Approved courses for clearing 1A and 1B failed courses

This information is approved by the First Year Engineering Office to clear 1A and 1B failed courses.

1A and 1B Courses

Acceptable Equivalent Courses


Other Universities (Letter of Permission required and to be completed prior to enrolling in the course)

AE / CIVE / ENVE / GEOE 115 MATH 106*, MATH 114*, MATH 115 Athabasca University - Math 270^
AE / CIVE / ENVE / GEOE 121 CHE 120, CS 114, CS 115

Athabasca University - COMP 206^
Thompson Rivers University - COMP 1131^
Thompson Rivers University - COMP 2211^

AE / CIVE / ENVE / GEOE 123 GENE 123, MTE 120, ECE 140 Toronto Metropolitan University - ELE 202^
CHE 102 Not available

Toronto Metropolitan University - CHY 102, CCHY 103^
Thompson Rivers University - CHEM 1523^

CHE 120 AE / CIVE / ENVE / GEOE 121 Not available
CIVE 104 PHYS 115 Not available
CIVE 153 EARTH 121 Not available
ECE 105 NE 131, PHYS 115, or (PHYS 121 and 122 -  no lab component required) Athabasca University - PHYS 200^ (must obtain 70% or higher)
ECE 106 NE 241 Athabasca University - PHYS 205^
ECE 108 Not available Athabasca University - Math 309^
ECE 140 MTE 120, NE 140 Toronto Metropolitan University - ELE 202^
ECE 150 Not available Athabasca University - COMP 206^

COMMST 100, COMMST 223, EMLS 101R, EMLS 102R, EMLS 129R/ENGL 129R, ENGL 109, ENGL / COMMST 192

Not available    
ENGL / COMMST 192 COMMST 100, COMMST 223, EMLS 101R, EMLS 102R, EMLS 129R/ENGL 129R, ENGL 109, ENGL / COMMST 191 Not available
GENE 123 ECE 140, AE / CIVE / ENVE / GEOE 123 Not available
MATH 115 MATH 114*

Athabasca University - MATH 270^
University of Calgary - MATH 211, 213^
Toronto Metropolitan University - CMTH 108^

MATH 116, MATH 117 MATH 127*, 137*

Athabasca University - MATH 265^

MATH 118 MATH 119, 128*, 138*

Athabasca University - MATH 266^
University of Toronto - APS 163^

MATH 119 MATH 128*, 138* Not available
MSE 121 Not available

Athabasca University - COMP 218^
Toronto Metropolitan University -
CPS 109^, 118^, 125^

MTE 121 CS 137, ECE 150, SYDE 121 Athabasca University - COMP 206^
MTE 140 CS 135 Athabasca University - COMP 272^
NE 111 Not available

Athabasca University - COMP 218^
Toronto Metropolitan University - CCPS 109^

NE 112 MATH 115, MATH 136 Not available 
NE 140 ECE 140 Not Available
PHYS 115 ECE 105, PHYS 111 (must obtain 70% or higher), 121* Athabasca University - PHYS 200^

The term "clearing" means that the approved replacement course is taken and passed and then the original course is removed from the accumulative failure course count. For more information see Averages and Academic Standings in the Undergraduate Studies Academic Calendar.

*These courses are available through either the Centre for Extended Learning (online) at the University of Waterloo.

^These courses are available through another university. A Letter of Permission Form must be submitted and approved for courses being cleared at another university. The application deadline for Athabasca University is the tenth of the month in order to start the following month.

Students may seek approval for clearing courses not listed by providing the First-Year Engineering Office with a detailed course description of the course you wish to take from another university.

Glossary of acronyms used on this page for UWaterloo courses:

Course Acronym Meaning
AE Architectural Engineering
CHE Chemical Engineering
CIVE Civil Engineering
COMMST Communication Studies  
CS Computer Science
EARTH Earth Sciences
ECE Electrical and Computer Engineering
EMLS English for Multilingual Speakers
ENGL English
ENVE Environmental Engineering
GENE General Engineering
GEOE Geological Engineering
MATH Mathematics
ME Mechanical Engineering
MSE Management Science and Engineering
MTE Mechatronics Engineering
NE Nanotechnology Engineering
PHYS Physics
SE Software Engineering

Updated: July 26, 2024