEILA DUMLAO (Mgmt ’19) has been embracing the West Coast life by cycling, snowboarding and hiking around BC. She is a product consultant at Deloitte Digital where she builds mobile products for Canadian consumers.

Connect with Sheila.
Social: LinkedIn

Archit G

AARCHIT GUPTA (MSci ’19) has been working as Salesforce project lead at Yelp since 2022. He is helping the company in implementing and delivering Salesforce solutions across multiple organizations.

Connect with Aarchit.
Phone: 437-225-4706
Social: LinkedIn
Email: a277gupt@uwaterloo.ca


MITCHELL KEMBER (SWE ’19) has been working as a software engineer at Google since 2019 and at the senior level since 2022. He works on inter-process communication for Fuchsia, a new open source operating system.

Connect with Mitchell.
Social: GitHub
Email: mk@mitchellkember.com

Ellen K

ELLEN KIERNAN (Mech ’19) is working as a patent lawyer at Bereskin & Parr LLP in Toronto where she helps inventors across a variety of industries obtain patent rights for their inventions.

Connect with Ellen.
Social: LinkedIn
Email: m.ellenkiernan@gmail.com


ADRIAN MACHADO (Comp ’19) says “I’ve spent the past year at a startup called Zuplo making API development easier for everyone. Between the startup grind and training my dog, I’ve managed to travel to 6 countries this year!”

Connect with Adrian.
Social: LinkedIn
Email: adrianm7151@gmail.com


NICHOLAS PELLEGRINO (Mech ’19, SD ’22) completed his MASc in SYDE at Waterloo and was awarded the Alumni Gold Medal, recognizing academic achievement. He is now pursuing a PhD while also exploring his passion for teaching as a sessional lecturer.

Connect with Nicholas.
Social: LinkedIn
Email: npellegr@uwaterloo.ca


NAVROSH SINGH SEHRA (MSci ’19) has been working as a project manager for Salesforce, managing projects and programs oriented with salesforce product implementations across various industries.

Connect with Navrosh.
Social: LinkedIn
Email: navrosh.sehra@gmail.com

Qianshu W

QIANSHU WANG (Nano ’19) has been working as a process design specialist at Avalon Holographics since 2020. He is working on the research and development of a scalable holographic display!

Connect with Qianshu.
Social: LinkedIn
Email: qshu96@hotmail.com



Mohammed Askari

MOHAMMED ASKARI (MBet ’20) founded AnchorsBook, a marketplace for watercraft owners and users looking for rentals or charters. The company recently launched their commercial offering and are beginning to generate revenue.

Connect with Mohammed.
Social: LinkedIn
Email: mo@anchorsbook.com


PRADEEPIKA CHANANA (MSci ’20) has been working as a senior business systems analyst with The Canada Life Assurance Company since 2022. She is focused on delivering several reporting and analytical solutions for both internal and external stakeholders.

Connect with Pradeepika.
Email: pradeepika4892@gmail.com


POUYA MEHRANNIA (Elect ’20) is currently a senior data scientist at Aviva Canada and an adjunct lecturer at the University of Waterloo. He has also served as a postdoctoral fellow and data science consultant since his graduation in 2020.

Connect with Pouya.
Social: LinkedIn
Email: pouya.mehrannia@uwaterloo.ca



TAYLOR ROBERTSON (Mtron ’21) has been working for Lincoln Electric developing an app to make robotic welding more accessible. Her team received the company’s ‘2022 Innovation of the Year’ award.

Connect with Taylor.
Social: LinkedIn
Email: taylor112dance@gmail.com


SHABEG VIRK (MBet ’21) has been working as a program manager for software translations at Workday. His team recently won the GALA Quality Management Global Award.

Connect with Shabeg.
Social: LinkedIn
Email: shabeg.virk@uwaterloo.ca


Waterloo logo

ALEXANDER GOLDGRUBER (Civil ’22) has been pursuing his Master of Engineering (MEng) degree at the University of Waterloo. Alexander has also been working part-time at IBI Group in the Traffic Operations and Safety Group on projects such as curbside management and signal coordination.

Connect with Alexander.
Social: LinkedIn
Email: agoldgru@uwaterloo.ca

Photo of Alex wearing a white shirt and blue tie, smiling at the camera

ALEX GOLUBOVIC (Nano ’22) has been developing tumourtargeting lipid nanoparticles at the University of Toronto since 2022. He also published his first paper titled “Bioinspired Lipid Nanocarriers for RNA Delivery” in an ACS journal.

