Resource Recovery Partnership Conference 2018

Thursday, June 21, 2018 12:00 am - Friday, June 22, 2018 12:00 am EDT (GMT -04:00)


The Waterloo Institute for Sustainable Energy and the Canadian Plastics Industry Association are pleased to offer complimentary academic registration to faculty and students for this 2-day event.

This conference is intended to bring together international experts, policy makers, researchers, innovators and entrepreneurs to explore how the advancements in resource recovery technologies and the pursuit of a sustainable economy are changing the way we interact with our world.

The goal of the two-day interactive event is to address the critical components required in the journey towards zero waste and a sustainable economy.

Our panels of experts will share insights and invite audience feedback on the following topics:

- Circular economy: is there an integrated approach to sustainable energy and sustainable materials management?

- Competing philosophies of the sustainable economy: is there “one” right answer?

- Waste as feedstocks – technology – end markets: can we close the loop to maximize resource efficiency?

- Exploring the versatility of recovery technologies: discover new methods and hidden sources of achieving sustainable energy

- Charting the path to a sustainable economy by identifying the financial, legislative and market challenges, impediments and opportunities for advancing the “4th R” – resource recovery