Connect with Alex.
Social: LinkedIn
Email: alexgol1535@gmail.com

Selfie of Kushant wearing a UWaterloo hoodie in the snow

KUSHANT PATEL (Mech ’22) reports “I’ve worked as a data scientist at a BCIneuroprosthetics lab at the UC Davis campus for over a year. I’m moving to Berkeley National Labs to work on autonomous computer vision projects for homeland security as a senior scientist. I miss Waterloo, the campus, last the minute assignment crunch, and friends. It’s been an awesome ride, hopefully I come back for my PhD Always a Warrior!!”

Connect with Kushant.
Social: LinkedIn
Email: kushantp58@gmail.com


The Faculty of Engineering expresses deepest sympathy to the family and friends of the following graduates who have passed away:

  • Jerzy Anders (MSci ’75)
  • August Apon (Civil ’68)
  • Bob Baker (Civil ’65, ’67)
  • Daryl Baker (Chem ’74)
  • Jack Bennett (Civil ’73)
  • John Beresford (Arch ’74)
  • Andrew Billings (Chem ’89)
  • Bill Brimley (Mech ’72, ’74, ’81)
  • Frank Burford (Civil ’73)
  • Jim Burkimsher (Mech ’67, ’68)
  • Andrew Carter (MSci ’76)
  • Graham Carty (SD ’90)
  • Yum Yiu Chang (Chem ’73)
  • Carl Christensen (Civil ’64)
  • Donald Clark (Eng Physics ’65)
  • Charles Claxton (Civil ’74)
  • John Coutinho, (Civil ’84)
  • Gary Craig (Civil ’79)
  • John Cseff (Civil ’75)
  • Ranald Curry (Eng Physics ’64)
  • Harsimran Darhan (Mtron ’23)
  • Brett Dunlop (Mech ’73)
  • Jack Frost (Mech ’66)
  • Ronald George (MSci ’80)
  • Hugh Ghent (Mech ’76)
  • Jim Gillick (Elect ’73)
  • Sukhdial Grewal (Mech ’79)
  • Damian Hanel (Elect ’87)
  • John Hanley (Chem ’00)
  • Jim Hayter (Elect ’73)
  • Wallie Hernberger (Civil ’71)
  • Markus Hess (Mech ’79)
  • David Howes (Elect ’83)
  • Dave Hutton (Civil ’63)
  • Norm Huxley (Civil ’70)
  • Hari Johri (MSci ’68, Chem ’73)
  • Art Karantjas (Civil ’72, ’79)
  • Ivan Kent (Mech ’63)
  • Klaus Keunecke (Mech ’65)
  • Matt Klompstra (Civil ’96)
  • Gary Laevens (Mech ’97)
  • Scott Lawson (Mech ’69, ’71, ’74)
  • Christa Liddy (Chem ’88)
  • Berny Long (Elect ’63)
  • Arend Lootsma (Civil ’07)
  • Edward Loponen (Elect ’71)
  • James Lotimer (Elect ’76)
  • Gerard Lyons (Chem ’78)
  • Ian MacPherson (Chem ’73)
  • Gord Marasco (Elect ’64)
  • Harold Marshall (MSci ’78)
  • Rene Mayorga (Elect ’81)
  • Dave McAnerney (Chem ’87)
  • Dave McKennitt (Elect ’67, SD ‘69)
  • David McNeil (MSci ’71,’75)
  • Marvin McRonald (Mech ’70)
  • Nico Meijer (SD ’79)
  • Bernard Meyerink (SD ’82)
  • Greg Mills (Chem ’90, ’93)
  • Bruce Mottershead (Elect ’73, SD ’74)
  • Daniel O’Brien (Mech ’92) Tony Ots (Mech ’69)
  • Jack Pacey (Mech ’73, ’76)
  • Robert Palmerton (Mech ’77)
  • Jeff Parkinson (Chem ’79)
  • Guy Perreault (Mech ’75)
  • Neil Prestwich (Mech ’72)
  • David Rich (Civil ’71)
  • Jim Rosien (Civil ’76)
  • Michael Schaeffer (Chem ’71)
  • Wayne Schlote (Chem ’74)
  • Martin Schreindorfer (Mech ’68)
  • John Schroeder (Civil ’67)
  • Rick Shepherd (Civil ’75)
  • Paul Sullivan (Mech ’64, ’65)
  • Frank Tai (SD ’03)
  • Jan van der Jagt (Chem ’70)
  • P.K. Venki Venkiteswaran (Mech ’68, ’73)
  • Michael Vladescu (Elect ’93)
  • Steven Voll (Comp ’91)
  • Douglas Wilson (Civil ’69)
  • Eric Wynes (Elect ’77)
  • Ray Yang (Chem ’66)
  • Wm. Alan Young (Mech ’63)
  • Les Zoltan (Elect ’73)